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Everything posted by BluObieZ

  1. 6. They did what they did and it had to be done. 7. Who the fuck is he? why should I care? 8. Orion Slade. 0points 0 games played. Plays for no one. Go team Free agent 9. Team Orion Slade. Dudes legit a beast. 10. Offer Bushito crack. He likes crack. 11. Kick back and make fun of the league for the season.
  2. Fuck being on a team. That's overrated. Free Agency is where it's at. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BluObieZ


      I chose to be a free agent. For you guys to be "free" of me I would have had to have left. Which I didn't. Actually I will still be doing my normal things around here. Gaining TPE and posting annoying status updates, vhl.com articles and maybe I'll go back to doing some MS's. Why keeping earning TPE if I'm a free agent? Simple. Because I can. There is no rule that a free agent cannot earn TPE.

    3. Banackock
    4. pennypenny


      Can I win Robbie's Big Bucks 

  3. So you would think that Orion Slade would be upset that he is still an free agent. You would think this would drive him away from the league and it would finally rid you of him and his agent. Well guess what? Orion had a few discussions with a few teams and he turned them all down. He chose to be a free agent for the rest of his career. He chose this because it's more fun this way. He will continue to practice each week as he laughs about still being a free agent. Since his plan of winning as many cups as possible went straight out the window, he has moved onto having fun with his last two seasons. So whats more fun then mocking the league while being a free agent. He is still going to be productive by "practicing" so you can't make the argument to get rid of him. Consider this and the next two seasons of free agent mocking as one last fuck you from him and his agent. It will be fun (at least) for him and it will for sure will be entertaining. Even though you will never admit that you are entertained by it because you know that would be like saying you worship the devil. So I understand why you won't come out and say you are looking forward to seeing where I go with this. You can silently follow and silently laugh while you make comments as in you are bored etc. They don't phase me. They make me want to do it even more. So sit back and silently enjoy because I know you do even though you won't say it. Oh and most importantly Fuck off for now. I bet you thought I would say wash your hands, stay home and stay safe. But no, I will not say that because I don't care what you do with your life. If you want to be stupid, then go ahead and be stupid. It's your life, ruin it as you may.
  4. 1. Russian Vodka pool party. Yes thats a pool filled with Russian Vodka 2. Orion Slade. He refuses to sign with anyone but that doesn't stop them from inquiring 3. Did you get Phillip J Frye back? I answer your question with a question. Hahahaha fuck you 4. No fucks given 5. Hard to say since I gace zero fucks about either. Not because I didn't care about them specifically. Mostly because I don't care about anyone 27. He wins after wimping out and calling the police on me upon my arrival. I can't win if I'm handcuffed so he would win by count out
  5. OH.MY.GOD! I have the greatest plan. It will unravel over the last two season. HAHAHAHAHAHA LOL this will be epic

  6. Had a few convos. Had a few "would you consider" and "hows this for term" etc at this point I think Orion will finish his last 2 seasons a free agent. But we will see. Things change

    1. Banackock


      "Orion sucks real bad. "

      - some fan from Seattle

    2. BluObieZ


      Probably the fan I drop kicked on the way out of the arena after cleaning out my locker

    3. Banackock
  7. I don't remember. I think I just stumbled on them. Lucky you guys huh?
  8. Orion Slade recently ended a long stand off with the Seattle Bears. The team and him were at loggerheads over his player option on next year which came with a NTC. Orion claimed that he would make them wait till the last possible second before he would make up his mind. Well... That didn't happen because about 4 days before the deadline he opted out of the option, thus setting himself free and allowing Seattle out of a financial "hold up" But why would a Robbie Player back down from such a opportunity to make a spectacle about something that would have had people following to the end? Well if you ask Robbie Zimmers the agent for Orion Slade he says "This was the plan, if would have gone till the last second did this it wouldn't have been such a big payoff for us because he would have still declined. We would have drew it out till the end if the plan was to pick it up. Now we can focus on the future" But what does the future hold for a player with two years left in his VHL career? Rumors are swirling that no team will even offer him a contract. Which most would think would piss him and his agent off but Robbie has a answer to that question also "If no one wants to sign him thats fine with us. We will make the most of it and make it a huge joke. It will be fun. So if you plan to not sign him, he will still practice as a joke and joke about the whole situation. If you think it will get rid of him, you are sadly mistaken. It actually will make things worse. So I dare you to not offer him any contracts. I actually hope you don't, it will be far more entertaining"
  9. 40. He saved it till now and bought a ton of toilet paper. To sell on the street corner. 41. I don't know. I personally threw actual shit at him. Dog shit to be exact. 42. He's probably has the Coronavirus living in a old peoples home so no I will not visit. 43. Pauly Shore? I have no idea. I guess it went well. Pauly would do anything for publicity 44. Jerking off to the dark room. Yes. He is jerking off to the actual room he is standing in. He is attracted to dark places.
  10. Because. If no one offers me a contract what can I do? can't force them to offer me a contract. So if that happens I have plans. It's called making the most out of it. We will see once free agency opens how it plays out. If I get offers or not.
  11. Oh buddy. Wait till Orion is done with. It will be a spectacle
  12. I weighed my options. Make him squirm and pick up my option or go to free agency and maybe be a free agent for the rest of my time here. Every move I make is calculated. People think I'd get mad if no team offers me a contract. I actually welcome it.
  13. Dumbasses are buying so much of it that I wouldn't be shocked if they were eating it. Pay attention
  14. Stats don't lie Imma leave this here. Proof people are massively over reacting to this. These are the cold hard stats. They don't lie
  15. Till today I did not care about this. But today was black friday for productions. All productions, other then some Netflix shows have taken a 2 week precautionary break. So this has unleashed me on the public that I avoid because most are dumb. I went to a plaza today just for milk. I walked in the store, walked right back out because of the insane panic buyers. Fucking morons. Buying toilet paper because yep that will save you. Hope you fucking choke on it morons, not getting in these lines just for milk for my kids. I'll go to Metro later and get it. Fucking pathetic public reaction if you ask me. Makes me wonder how we'd all react to something that we should really be worried about. This Virus is nothing. It's not the end of times. Wow a few thousand have died. but 70,000 have recovered. This is nothing. But people are legit fighting over toilet paper. They can have it. Choke and die you fucking scum.
  16. Film shutting down for at least two weeks because the virus. Which will make me more active around here. You guys can consider yourselves lucky

    1. NotAVHLM-GM


      What movie you currently working on?

    2. BluObieZ


      TV show. See season 2

    3. NotAVHLM-GM


      Haven't gotten that show yet over here, but definitly looks promising

  17. It has the Caronavirus
  18. Hey what's that smell? Smells like something is burning. Must be the Bears next season if Orion picks up his PO and sends them into Cap HELL!!!!

  19. If we win the ship' will it be enough for me not to pick up my PO and send Seattle into cap hell? We will see
  20. Rumors are swirling about that Orion Slade is planning on picking up his player option for next season. Which is his right since it's an actual clause in his contract. One that the GM of Seattle gave him. But reports are that Seattle is planning to buyout Slade if he does pick up his option. Sounds messy right? If Orion picks up his option it will cost the team 4mill against the cap. But if they buy him out, he will only cost them 2. Either way it will hurt the teams cap situation. Mostly because with Orion's cap hit they will have to trade someone to keep certain players around. Orion is basically forcing the hand of Seattle and holding them at gun point. Seattle is trying their hardest to make the situation sound like that they have it under control and believe that Orion will do the right thing. But will he? If you go off his track record and his agents track record, Seattle is about to enter what is called Cap hell. Sure they will buy him out but its still 2 mill that they can use on someone else. All signs point to Orion picking up that option or at least making them wait till the last possible second to tell them he won't pick it up. Seattle cannot even trade his rights because he has a NTC in his contract. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
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