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Everything posted by solas

  1. top ten, you love to see it (Honestly, I remember being surprised that I was drafted that high with Dvorak. I had been planning to take a break post-JPC and tbh I probably should've instead of immediately recreating)
  2. Much appreciated! Still remember that time in the 50s fondly, even if the league wasn't quite as active then.
  3. Vasteras... (to be honest this does seem like it was for the best though, I kinda talked myself into it when it was announced but the more I thought about it the less it made sense)
  4. Time to put @sterling back in charge of the money
  5. Killers of the Flower Moon is a book I've had on my to-read list for a while, so it's nice to hear that it's a good read. Going to try and make sure I get to it this year. What was it that you disliked about The Maid? That's another book I've considered reading but never got to.
  6. Didn't read as much as I wanted to in 2023 as grad school kind of derailed a lot of my plans of reading for fun. I don't think I enjoyed any book this year as much as I did the books I read in 2022, but Player Piano and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo were probably my two favorites. Hoping to pick things back up in 2024. Also I just created a StoryGraph account, not sure how much I'll use it but my username is s0las there if anyone wants to add me over there.
  7. I'd also be willing to offer a VHL-related graphic for the auction.
  8. Great trip down memory lane with the names in this article. I remember making a list of hall of famers by nationality a while ago (I think you ended up making a better one) but seeing the teams grouped up like this is really interesting and it's still surprising to see the relatively lower number of HoFers from Finland and Russia. Good to know I still have two players that could make it on a team
  9. solas

    VHLE: Back to Six

    Karmic justice.
  10. Thanks for making my time in Chicago so great! By far the best locker room I've ever been a part of
  11. I'm going to print out this graph and hang it on my wall.
  12. interesting
  13. posting
  14. Entering
  15. cool
  16. lightning25, yeah lol Pretty sure Gagnon was IR's first player, according to this thread Radislav Mjers and Mikey Blade came immediately afterwards
  17. I think the idea is that this is supposed to be Westeros at its most rich and powerful so everything is supposed to be more expensive and colorful.
  18. @Shindigs
  19. Thanks for the mention Also iirc Pensfan came back in the 30s or so when you were inactive. Luckily he left again before he had to see Vasteras moved.
  20. Holy fucking shit dude, what an article. Honored to be a named on this list as a player AND a part of the worst draft class of all time!
  21. 15 years doesn't seem right. Hard to believe I've been here for most of them. HBD VHL
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