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Everything posted by BluObieZ

  1. Yep. Sure. You proved me wrong. Uh huh. Yep
  2. Nope, I wasn't going back to Toronto because I have 3 seasons left in Orions career and my time here. Wanted to play for someone new. The 2nd year here in Seattle is my option. Which everyone knows I won't pick up
  3. You sure you want my opinion? I'll make it into this weeks MS
  4. They don't mention the massive bribe you paid me.
  5. Talks between @Banackock and Orion Slade's agent Robbie Zimmers have broken down. No where close to a deal. But hey they talked. That's positive right?

  6. I've heard a shot in the dark. But Seattle wasted a pick on trading for Slade. Seattle holds a 1% chance in signing him. This seems to be anger stemming from "the vote" last offseason. Orion and agent have ignored any and all attempts by the team to contact him

  7. I know how it works. But trading for a player with full intention to hit the market makes no sense
  8. I'm a free agent... but okay
  9. But he... wait I'm an adult I have nothing to fear
  10. I'm offended that you're offended. Who do I talk to once I'm offended?
  11. Lol you sir take shit way too serious. Sounds like you are a believer in god and a good "Christian" how do I come to such conclusion? Out of everything I said you found the Pope stuff the most insulting to you. You and your little boy lover of a pope can go take a chill pill and take five min to think about if this truly is the sword you want to die on. Trust me, I not like Trump will not back down because you made a stupid and foolish attack on me. The IQ attack is soooo lame and it's the one attack most people use when they themselves have a low IQ. If you had any IQ (yes I am saying you have 0 you feeble minded fool) you would have thought about something more insulting and more hard hitting. Instead you chose the played out one that has zero sting at all. Go away little boy. Run to church
  12. What can I say, I am a comical kind of guy. I can't take you seriously because you have Kopitar and I'm guessing Peterson in your sig.
  13. HAHAHAHA you wish. I am 6'3" First off. and I would say all this and more to your face. But hey if that helps you sleep at night to think I wouldn't then sure, go ahead and think it. Why not imagine me as ant size so you can step on me?
  14. Tell me how this one ate itself? You guys donated under the league banner. You donated other peoples money under the VHL banner. That's like me robbing you and giving your money to another person. Charity is stupid because generally the money does not go where it actually helps the people or the animals. This is why I used the Pope praying. It helps as much as that. Which is not at all. All the league did here was waste money on something stupid. You didn't help anyone as much as you wanted to. If you want to believe that, go ahead. But that's like believing in santa claus or the easter bunny. Oh one last note wait until you read the next article
  15. I hope it's a migraine
  16. Good theory but no.
  17. You leave him alone. I vote that you are the one that @Rayzor_7 sucks. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Some guys like girls others like men. It's okay buddy.
  18. I vote you suck dick
  19. My thoughts exactly. The amount fucks I give are about 0 if not less. Want to put that to a vote?
  20. 1. Are you shocked by us going seven games? 2. Is this a building block the team can use for next season? 3. How can the team build off this? 4. How can the team learn from this loss? 5. Where do you think Orion Slade sign in the off-season? 6. Do you trust the teams brain trust can build off this team and make it a cup winner? 7. Do you have an odd ritual before games? 8. What do you eat before a game? 9. What color visor do you play with? Why that color? 10. What color tape do you use? 11. Bonus: Have you noticed that I ran out of questions? It’s my last batch with this team so meh.
  21. Toronto has been eliminated from the playoffs in seven games and Orion Slade failed to win another cup in yet another failed season. Sure, Toronto took one of the best teams in the league to the brink. That’s great and all. But it means nothing to Orion. He is leaving Toronto in the off-season, in hopes he can find a team that is cup contender that wants him. Seattle will probably come knocking yet again, but after how last off-season unfolded who really knows if he will even take their call because he is not happy with the team vote they took just because he didn’t want to sign a two-year deal. When asked about the possibility of playing for Seattle, Orion said “Look, I didn’t like their stupid survivor style vote last off-season. I wasn’t even on the team and they voted me off because I wanted one not two seasons. Fuck em. If they want me, they can figuratively suck my cock and beg me. That’s all I have to say about that” It will be interesting with just a few seasons left, where will Orion take his talents next season. One thing that is sure, it will be a team that he has not played for yet. Which one? Your guess is as good as mine.
  22. Quick! Look away it’s another article by the asshole that is Robbie. You really don’t want to read this one because it probably attacks some of your beliefs. Well guess what? This is my belief so who died and made your beliefs more important then mine? Did your mom stop hooking on the corner because she’s in the hooker palace in the sky? Awwww damn. Sorry that your mommy was such a damn skank. Maybe she should have paid more attention to you so you wouldn’t be such a sensitive fool on a online forum crying about every little thing that is said. But look at me. I already wasted one hundred and fourteen words on this. So might as well cut to the chase. Why do people give to charities? Seriously answer that question for me, because the only reason that people with money do it is because they want tax breaks. Not out of the niceness of their hearts. No one really is a nice enough person to give money to charities just because they are nice. Why give money, your hard-earned money to people who need it? Come on think about it. Do you really think that your little money that you give really helps? Do you know how expensive it is to live? After all the donation money is filtered through the employees of the charity, there isn’t much left. They need to pay their people and other expenses. That’s not even mentioning that more charities are scams then not. So why do people really give? Do you think the fucking Pope? Yes, I said FUCKING Pope. Sue me. Do you think when he isn’t smacking the hands of women, do you think he gives money to charities? Fuck no! he offers prayers. Wow that’s really going to help little Bobby in Atlanta have food in his stomach. Or Ken in Africa have safe drinking water. The people that give money to charities don’t do it out of the niceness of their hearts, they do it so they can say “He look I gave money; I think you should too” It’s so they can look better than you. So why haven’t I done it yet to make you all look bad? Because I am better than you and you know it. Some of you more so then others. So, when the league holds a charity drive and says “Hey donate money” and people do it. I sit back and laugh. Not at the charity. Which could be a hit or miss if it’s a scam or not. But I laugh that all these people that are trying to do the nice thing and give money. But they will not get the recognition. The Charity will see that the league made the donation. Not the people who actually gave their money. Sure, the league matched the money. But the leagues money is your donated money into their holdings. So not only are the league matching with your money, they are taking your newly donated money and have donated the money under the “VHL” banner and said “Hey look at us, we donated this money so you sorry fucks can thank us now” Sure, there is a small possibility that they did this out of the niceness of their hearts and just wanted to give money as a league. Not as a singular identity but as a group of people. Which brings up another fucked-up fact. If they are (I’m sure they did) donating as the league to be nice and showing strength in numbers, saying we as a group, a community online have donated this money. Not only have they taken away your donation from your name, but they also said this league as a whole donated the money. Which I’m sure most of you did not. I know I didn’t and I never will. I only “donate” when I want a tax break. But whatever, who am I to tell you how to spend your dead moms hooking earnings? If you want zero recognition and zero thank you then you did the right thing. You donated as a group. One last fucked fact. Me ranting about charities gets me 12TPE this week because of the Charity drive free doubles week. Funny huh? I think so. Anyways! You will never be recognized for your donation. Remember charities say “No donation is too small” so don’t say that you only donated $20. Because no donation is too small. You will continue to live life by not being recognized, just like how you conduct yourself here. Good day kids. End Rant.
  23. Warning! incoming controversial article. Get you panties in a wad now.  

  24. Well. Well. Well. Look at that. This is going to make me sound real bad in this weeks MS... oh well
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