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VHLM Commissioner
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Status Replies posted by Gustav

  1. Vancouver and co cleaning up the offseason as the same old GM’s “wait for FA” just to lose out like every season. Something, something earlier bird gets the worm. 


    Dave Chappelle Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


    1. Gustav


      Me after being known for making huge moves in the offseason and sucking anyway:


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I just hit 5 years on this site, where has the time gone

    1. Gustav


      Your time has gone into none other than this site itself

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Canadians how do you feel that America beat you on Monday and Wednesday?

    1. Gustav


      Monank Patel drinking Canadian tears after a half century in both matches:


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Fixed some bugs with the Player Finances so you may see some more money in your Players bank.

  5. Do I recreate as a D or a G? Help me out.

    1. Gustav


      Agree on not repeating a position. You may or may not want to consider forward as well after this draft class--but you earn well enough that lots of people going to one position won't hurt your chances anywhere.


      Something I really appreciate about defense is that hits and (especially) SB mean a lot more. Maybe you won't put as many points on the board as a forward, but you also have more numbers to care about.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Anyone know anything about hockey at University of Manitoba or University of Regina

    1. Gustav


      I've been to a few college hockey games over the past few years and they're interesting compared to my NHL experiences. Our arena doesn't fill up a lot but the student section can still get nuts.


      Something else I definitely noticed about college hockey in person is that pro players are on another level in terms of skating and positioning. Last time I went I saw so many people take huge hits that they took themselves right into (I'm sure the defense was more aggressive as well for this reason). I'd rather see an NHL game but if you're ever in NA college is certainly worth it as well.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Will goalies see a meta update soon? 🤣What’s going on right now

    1. Gustav


      Me on my way to nerf goalies the second Vandelay retires


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Anyone give anything up for lent?

    1. Gustav


      I used to give up the Internet for anything that wasn't necessary. Today I have no idea how I pulled that off.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Question: are you allowed to have multiple accounts?

    1. Gustav


      Short answer is no; I'll elaborate on the long answer for anyone curious.


      If you were the sort of person to do any of the following, a second account would let you:

      • Back yourself up in arguments/unfairly manipulate public opinion
      • Gain an advantage on your teams (especially in the VHLM and/or if you were a GM) by essentially placing yourself somewhere twice, or by putting yourself somewhere else and purposely building/earning poorly
      • Act disrespectfully to other people under the mask of that other account
      • Really just confuse everyone in a community that's small enough where most of us know each other
      • Probably some other stuff that I'm not evil enough to think about


      The second and fourth points there are especially relevant to our site, and it's why we especially have those rules while larger places (think every social media site) do not. Even if your motivation is just "I really love the VHL and want to do more of it," the point about it being confusing and making the ways we interact with each other really weird is enough reason to say you shouldn't.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. All members: What’s been your favourite part of @Gustav so far? Least favorite?

  11. All members: What’s been your favourite part of @Gustav so far? Least favorite?

  12. just as a question seeing that you are a GM, how do you apply to become one?

    1. Gustav




      GM jobs become available as GMs leave their positions. Generally, this happens during the offseason, and while we hate to see people go, the VHLM is usually hiring then.


      Applications are open to everyone, but we'll hire who we feel can make the most difference (new members can make it too!). You can make a great impression on us by earning well, participating actively on the forums and Discord, and being positive and supportive to whoever you come across.


      I'm looking forward to seeing where you can go, and maybe you'll be a GM someday!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hello


    1. Gustav


      Welcome to the VHL! Feel free to reach out with any questions.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Might make a defender with my next create in 3-4 seasons. People who have made a dman before, what’s it like? I’ve always had scoring forward players.

    1. Gustav


      I really liked that hits/SB became a marker of a good performance rather than just an "oh hey, that's cool but what about my points" thing. You can get zero points in a game but still be really proud of your performance. So I think that by itself (especially with SB) adds another dimension to your player that you wouldn't necessarily care about with a forward. I haven't played defense since S71 and all I'll say is that I'm looking forward to doing it again 👁️

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Just looked at my player stats for the first time ever - how do I have so many points as a dman? And why do I have so many PIMS?

    1. Gustav


      That's actually not abnormal. I'm sure you're aware that the league has had its varying eras of scoring and that Gritty played in a really dead one. The same is true for the M--Garcia was (I think) 2nd in SB with (I think) 120 in S65 and that would be nothing today. Hybrid attributes are part of it, but it's all relative.


      We've had weirder. At least the M leaders aren't breaking 200 points (yet) like they've done a few times.

  16. Hands up if you’re more gustav than @Gustav 🖐️ 

    1. Gustav


      I'm legitimately curious how people would justify being more me than me

  17. Hands up if you have GMd a team to more cups than @Gustav  :ssk:✋

    1. Gustav


      Hands up if you'd like me to reopen this thread  :vhlmlogo: ✋


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. This is Beaviss on Fongs account post old VHL memes in comments. 

  19. One pill makes you larger

    And one pill makes you small

    And the ones that mother gives you

    Don't do anything at all 

    1. Gustav


      And then 18 years later came "We Built This City". At the risk of sounding like a YouTube comment, what the hell happened?


      Awesome song though. It's short and certainly has 60s-level production but still manages to express a lot in a bit of a creepy way.

  20. If someone designs like a poster or something I'll use the rest of my print funds and put it up all around my campus

    1. Gustav


      Hit me up next week about this! I'd design it if you're serious.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. I think we should all start putting flyers up around our respective towns to get recruitment up. That will do the trick.

    1. Gustav


      I got responses to a survey in my freshman year by leaving flyers about it in random buildings. When the first one hit a couple hours after I printed the first few I was so happy.


      This is something that gets brought up a lot but as far as I'm aware no one's ever done it. I don't think whoever makes these things should be able to claim recruitment TPE for them (as there's no one-on-one interaction, and also in case it really ends up working), but if you care about the league itself, whether you get a kickback on it shouldn't make a difference either way in whether you want to do it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. 2000TPE down! Now it's time to hunt down Spartan's record!

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