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Everything posted by BluObieZ

  1. 26. I'm prank calling to make you think your parents died 27. A team, the one that everyone thinks. I don't pay attention. 29. The worst team in the league. Usually finishes last. Makes sense 30. Fuck Calgary and that shit head that "runs" them 32. The guy who's on top of the goals list at the end of the season. Duh! 35. Couldn't give a fuck less about it. I am either not picking up my option and leaving. Or i am handcuffing the team and getting bought out
  2. Touche
  3. You're not cool
  4. Oh. Please do elaborate. Because you clearly didn't read this. I apologize that you can't comprehend written words aka reading comprehension
  5. Yeah okay. I have proof that one of you is just itching to press ban. You know I have people that like me and they share shit with me. That coupled with the vague threat in PM. Yeah... And you guys look into complaints. You sure do. You just don't act on any complaints that I bring up. They are just ignored. Much like my appeal that actually had a good point. You boys can go back to ignoring things and go back to running it like a communism. I will go back to waiting on the pussy Bushito to accept fighting me in Iqaluit feb 14th at high noon at the corner of Mivvik and Federal. He challenges me to a fight. Then runs away... well wobbles away because he is fat. Probably went to McDonald's for 20 Big Macs for a pre breakfast snack
  6. Not desperate. I can create drama whenever I feel like it. I released these for other reasons. But I'll take pissing you off as a nice secondary prize. Do I get a shiny medal or something? Also if Bushito actually would man up Feb 14th 2020 in Ilaquit at the corner Mivvik and Federal I will be doing something for few seconds till he's lights out on the ground
  7. Don't worry I didn't forget about you
  8. Yeah I know. Compared to the people on here what it seems 24/7 my few minutes here and there is me around too much. I get it.
  9. So, I have been threatened by a member of the blue crew about if I post this article. I won’t give the specifics of the threat but it’s something that I cannot stand behind. It is a total abuse of power. I told him tell me an alternative and I will back down. But he decided to hide. So here I go. I will not talk about anyone specifically on this Dead Idols. This article is about Idols in general. People are so fixated on their love of their idols that they seem to forget that Idols are human beings and they bleed like we do and they do die like we do. So, we shouldn’t be so shocked when they do die. They are not gods. So yes, they do die. So why cry? You have no emotional connection to them. Sure, you watched their careers and you feel a connection there but why actually care when they die? Is it something in our minds that we are hard wired to give a shit when someone dies. Even if that person means nothing to you other then your memories of that sport, movies, or whatever they did to make them famous? Are we that messed up? Are we that shallow to think that us saying sorry will help the people that they left behind grieve? I’m sorry but their loved ones just want to be left alone to their grief and us bombarding them with flowers and shit isn’t going to help them deal with it any better. It won’t bring back their loved one. Why do we go to such great lengths, like going to an arena and laying flowers, going to the site of car crash (Paul Walker and Ryan Dunn) and lay these things? Do we think it helps? What about the personalities on TV that sit on panels and cry and tell stories about how these famous people touched them? People for years talked shit about Paul Walker (He wasn’t a great actor) And all of a sudden when he dies people are crying and saying how good of a actor he was. Like come on. I understand you want to come off as nice and say that he was good but for the time he was alive you talked shit about him and don’t you think the family knows that. They know that you are being fake. So, your grief and tears does not help them. It actually angers them. It’s better to not say or do anything then to do something out of fake sadness. People that beefed with these idols come out of the wood work claiming they will never be the same and they have been crying for days. Really? What about that beef you had with that person? Does somehow fix that beef you two had? Does it magically fix it because they are no longer alive so you can’t beef with them and you cannot hate them because hating a dead person would look bad on you? Do you think a person that kills someone out of hate for that person then feels like they will miss that person? Yeah that one is a bit of a stretch because icons usually die in odd ways. Most of them die like a normal person does. You know why? Because they themselves are normal. I know a ton of actors that want to be treated normally they go around set telling people to treat them normal. Why? Because they are normal people. They don’t like the fame; they don’t like the attention that the crazy fans give them. The only thing that separates normal people and famous people is money and talent that got them that money. So why idolize them? You can respect them for their talent and respect that they worked their asses off to get where they got to. But why idolize someone for that? The whole “Idol” thing is stupid if you ask me. And it should die off like the dodo bird. People should just focus on their lives and making their lives better. You can look up at these famous people and strive to be like that. Striving is fine. Striving helps you get to places you want to go. But to Idolize them and treat them like gods is plain stupid and just needs to stop. If the blue crew member follows through with his promise. I will be banned for this article. Even though I did not swear, or attack anyone, or even said anything remotely rude. Funny huh? What finally did me in was me being mild and the opposite of me. Getting banned for one of the most mild and tame Robbie Rants ever. So long if this is my last ever post. Oh. I can’t let my possible last words be that. So, I will leave it at this. Fuck You!
  10. All I need is a time and place buddy boy

  11. Dude, it's not worth $10 it will be a 1 second thing. I'll show up and he will run in his little hobbit hole and call the cops. Then he will come on here and claim he won. Or if he actually thinks I am a little kid, his pedophilic ass will be in for a shock. I mean why offer a supposed little kid flight and hotel if you didn't have ulterior motives? sick fuck. He's in for a real surprise because I am not a little kid. And I do work in film like I have proven many times before. I will expose him for the pedo that he is. Hmmm to catch a predator, nah he'd see that coming even though he is very dumb. @Bushitostill waiting on a time and place there buddy boy. Or are you all talk? Message me with some dets so we can settle this.
  12. Funny thing is that the guy actually thinks I am a little kid that goes around trolling. I have proved countless times that I work film. It's not my fault he doesn't know what a call sheet is. So that last post was either a offer to pay for my flight hotel so we can fight. Or if he actually believes that I am little kid then he is a pedophile offering a kid hotel and flight. What does he want to do with a supposed little kid in a hotel?
  13. Lol did you literally just challenge me to a fight? LOL isn't this like against the rules of this league or something? @Beaviss @Beketov @tfongoh wait let me guess you are above the law of this league. Funny thing is that I have proved that I work in film plenty of times. I'm sorry that you are too stupid to actually understand that. Reading comprehension is a tough I know buddy. I accept your feeble attempt to look tough. Time and place and I'll be there to knock your teeth in. Then I will use your post as proof that your provoked me, when you call the cops because me and you both know you will like the little girl that you are.
  14. Dead Idols 3 TONIGHT!!!!!

  15. Listened to like 5min. Not committing more than that. But if you are serious about having me as a guest I'd do it. Oh and I assure you I work in film. I've supplied proof so you can shut your cock hole Nyko. You guys think I spend so much time on this site lol. I'm on it maybe 1-2hrs in a week. Most weeks its 10-20min lol. And I've always been a troll, always will be. It's fun.
  16. Not really. I'm 100% original
  17. Can't say I have
  18. Man I could go for some kobe beef right about now

  19. Helicopter Prices have really plummeted

  20. Tis true, I do work in the industry and work with these people that lots view as idols. To me they are nothing but coworkers and normal humans. Funny enough lots of them actually like that and want to be treated "normal" and they hate when fans go crazy for them.
  21. That's cute, it was nicely composed and im sure it will effect the masses that hate the shit I say. I understand you need to appease the masses because you are a GM and you standing up against the asshole that is me looks good on you. While I am on your team now, I won't always be so people won't hold siding with me against you. So I get it. This isn't the media's fault. This is everyones fault for holding these people up higher then others. Looking at them like gods. So when they die people fucking react like this. Crying and in utter shock. Boo fucking hoo, he was human like the rest of us. He's gone. Forget him and move on. There are other really good basket ball players that didn't die like MJ
  22. Pretty sure I said in the last one that I skim for anything that says my name. Because usually those are stupid attacks at me. So I just ignore the rest. Like now I am replying to this without reading what you quoted. It's fun being ignorant.
  23. Cute attempt at a dig. But I'm pretty sure I posted a picture of a call sheet on Suits. But hey at least you tried attacking me. Failed. But tried
  24. I release this in 3 parts because if I released it in one part it would be far longer. So keeping it to 3 parts is me controlling the length. At one I just rant and keep going. I would do this even if it had 0 parts. I did it for years here and will continue till I leave in 2 seasons. So your theory is flawed like everyone's sadness for someone they watched play a sport.
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