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Posts posted by jhatty8

  1. On 10/18/2021 at 10:55 PM, Minion said:

    Press conference five

    1. With only nine sims day left this season what do we as a team need to do to make the playoffs?

    2. a little bit of a VHLM and VHL question but who do you think are early cup favorites in all three leagues?

    3. after playing most of the season who would you say is romes main rival?

    4. What should the VHLE cup name be?

    5. what do we need to do to stop going 1-0-1 and win more game with out OT?

    6. This isn't a question but a player on the team recently got covid and I wanted to take a minute and have everyone just give Tete(tyler steel) out support but in questions format, Whats the best way to say to Tete Get better?


    1. We need to win a moderate amount of games over these remaining nine sims.

    2. For the VHLE, us. For the VHLM, Mexico City. For the VHL, Helsinki.

    3. I think Vasteras is a fun team to beat.

    4. The Flynn Remy Cup.

    5. We need to score more goals than our opposition before the time runs out.

    6. Feel better and stay safe brother.

  2. On 10/12/2021 at 6:19 PM, Minion said:

    Press conference #4

    1.If you could add a team to any League (VHL,VHLE, or VHLM) what would their team name be? and who would be that teams gm?

    2.Best type of chicken? (asking for @JB123)

    3.How do we stay in first place?

    4. Being half way though the season is the VHLE how you thought it would be?

    5.Who is the best goalie in the VHLE this season?

    6. Do you think we will be able to win the cup?


    1. Columbus Hattys, I would be the GM

    2. It's hard to beat the best fried chicken.

    3. By winning more games and causing our opposition to lose.

    4. I have not paid attention to the VHLE whatsoever, but my expectations have been met.

    5. Flynn Remy is, no one has ever scored a goal on him.

    6. Sure, why not? We have hockey players and you need hockey players to win the cup. 

  3. On 10/5/2021 at 8:53 PM, Minion said:

    The third press conference 

    1.after having two undefeated sims how do we keep that up? 


    2. both our goalies are in top five of both Sv% and GAA, How big if a impact is that for the team?


    3.whats one stat you player has this season that you believe is outstanding?

    4.Who is the best player in the VHLE right now?(I want to see everybody answers to this)

    5.we have the least goals scored as a team, How do we fix that?

    6.we have a winning streak of three how do we keep that going?


    1. I think by winning more games. If you lose games, you aren't undefeated anymore.

    2. A pretty big impact I'd say. The more shots they save, the less our opposition can score.

    3. My player has been amazing at ice skating this season.

    4. That Flynn Remy character is very good, he's my pick.

    5. By scoring more goals. We can score more goals to not be last.

    6. Continuing to win games will extend our streak of games won.

  4. On 9/28/2021 at 12:36 PM, Minion said:

    Rome press conference #2

    1. as of right now we are last, how do you think we go about fixing that?

    2. with the first week of sims done, how do you think the team played?

    3.How does it feel to be on romes first ever team?

    4.what team is our biggest rival so far this season?

    5.Whats the teams biggest weakness so far?

    6. How do we stop Sams chicken nugget take over in the locker room?



    1. Playing better could definitely help. But bribing the simmer could help even more.

    2. Well we're last, so not good.

    3. Feels okay I guess, we'll go down in the history books at least.

    4. I don't think we've developed any rivalries just yet.

    5. Winning games, we're the weakest in the E.

    6. Mute the locker room and block all role pings, it's what I did and this is the first time I've heard of a chicken nugget takeover.

  5. On 9/21/2021 at 8:36 PM, Minion said:

    Hello players welcome to the first ever Rome press conferences you know the rule all six for 2tpe three for one tpe(sorry for any spelling mistakes!) 

    1. After being draft by rome in the first ever draft, how excited were you?

    2. What are your goals for this season in the VHLE?

    3. What are you hoping the team accomplishes this season

    4.Are you happy with this team's management right now? And is there anything you would change?

    5.Which team do you want to defeat the most?

    6. If you could add any emote to the locker room, what would it be?


    1. It's fairly exciting to be drafted in the first ever VHLE Draft and play in the first ever VHLE season.

    2. Do whatever my team needs of me, no personal goals in particular.

    3. Title or bust, right? But really, given this is our first season ever, everything is up in the air at this point.

    4. Yes, down with Minion.

    5. Probably the Express for sending their scouting message as a group PM rather than individually, so I was emailed and pinged for every response to their questions.

    6. Sad pepe with the hoodie on and Rome logo on the side

  6. On 9/12/2021 at 4:09 PM, Mr_Hatter said:

    1) What is your least favorite part about the VHL?

    2) And your favorite part?

    3) How many teams have you played for in total?

    4) Would you rather lose in the first round of playoffs, or come in dead last but get the 1st overall pick in the draft?

    5) Do you think teams should be punished for tanking?

    6) How do you feel about trade deadline day. Exciting, or boring?

    7) Have you ever been traded?


    1. Update system favors the early updaters - what's the point of a week ending date?

    2. Very active and strong community, produces great content.

    3. I think six different teams throughout all my careers?

    4. As a GM, dead last. As a player, first round loss.

    5. No, it's part of the game. If you punish teams for tanking, it encourages dwindling in mediocracy.

    6. Boring I guess, don't really care about it.

    7. Here, no I don't think so.

  7. On 9/3/2021 at 6:01 PM, Advantage said:

    1.  With a 4-0 sweep we destroyed it in the first round.  What do you think of our chances after an impressive showing?


    2. Who was MVP of our first series?


    3. Who needs to step it up to go all the way for us?


    4. Have you been paying attention to VHLE happenings, and if so, who do you think wins the tournament?


    5. If you were a VHLE GM and had to pick anywhere from 1 to 6 in a snake draft, which pick would you want to have?


    6. How has the pandemic been for all of you of late?


    @FBR @DollarAndADream  @Spade18 @JCV @GoldGear88 @duckberg32 @Thunfish @Pengu @jhatty8 @Lilmar @ThatsGreissy


    1. We're looking good and riding high. I like our chances.

    2. Gotta go with our wall in the goal, Greiss.

    3. I gotta put in more work for us on the defensive end.

    4. I have not, but I hope it's Vasteras.

    5. 3 is always a nice pick to have. Near the center but fairly early.

    6. There's been some close cases around my family (my sister is currently in quarantine because of it) but no direct cases. I'm just glad my school mandates wearing a mask and that my cross-country team is well vaccinated.

  8. 8 hours ago, Advantage said:

    Just in case anyone needs one for this week.  I'll get another up Tuesday when I'm off.


    1. Heading into the Playoffs, what do you think of our chances?


    2. If you could add one player in the league to the team, who would it be?


    3. What's the one area you want to improve as a player as you develop?


    4. Favourite pregame snack?


    5. Best arena to play in for the VHLM?


    6. Any goals for this playoff run, besides winning the whole damn thing?


    @FBR @Spade18 @JCV @GoldGear88 @duckberg32 @DollarAndADream  @Thunfish @Pengu @jhatty8 @Lilmar @DeeGoat @ThatsGreissy



    1. Championship or bust, we're the Kings for a reason.

    2. AJ Williams has a lot of TPE and would probably help.

    3. A lot of scoring and defense is always good.

    4. Pop-tarts, untoasted of course.

    5. Honestly even when I played in Saskatoon, it's gotta be here in Mexico City.

    6. Nope, winning is all I want.

  9. 22 hours ago, brannan12a said:

    I joined this league with no experience whatsoever with graphics or photoshop at all and through the help of the members in this league I found a passion that they helped me build and develop into a skill I can make a living off of. 


    you're a huge inspiration for me. I picked up digital design through sim leagues when I joined almost 3 years ago and I'm currently pursuing it at my local career center. These guys ( especially @gorlab ) have really inspired me to work on GFX and I hope I can find myself in the same place you are 10-15 years down the line. 


    welcome back to the VHL, I'll def hit you up on insta for that stock pack lol


    btw, think you joined the SBA bout a year ago yeah? Absolutely insane stuff, hope you can create here

  10. On 8/15/2021 at 11:44 PM, BladeMaiden said:


    • Do you fold your pizza when you eat it?
    • If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would it be?
    • If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • You’re a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue?
    • What two totally normal things become really weird if you do them back to back?
    • If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?


    1. It depends on the pizza. If that shit's floppy then yeah I'll fold it. In most cases though, no.

    2. Probably a rock at Stonehenge. I'd get lots of attention but people can't touch me.

    3. Salad probably. Could make a pizza salad, burger salad, etc.

    4. Real life Hunger Games. It would be interesting to see how average people react to being thrown into a giant arena to fight.

    5. Post a vegan blog then eat a chicken wing.

    6. Nut sauce.

  11. 16 minutes ago, DollarAndADream said:

    1. We're rolling with a 32-12-4 record, with 127 goals against, which is the 2nd lowest in the league. What do you think is the major factor giving our team such a low amount of goals against?


    2. Which player do you think is the most offensively gifted on the team?


    3. Which player do you think is the most defensively gifted on the team?


    4. Which goalie do you think is the best in the VHLM, and destined for VHL greatness?


    5. What is one area that you think your player could improve right now?


    6. Which VHLM team would you be the most afraid of going against in the playoffs?


    @FBR @Plate @Spade18 @JCV @duckberg32 @GoldGear88 @DollarAndADream  @Thunfish @bukss_a @Pengu @jhatty8 @DeeGoat @ThatsGreissy @Advantage


    1. Pretty stout defense I'd say, not to toot my own horn.

    2. Deke Rike with 37 G and 35 A is pretty talented.

    3. Rhys Trenton is great on the ice and a great mentor for me off the ice.

    4. Our boy Bastian Greiss has the highest save % with over 30 games played, he's gonna be great someday.

    5. Skating and puckhandling could definitely use some work.

    6. Mississauga is looking real scary right now.

  12. On 8/5/2021 at 2:43 AM, Advantage said:

    1. With the VHLE GM announcement coming out, who should be the next GM of the Mexico City Kings?

    2. With a record of 21-5-0 we currently have the best record in the league.  What will we have to do to keep it up and stay in first?

    3. Sunrise and Rike are both in the top ten in league scoring.  Where do you predict they finish at the end of the season?

    4. Miami has had our number this season, contributing to three of our losses.  What do we need to do to overcome them?

    5. You can change any rule in the league...what would it be?

    6. You can GM any team in any of our three leagues...who is it?


    @FBR @Plate @Spade18 @JCV @duckberg32 @GoldGear88 @DollarAndADream  @Thunfish @bukss_a @Pengu @jhatty8 @DeeGoat @ThatsGreissy




    1. I think @Vkobe-v would be the best GM

    2. Just gotta keep moving forward and keep our eyes ahead. Can't be focused on who's behind us.

    3. I think at least one of them will get up to the top-5.

    4. It's hard to keep beating the same team over and over. We can get in their heads, play some mind games with our strats.

    5. I would change the backup goalie games rule that people keep getting punished over, from my limited understanding, it sounds silly.

    6. Probably Mexico City, it's where I've played the most.

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