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Everything posted by Berocka

  1. Yeah cheers mate, was a whole lot of nothing at the end for us. Luckily where we are it stayed out at sea just a bit of wind and rain.
  2. That's not how averages work Total salaries/number of teams = average cap Where the players play don't change the average cap hit
  3. Once again @Gustav is a stinky poo poo head
  4. Updated $2 plz
  5. The hunger is gone, the hunger for tpe, the dedication to the grind. It's all gone I took about a month off and apart from opening and closing the forums a handful of times when. I was really bored I didn't miss it. I have no want to update. I couldn't tell you a single stat from Gustav's last season let alone where the bears finished up. I last acquired tpe on 8 Sept and last applied it to Gustav Mattias in August. I apologise to the real Gustav for besmirching his name but I think I'm done. Thanks for the 5 years VHL best of luck to ya. I know no one cares and I don't expect anything. It's more just a closing of the book for me I've gotten everything I wanted from the VHL and I have given it hours of my life. Now to bid it farewell. I'll never be a hall of famer but I'm happier this way most mediocre person the VHL has ever seen
  6. On Reveal: Add a 5-Power DoomBot to each other location.
  7. Hey Bana, interview me mate happy to help out where ever
  8. 1. Goalball in the Paralympics is my favourite 2. I think I might go Fiji but not sure 3. Whoever gets picked 5th overall will be a future HOFer Q1) What would be your one suggestion to the BOG to improve the league Q2) If you were allowed to make one change to the league to make it worse what would it be Q3) If your player had to do a sport in the summer olympics what would it be and why
  9. https://open.spotify.com/show/3KhkcRxx4UW7ufclI5sKGY
  10. only if I alerted that night do you even know how this game is played
  11. If you were actually invest you'd have some tangible results
  12. I don't even care about town winning now I hope jugg takes it best of luck Dadam kill them all. They told you where they will all be go rampage on them
  13. Vote with me for Dadam and that is 4/5 votes surely we can get one more to swing it
  14. There is a person who hasn't said anything all game and hasn't been modkilled do you think maybe that we should be paying some attention to them? But oh well you have been thoroughly blindfolded by the wool. Someone come visit me tonight and I will show you that I am vet. Not even playing around
  15. I would still be interested in what dadam has to offer but I'm happy with that idea ricer. I also wonder maybe Jhatty is telling the truth and I was forged N1 as well
  16. Or hatty is still an exe claiming results of people already dead. And NSG is jugg using me as a fall guy
  17. Let's jump on players not saying anything and go from there Vote @Dadam30
  18. But you just going to leave it cool cool cool, so you now you have one less town and an exe who has already won
  19. Guess I'll go exe next game cause it's such an easy win
  20. Well for the sake of town I guess I will claim then, I am Veteran so now a useless townie but at least another townie with a vote. You are going to believe someone who didn't say anything day 2 that was helpful and comes in with Eagles list after he was modkilled seems a bit sus does it not
  21. Damn that's a shockingly bad exe play. You tag me yesterday and don't elaborate then fill in the gaps when there is a kill. I don't really want to reveal right now as I think it could hurt town. For a bad exe play vote Jhatty
  22. https://open.spotify.com/show/3KhkcRxx4UW7ufclI5sKGY Here is the transcript below if you'd rather read my nonsense Hello everybody. Um, trying to record a podcast, while driving and I think Spotify. Podcasters or whatever it's called now, which used to be anchor. Now, no longer let you make an episode on the app and you just have to upload it from there, which is like Awesome bullshit. Um, I don't know why they keep fucking getting rid of shit. Just like leave it alone. Um so yeah you buy an app then you make it worse and yeah. Oh. Pissed off like just So, I'm opening my voice recorder now. I don't even know if this recording will be as good. I assume it should be the exact same, right? But Then I go. Probably upload it probably. And then I don't know if. Music still exists. So I don't know if I'll have it. Intro, or an outro music really matters but I remember some people saying it was just nice to know. Like yeah, that's it. Like it's the start like, and that's it rather than just sort of like a cold open and just randomly stopping Um, The one thing it does is it does a transcript? I'm pretty sure. So I wonder if I could just Do this, then there's like posters a media spot West Coast scenario rather than have to Upload it all but I don't know. Would you rather? I guess if people listen to this, I'd rather listen to a podcast and the people who would rather read the media spot and not listen to me. Talk wouldn't listen to this anyway. So it's sort of a dumb idea to ask people in an audio platform. Would you rather listen to this? Maybe I'll post this both. Maybe I'll do a podcast and a media spot and just see which one gets more attention. Um, I don't think me personally, Podcast, sort of way of speaking that doesn't line up with my media spot way of writing. Off the cuff sort of like, It's a bit more podcasty where a media spot. I'd cut all the fluff where I just talk about random bullshit like Spotify changing. Um, because it's gonna be a weird media spot to open. And then read about Spotify changing, even though it's a media spot. Um, I'll probably add like a blurb at the start, that's a good idea. So good job me. Um, Happy birthday to the vhl at 1017. Um, for some reason, I thought it was 18 so I put in like a guess of what was going to happen. Um, to be like the get the 18 free TPE. The Bechtel was going to do. Um, turns out, if I'd done 17 instead of 18, I would have been Pretty much on the money, so pretty impressed with that. I've been around been around the block a few times, know how this stuff works. I think the first year I was in here, would have been the 12th birthday. That'll probably just would have made a doubles way. Oh that would admit. That was would have been triples. No I think it was doubles plus some or something. I don't know. About 12th. Yeah, because it would have been 2019 which is five years ago. Yeah, there we go. Quick math. Um, So, I was thinking of doing part two of my I didn't look it up for 30, for 30, or 30, and 30, 30 for 30. Um, Pro's gonna go through 30 things that have happened before I get to my 30th season, which I think I counted, I would have been 66. So, 96 would be 30? Well, 95 would definitely the 30th season. Um, so Um, Okay, I don't even know what season were out. I think we're at 94. So I think next season will be my 30th, so I'm not too far off. Um, so last episode Previously on Baraka. Uh, we talked about Baroque Sunquist and Joining the league and how I got into the Mississauga hounds and they made playoffs and quickly fell out of them and a few other teammates I met along the way. And how I thought about the initial like, Introduction into the league. Well, What happens at the end of your first season, right? Is you enter the draughts? So Back in 19, dignity 2. Um, The vhl e didn't exist. So it was the vhlm and you went straight to the vhl and the cap was 200 TPE so that was the hard cap. Once you earned over 199, you were up into the vhl Um and it was the same thing. It was like the depreciation cut off line. When it all happened. Um, so leading up to So, once we're knocked out of playoffs, kept earning, Um, back then you used to get At the end of the vhl M season. I think it was everyone. I can't remember if it was just vhlm but you would pick your best attributes. That you wanted and you would get awarded tpe on how you did in those attributes. Which there was like a writing. So it was like, You got one, you know, point one of a point for every goal or Now 0.2 of a point for every goal, a point, one of a point for every assist. Um, 0.05 for every hit and 0.1 for shot blocks and stuff like that. Like, it was Think like, um, It's sort of like fantasy scoring but not quite and the point was, you were trying to get to 20. TPE, I believe is the cap and you can choose two. And I think Each one can hit you 10 TP. I don't know. This is going back like a while. I'm not 100. I'm not sure my numbers and I'm sure someone who's older than me. Vhl wise can correct me. Um, Anyway, moving into that. I was. Getting pretty close to the 200 cap. And there's a discussion. Pretty much all the vigilm teams had with me when they were doing the draughts. Draught boards was, was I staying up or was I um, Was I staying down, or was I going up? And it's like oh it was very much an interesting thing because I would have been very close I think Um, spoiler alert, I stayed down. Um, I think I would have If I like Max then I think I missed out by like seven. If I like I think I held off 7 TP or something like that, it was a small amount which when you like calculated it makes more sense to miss out uh because you get the extra one-on caps TBE for The vhlm. Plus that end of season. 10l20 TPA, whatever it was. You got that bonus again, which lined up with like training camp with the vhl current if I got training camp as well. Yeah, and it made way more sense. I mean, it stayed stay down. I've got way more TPU, which would have helped me in the future years. So I stayed down so which meant I was up for a vhlm draught because I joined the Mississauga hounds as a wave away, a way of a hire. And then, I was also up for the vhl draught because I was eligible. Vhl draught, still works the same. 99, sure. Um, so I'll talk about the vhl M draught first. Um, I remember having A few talks of people, but I was kept. There was three or three of us. I think that were around cap. That were pretty much like go one, two or three, and raise funk, who was Raze's player at the time, was playing with me with the Mississauga hounds. And he was in charge or just taken over. As GM of the Minnesota Storm. And he reached out and said, like, hey looking to pick you up, I think he had second pick at the time and the first pick was Ottawa links with now Blue Man. Acid bed, and then. I believe acid, and Raised to the trade, Ray's. Got first overall and come draught time. I was drafted first overall Uh so pretty. Happy with that. You know? Like just fresh. Join the league and drafted first overall I can't remember if the M draught happened for the VHL draught, but either my first or my second draught, so pretty, happy with that. I was moving on to a team where I knew. The GM so likes that as well. And, you know, really looking forward to the next season. Um, Rights was. Very, Good GMA getting players and picks. And it had a good looking team for the next season. So, Things will look it up. I can't even remember who are you? Some of the other people in the drafter. I don't even know if they still are around anymore. Um, So yeah, I sorry. I beat you his first overall and I didn't. Don't even remember your name, but I'm pretty sure that the rest of the play. Don't exist anymore. Opening death at the time. No, I think it was a season after Condora drain. Um, which will come back in the next few episodes to haunt us. So yeah, that was it was a good draught. And yeah, it was sort of almost guaranteed and sort of knew I was going first because Ray's told me like once he had first overall, I came picking you first Um, the vhlm. Used to draught as like behind closed doors and then once it went live, The pics were just sort of put through as like a formality. Um, that way people went there, they could still draught. It's probably top secret. I don't know if they still do it, so I'm not really releasing any information about the current draught. I guess so. Surely they won't hold that against me. Um, But yeah, that was that Um, So, yeah. And then we will talk about the VHL draught as well because that's another thing that happened. So, vhl draught. I remember. Now I think they started in C. Yeah, they must start in season 66 as well. The Malmo Nighthawks. And, I think it was I don't think they started at the same time as someone else. I really can't remember. I think that was just a one-off. I really don't know because it was sort of before Me joining the league. So my history of that. Is not a hundred percent but I think they did, I think. Yeah. Anyway, um Advantage was the GM at the time and he had Jerry Garcia, which was Gustav's player who was my GM in Miss Saga and I remember there being a lot of chat around, um, From Gustav and from Advantage saying like hey look really like you. Gustav said, good things. We're looking at picking you up. Um, Looks good. And I'm like, okay, cool, like Having to stay with, you know, my GM, it was pretty good friends with, you know, Christopher and I Got along pretty well for. My. Time in the vhl apart from the, um, Baroque is racist. Meme that he started. And I got carried away at touch. That's probably The rockiest part of our friendship which I didn't really care about it was just sort of like hey guys, can we like Chill out. When People, I've never talked to are coming and they're like, oh, you're the racist person. It's like, well, I don't want to like I don't mind if people make jokes but I don't want to be known as that before. I've even like had a chance to talk to someone like I don't want to ruin. Not only people's thoughts of me, but also, Any chance of like joining a team or having a job or anything like that because people like, oh no. We're not gonna get that guy John. He's he's the racist one. So Um, that happened. Sorry, just people driving, just give me the poos. Just if you need to get over three lines, Don't try and do it all at once. You know. Have a little bit of preparation in your life. Anyway, um, So yeah, I had an interview with him. Um it seemed pretty good. I was like, sort of under the impression that It was almost set in stone. I think they had a light seconds. They were planning to use to me. At the time there are only 12 teams, so like And the season 67, vhlm, vhl draught was pretty deep. Um, there's a bit of Hubba Ballou, hover blue. Um yeah, this is going to sound really good on the track. The media spot. Raiders go hard. Um, just halfway through, that's gonna be really fun to read. Um, Yeah, there's something like drama about it but most of the time it's like okay cool, definitely not going in the first Um Brown there's heaps of good names there. Uh, players that have won. Lots of awards. Did end up winning? Lots of awards, sorry I should say. So, yeah. Um And then I remember Banner had talked to me, quick briefly Um, he was the vhlm commissioner at the time, I would like jump in. To the discords every now and then just like have little chats. Um, who else? I kind of remember who else reached out to me. It was sort of like, Pretty much those two. Um, come the draught. And Banner starts picking up pretty much all of the Mississauga hounds players. Risa was first. Carmemory went first overall, I think he did to Banner but ended up going to Banner. And for Banner's first pick. And then he picked up people like Um, Dr. Fung Um, who else? Pagan he was another pickup. So yeah, I was like, and then come the second round. I think I was pick 19. It sounds about right. Or 22 something like that, like, Middle now I must be 19 because I think it was like middle of the Um, second round. And yeah, Banner picks. Me is for Seattle and I'm like, oh wow, that's cool. In a jump. I'm With Fraser as a GM and with Banner as a GM and with raise and Dr. Funk and Hogan. As a team and like pretty much apart from my GM of Gustav. Pretty much sticking with the Mississauga family, no. Two other players. Um, Gloy's player at the time. I don't think. Well, I think it was Calgary and then Cody's player at the time was Calgary as well. And yeah, so got the drafted. Um, first overall, in the vhlm. So, if you ever want to trivia questions, season 67, phlm draught. It was the first overall pickles broca Sunquist. Um, so yeah, that was That was pretty much to summarise my draught process. For. Vhlm and the vhl at the same time, was pretty full-on experience for a week. Uh, between the two drops and everything. So yeah. If We're ever wondering about how that process went for me. That's how it did. So I hope you all enjoyed listening. Um, I will come back with a part three where I'll probably talk about My second season is the vhlm in the vhlm. And how that went And then, my fourth one will be about My first, vhl job. So yeah. I will plan on recording them. I was thinking of just like going through and recording like, heaps in a row and then just uploading All in one go and then I'll back claim them as much as I can. So I think that might be easier for me, but I'll just have to be driving somewhere. So hope you'll enjoyed. Um, let me know what you think and if I do put that as a media spot as well, let me know which one you prefer because I'm happy to do a transcript. It's just riding sometimes. It's just too much effort. Um spend eight hours on the computer every day at work and What's the time finished that? I don't really feel like sitting in the room. Like turning off my work laptop and turning on my, my actual computer and Doing more homework. Essentially writing. Different reports. So yeah, I can't be bothered. If I go to gym, spend time with my family. And watch TV, you know, sort of shut off the brain a wee bit. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed Thank you all for listening slash reading and I'll see you next time. Goodbye
  23. Absolutely nothing
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