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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Just another day in the big city of New York. The team seems to be leveling off and finding some pace. Of course the pace is currently in the wrong direction, it is only one season. With a firm commitment, the team will move forward and get past this less than ideal situation. Several teams seem to have found their game early on and it is good to see for the league stand point. The expansion teams are doing fairly well considering this is only their second season. With the season well underway, one can only do the things needed to be prepared for better days. We all still need to improve our skills and work towards a better working system that implements all our lines. Always an issue when there is such a diversity in skill levels. Our rookies have been a bright spot though and have performed very good on a struggling team. We can only do what we have done from the beginning. Lace them up and go play hockey, for better or worse. We will get there at some point.
  2. Review: You did a very good job on this graphic. I like your designs because it is so different from others. Great job.
  3. Review: Nice basic design that looks good. I would have lowered the text a bit but other than that, it works. Great job.
  4. Review: Looks like you had fun with this project. It is fun to try new things and see what you can do. I would agree that there are a few things you should dive into along with the other suggested methods and that is blend modes. Keep up the great work.
  5. Review: Good looking design. Amazing text, great effects. Looks like something you would do. Amazing work.
  6. Review: Your text is really nice. I like your first name and how the font looks. Not crazy about the last name font but it does work. Not sure about the rest of the sig as I can't see what you did other than some lighting effect. Good looking sig.
  7. Review: Clean and looks well balanced for such a large graphic. I like your background effect and your text looks really good. I like this project. Good job.
  8. Review: I like the text and the colors you used although the text might be a bit dominating it does work. The background is interesting and looks like it fits well. Good job.
  9. Review: I think this isn't a bad sig other than the text has poor placement as mentioned. Not a bad background and the player doesn't look bad.
  10. 142 Seattle Bears @ Toronto Legion Toronto 3-1
  11. 139 Helsinki Titans @ HC Davos Dynamo 140 Moscow Menace @ Vancouver Wolves 141 Calgary Wranglers @ Prague Phantoms 142 Seattle Bears @ Toronto Legion
  12. We have a longer streak going, don't jinx us................
  13. Still hungover from the big ass party we threw when you left. ?
  14. 100 Riga Reign 2 @ Helsinki Titans 4 Helsinki Titans 4-2
  15. 97 HC Davos Dynamo @ Prague Phantoms 98 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 99 Moscow Menace @ Calgary Wranglers 100 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans
  16. Gratz DC on the win. We hope to be more competitive soon.
  17. "Skills are only an illusion"

  18. 1. How are you celebrating the start to the regular season? Just another day. 2. New York is sitting 2nd in NA and 5th Overall to start the season, how do we feel going forward? Our GM has low expectations and I feel we would be lucky to make the playoffs. 3. True rookie Soren Jensen has had an exceptional start to his career with 4pts in 6 games. How does this youth production impact our program? I have no opinion on "our program". Great start for a rookie. 4. Expansion teams DC and Prauge claim to have their footing under them, coming out undefeated opening night and remaining as middle of the pack teams, do you expect any breakout seasons for their programs? Both are well managed teams and I would expect them to excel. 5. We recently upset the cup favorite Moscow Menace, how do we feel coming out of that game? I feel nothing. It was just another game. 6. Who’s the loudest personality on the NY bench? Nobody stands out. All are the same level of LR activity.
  19. Why are most people here in the VHL? Is it to meet other people? A social hangout? Is it a Hockey Sim? I really don't know the answer to these questions because a mix of all is good but the end result is still an unknown to me. I came into this sim and loved the aspect of earning points to improve your player. I had the notion that I wasn't the only one here that came here for the purpose of having a great hockey sim experience. I really have to question though, is this really a sim focused on the best hockey sim experience or is that just a side topic to bring people together and not really worry about how this sim works. Just put in your time, earn tpe and move along. Don't worry about how bad the sim engine is or if your team is actually trying to focus on winning. There must be a side to the VHL that I didn't know about. I just want to have fun, make some friends and have a player that I can be proud of. My concern is that I might have set my expectations too high for this sim league. I thought the focus in the open Discord would be a bunch of players talking about builds or helping new members along on their path to success. That is not the case, in general. I thought that the teams would take time and make every effort into making their teams as good as possible. I have been trying to do everything I can to be a successful member of the VHL. I just want to be clear, is this a hockey sim or am I wasting my time, effort and donations. I don't have any issues with anyone here in the VHL. I do have concerns about how poorly some things are addressed on the league side as well as how teams ran in general. I am happy to be here and sad at the same time. Happy to have an outlet to take up some time and chat with some really good people. Sad that the actual player build vs sim engine is really a joke in my eyes. I don't see any changes to the way it is ran and that also makes me rethink my position here in the league.
  20. Review: It looks like you put some time into this project. I like the background and your player is looking really good. I really like this fun graphic of yours. Keep up the effort.
  21. Review: Nice overall graphic with some interesting elements. I like the player and text placement for the most part and your choice of font is fun to look at. I really like the side effects and maybe left off the bottom dabs. Very good effort.
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