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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Review: Big graphic, I like the look of it and can see where you wanted to go with it. I think you did a great job. I would have reduced the noise a tad and moved your text to the bottom so it can be seen. Really good effort.
  2. Review: Very clean looking graphic. I like your cutout and your background effects are interesting. I am not a fan of your text placement but the text looks good. Good effort.
  3. Review: What a masterpiece. I used to play a hockey game on my Atari 2600 that looked like your player. Nice job.
  4. Review: Garcia sig looks very good. I like the text and background effects. The player doesn't look natural for some reason but all the same it looks very good. Good job.
  5. Review: What a nice looking graphic. I like the layer blend and I really like the text effect. I would have loved to see this with some sort of background to give some contrast to your project but I really like your design. Great job.
  6. Review: Nice blend effect on your player head. Haven't seen that in many graphics. Also nice paint effect in your background. Overall a very interesting project. Great effort.
  7. 51 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans Helsinki 3-2
  8. 49 Prague Phantoms @ Moscow Menace 50 Calgary Wranglers @ Vancouver Wolves 51 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans 52 HC Davos Dynamo @ Malmo Nighthawks Bold means the winners
  9. That's what I said after our Toronto game.
  10. Ya, I might be just a tad older than you. I kinda remember around 1969-70 that they played at the Fillmore West when I was there. Or, it might have been at a fairgrounds in NoCal. Golden Gate park, back in the day, was a great place to hang out. Most of the hippie bands would be there playing and getting high. I grew up in the bay area. Damn I am old.
  11. I am most likely the only one here to actually see the Grateful Dead in concert.
  12. Well that was fun. Now onto the real games. Good job guys and Grats to the EU players.
  13. 1. The VHL draft has come to a conclusion, seeing a plethora of new faces join the Americans, most notably first round picks @Velevra and @JohnOQuinn. How do you feel we made out. I like the players we were able to acquire. I think they will fill in spots that are needed to be filled. Very excited about the new players. 2. FA ended with a distinct lack of contracts being signed with the Americans, how do you feel this impacts our upcoming season? Well, it would have been nice to sign maybe one FA but really, it doesn't matter at this point as we have a clear path to success. 3. The off-season is coming to a close, and rosters look pretty set in stone. How do you predict the season to pan out across the board? Too early to tell of course, but I am very excited about this next season. I think we will surprise a lot of teams. It will take some dedication and hard work, which we are willing to do. 4. Who do you think has the biggest offseason this “year”? I am not sure how to answer that question. 5. What was the biggest surprise from the VHL draft in your opinion? I think the lack of players and how low their tpe was compared to previous drafts. 6. What’s your boldest prediction for next season (player awards, team positions, etc.)? I think we make the playoffs and kick some ass during the season. I have my own personal goals that I will keep to myself at this time.
  14. Well that was an interesting draft. Our team picked up a very good forward and a couple of players that should be a great fit next season. I welcome all of the new players and I hope to make friends with all of them. Is it just me or is the draft getting, small and shallow. I didn't see a long list of high TPE players or even a long list of any players. Is this a recruitment issue? Do we need to run ads to get players here?I know there was a bit of a fallout with the whole SBA thing, but I would hope we have the resources needed to sustain interest on our own. Well that topic is well above my pay grade so I will trust we have it covered. It is finally looking like we have some talent, or skill rather, to move forward and be more competitive during this season. I will be very happy to see NY earn some respect in the league and work towards becoming a hard team to play against. Any progress in the right direction is progress. Going forward, it will be an exciting season. One that should see several of our players make some dents on the stat sheet. Hard work and having the right attitude is key. From the feeling I get in the locker room, the guys are anxious to get going and prove that we are on the way to success. A very pivotal season. One that will see what we have and what we are lacking. I can't stop pacing. Let's get this show on the road. Thanks to GM @Esso2264 for doing such an amazing job on his live feed. Thanks to our Capt @chillzone for leading us with strong play and last but not least, thanks to @Elmebeck for being a great leader and mentor to the young players we now have.
  15. Review: That is a colorful graphic. The background is scary as hell but looks good with the colors you used. Good job.
  16. Review: Great looking sig. I like the design and you worked the balance very well. Great job.
  17. Review: I like the theme of your graphic. Cool background and fits well with the graphic. I bit of cleaning up and it would be really good. Keep working on these and you will just get better. Great effort.
  18. Review: Very clean looking graphic. I am a fan of your effect and you nailed the text with a great font and color. Great job.
  19. Review: That really is a red guy. Crazy effects and good looking font really makes this look good. Nice job chill.
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