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Everything posted by BluObieZ
I didn't say I feel bad for the millions. I bring it up because those people shot down in Iran they lost their lives in a more horrific manner. Yet they are forgotten. Sure they got a few days of coverage. Kobe will get at least a months coverage because of his fame. People these days are so obsessed with fame and famous people that they kiss the very ground they walk on. Till they fall to that very ground. It's quite stupid. I work with famous people all the time in film. I look at them and treat them like a normal person. To me they aren't someone to look up at and be like omg they are here. Fuck that. You are failing to see the point here. The point here is they public outpouring is stupid as fuck. People are only sad because he was famous and died. They are upset because they will never get to see him again. Which is selfish. He should be forgotten like the millions that die each day. The only people that should remember him are his loved ones and friends. Treat him and other idols deaths with how everyone else's deaths are. It should be in the entertainment news that he died. Because thats what he did, he entertained. He was a glorified clown. Paid to entertain the masses. His death should be in the entertainment news and now live breaking news on CNN, TSN and so on. Sport broadcasters shouldn't be crying uncontrollably on TV.
You didn't know Kobe. You knew he existed because of his fame. Why do you have to feel sad and bad that he died just because his fame? Does fame get you a automatic pity once you die? Fuck that. He's gone. Goodbye. NEXT! move onto the next person in the line of people you idolize.
Sure they can control it. It's called not giving a fuck. It's 1 person out of millions that die each day. He's dead, it sucks move on.
LOL not done for the attention. For years the league operated under "If you don't respond to Robbie he will stop" So for years no one responded. I kept doing these type of articles. I didn't stop. So clearly I'm not doing it for attention. Dip shit.
Sure why the fuck not? I already 3 for 3 in your whore mothers holes
Yep says the guy who posted in here twice.
lol Hot? no. Do I find it fun to say these things? yep. Consider this a byproduct of my boredom and my love to annoy people like you
What people seem to have looked past, failed to realize and failed to understand out of pure stupidity and pure hate for me is that I no where in the first part said anything about being happy that Kobe died. I did not say those words because that is not how I fucking feel. All of you fail to realize these things because you are fucking stupid cun… nope apparently, I’m not allowed to say that word or little crybaby ninnies like Nyko will cry all the way to the ban happy blue crew that bans me almost for sport. With zero warning, they just expect me to read minds that if I don’t take that word down, I will get a two-week PT ban. But if they would have told me if I don’t change the words, they will PT ban me, I would have changed the words. So, this is a clear attempt by the league to ban me because it’s fun. So much so none of the people that run the league even responded to me fighting the ban since I was not warned at all. Ah must be such a good thing to run a online league and ban people with zero warning for no reason at all. Fucking pathetic if you ask me. Which leads me into the what part two is about. How pathetic it is that people idolize these people so much that when they pass away (keep in mind people die, they don’t live forever) they are crying like little bleeding twats (Not a banned word so fuck you. Can't further my PT ban for using non banned words) people calling into radio stations, people posting on facebook and so on about how much Kobe meant to them. Buddy if you think one basket player meant a lot to you, then you are one lonely fuck. Kobe was quoted once saying he does not pity people. So do you think if he was living and you died in a similar crash do you think he would pity you and the others that died? Do you think he would actually give a fuck? No, he would continue being the person that he was. He would continue to live his life. Because you know, that’s what human is. You don’t cry about people that you don’t personally know dying. If that was a thing, then you may as well start crying over everyone that died today. Which according to worldometer is over 100,000 just today. Have you sent out 100,000+ I’m sorry’s and RIP’s? NO? why? Have you no fucking heart? Have you no fucking soul? What’s that? You don’t feel bad about everyone that dies? No one does? Exactly my fucking point you no good twat. And if you claim that you care about all gods’ creations, I say this to you. Have you sent prayers to your little lord and savior for 100,000+? How about all 4.5 mill that died this year? Why not? Why is that you kneel at church or beside your bed in tears to pray for Kobe but not for other people? You can sit there and type on your little keyboards saying how big of an asshole I am. But am I really an asshole? Or am I just someone that speaks the truth and you all are people who are over sensitive and don’t like things pointed out to you. Well fuck you in your little loose twat. I don’t care about your over sensitive feelings and I don’t care about Kobe dying. Not that wanted the guy to die or anything, but I meet his death with the same ignorance as everyone else that died the same day he did and every day before and after. The true problem here is that the sensitive twats these does cry too easy and want the world to feel that way and when people don’t then they say they are offended by their lack of care and empathy. Where is it exactly written that people must care about these “idols” so much that we have to care when they die. You can idolize them all you want when they are playing, sure go ahead. But since you have no personal connection to them, it should end once they retire. Idols come and Idols go, find a new one and forget the ones that have died. Because they now rest in their graves. Sleeping with the worms and so on, and if there is a heaven (there isn’t) but if there is. I am sure none of them are thinking how many fans they have disappointed by them passing on. They have forgotten about their fans. So forget about them, for they have died and become nothing. Do you idolize nothing?
Oh you will. And I'm sure you will complain like the little rat bitch that you are. Like you did after this one.
There is only one of you. If you died on this helicopter you would be a after thought. All because of a celebrity.
Oh using the league as a example is not an attempt at making this about the league buddy. It was an attempt to make this relatable. A "put yourself in their shoes" attempt but instead of putting yourself in their shoes you put yourself in heels and a skirt
Not claiming it. Could have just left it at that. Was not even going to try to claim it. Thanks for the two cents though. Not gonna stop me from posting parts 2 and 3
I skimmed for "trigger" words which was Robbie. And what you people seem to not get from this post is the simple fact that this article is about everyone seems to care about famous people then regular people. When they themselves are regular at best. People weep for these famous people but not for the others that die. No one cries about people dying in Africa, people dying on that Iran flight, people that will never be found on MH370, or the little boys raped by the priests, or little kids raped, all those are hidden in the news. Just quick little articles and that's it. But these famous people get hundreds of full page articles. Fuck em. Kobe said he doesn't pity people. So I don't pity him. May he rest. Because he can't do anything else. Part 2 of the 3 part series is tonight
I know you all are thinking it right now "He's not really going to do it, he's not going to say bad things about someone who died" Well technically what I have to say is not focused on Kobe Bryant, it's focused on this whole notion that when a famous person dies we all have to stop and be "sad" Well guess what? FUCK THAT. Sure it sucks people died in a helicopter crash. But do you weep for the people on MH370 that were never found? how about the people shot out the air by Iran? or the countless kids that die of hunger? Or all the people that die in general each and every day? NO? why the fuck not? are you some heartless fuck that doesn't care? No? No you think I am for thinking this and posting this. People these days feel more bad about these famous people that they idolize then people that are actually suffering. You sit in your houses and watch the endless feeds about Kobe. Like you did with the drummer dude and so on down that list. You look at people like me that don't care and wonder why. But the funny thing is I look at people like you and wonder why you care so much about some person that will never give you a second of their day. A person protects themselves with security so they don't have to deal with people like you. You mourn these people like they are gods and you are just some little nat that is so lucky to even breathe the same air that they are. No one says that Kobe's daughter died along side her father. No one says a great helicopter pilot died, or some great coach. It's Kobe and 8 others. It's Kobe, his daughter and 7 others. It's not promising 13 year old prospect and legend father and so on down the list. When I die I want it to read "Local asshole dies. Fuck Him" If you want to sit there and cry, if you want to leave flowers and all that sappy shit go ahead, do whatever you want, but you are just a little sheep that follows the trend just so you don't want to look or sound different. Out of fear that if you say "I don't care" you will be criticized for not feeling bad. Think about it. Lets play a little game. Pretend this was a real league. We were all real athletes and we had fan bases that loved us. Now imagine if some of us died in a plane crash. Not me because I am like a cockroach. Imagine the tons of people saying sorry and that the people were in their prays and shit. Awwwww how fucking nice huh? NO! "but why Robbie?" Because, first of all god does not exist so you are praying to nothing. You are praying that these people are looked after by someone in a place that does not exist. Secondly the whole "Sorry" part is just something people say, it's the same thing as "RIP" you don't mean it. You just say it so you don't look different. So you look like you care. But deep down you know they don't care. Their "sentiments" won't help fill the hole the deaths created. You don't read messages of sorry's to help you grieve. So why the fuck do we say such things? when we know if the tables were turned you wish the fake well wishers would fuck right off. You would replace the people you miss with the fake fucks in a split second. Hell (yes I said hell) I bet you anything if heaven and all that shit exists if the said famous person was asked "You can go back to living if you replace yourself here with one of your fans" They would do it in a heartbeat. They wouldn't think about it. They would just pick a random person and go back to their life while ruining others. You know you do it, if you the famous hockey player in game of pretend we are playing here. The sorry ones would be replaced by the one people are feeling sorry for in a heart beat. It's life and as much as you want to ignore it, you know it's true.
First off I had to actually do something that I never ever do. I looked into what I was saying to make sure that I was being truthful. I wish I was being a liar but that is not the case. Seattle sucks so much dick right now they are putting @Banackock to shame (Not that there's anything wrong with that) Seattle has one fucking win. You can count that one finger. NOT HAND!!!!! well... the finger is on your hand but how many times have you heard "You can count it on one finger" Like seriously I doubt those fucking words have ever been spoken in leagues history. If they have I need proof or fuck right off to your whore mothers tit. I picked this team after they picked me... via trade. I could have not signed and hit the market but I picked to "stay" and give a cup a shot in Seattle and it failing harder then your grand parents "good girl" lessons did on your whore mother. Am I angry that how this season is looking? LOL no! It just find it funny. Funny enough to write this article that you are reading right now. Fuck you Seattle. Fuck you in your horrible ass. Win some fucking games... or not. It would actually be funny if we only won 1 game this season. That would be funny to no end.
4. I cannot give detail but I can tell you that it's pretty lame. I let a gaggle of hookers go last season in Toronto's LR 5. From what I heard the guys tell me it was "I am gay" "I want the whole world to know that I am gay" and "I love cock" not that there's anything wrong with that 13. I don't know you. So good bye. 15. HORRIBLY! Couldn't bring me in last season because of how it was handled. So fuck you 21. Yes I will try to play less hockey and do more blow, so far I am living up to it
9. They were the 2nd best team and lost 10. They were the better team and won 14. I know I speak for everyone on the team, they all were excited to have me. Hell I am excited that they were excited. 16. Seattle the trade for me. It will win them another cup. 17. Some dude that plays a position in a game we call hockey 18. Sure why not? His player should be called Dollar Dollard 19. Have you not read my article that stirred up a shit storm?
Orion Slade heading into his third last season in the league has picked the Seattle Bears as his next team. A team that traded for his rights, in hopes to sign him. So in a way Seattle picked Orion and he decided that he should stay in Seattle for a shot at a cup since he hasn't won one in a few seasons. No one really knows what was said between the two sides because rumors were flying that Robbie Zimmers and Orion Slade were ignoring any and all communication from the team. But then on the eve of Orion of being able to talk to other teams he signs a two year contract with Seattle, but obviously the second year being a player option. Did Orion just see that Seattle was clearly the best team even then, before free agency started so other teams had to catch up to them. Or did he just take a shot and hoped that it would pay off. No one really knows and that's exactly how Orion wants it. Orion said in a interview that "Why does it matter why I signed in Seattle? are you that fuck feeble minded? look buddy I am here and I am here to win. Is that the reason why I signed? fuck no! if you want that answer you are going to find a glass vile I buried in Siberia. In there is the location of another vile in Antarctica and so on down the list till you realize I just wanted you to fuck off. So lets skip all that and you just fuck off now. Sound good?"
Wasn't taking anything personally. I was just saying it's easy to not want a player back that didn't want to sign anyway. It was your right to trade his rights because you got something for someone that you would have lost for nothing. Hell you got something from the team I would have signed with more than likely. It was a good move tbh. Turned a player going to FA into a pick. But my point is stop calling a pot a kettle. As much as you didn't want to resign me, that was way after me saying it would be a 1 and done the second I signed. So you to say that I wouldn't be resigned is a moot point. That's like your cars lease being over. You handing the car back and walking away and the dealership saying "we didn't even want to talk to you about financing it" so you saying this is you trying hard to look "cool" by saying "we didn't even want you back" when the truth really is it was always going to be just only one season in Toronto. I wanted to play one last time in Toronto before leaving and I did that.
Yeah. Cause when signing I said it would be one and done. I wanted to play in Toronto before I left. So I did. So a point would be nice from you, since your little jab of me not being welcome back makes no sense. Even if it's true (not that I care and it's not) But lets say it is. I was only not welcome back well after I said I would sign only for one season for a one and done. Go back to the drawing board buddy if you want to start something.