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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. Passive dousing doesn't work exactly like Plaguebearer btw. You get doused only if you visit the arson, not if you visit a doused person.
  2. I'll claim when Spartan claims
  3. 1. No not really. We all had hope that we could win it all, but deep down, we knew that this isn't our year. Next season though... 2. I'm not entirely sure. Will have to ask coaches budget hylands and budget rory. 3. Uhh I dunno what I am. All I know is that I'll be playing for the Kings next season and that's all I care about. If you're leaving us, sayonara suckers, we might include you in our victory speech. 4. The latter. People don't realize how long you stay away from family and friends during the hockey season. So it's nice to spend all the time you can. Plus, traveling throughout the year for games is like taking a vacation to see a new place each week. 5. There's always hockey. I'll be training my ass off after a short break. 6. I'm happy with how it went. I played well and we outperformed expectations.
  4. has @Spartan claimed? If not, I would like to hear one.
  5. about the lack of neutrals...holy fuck
  6. Lookout or Spy would be very useful right about now... As for me, I'm finally able to see the forum after switching to dark mode. I got nothing to report and it looks like no one else does either. Hopefully tomorrow is more eventful.
  7. don't make the mistake of picking Kelly over Thatcher @emidas
  8. that +4 uncapped I missed from two practice attendances? don't even remember it ???
  9. Gustav vented in electrical
  10. I dunno how I don't have 12 capped average but I'll take a +14 rise.
  11. Sim attendance is the term you're looking for
  12. yeah probably. Would also have more conversations flowing that way because everyone has to see other games as well as theirs. And I wouldn't mind that, I want to learn more about the league
  13. so I went to comment on VHLM games for the first time ever and it's way more tedious than it should be. I doubt I'd care enough to do that every day unlike checking discord for games. It also still feels the same as reacting to the game in our discord LR, except it takes longer to get there and less people are talking
  14. My point was that the Bot (and discord in general) is so ingrained in our system that I think it will take more than this to make people want to post on game threads
  15. Well, I said it was popular but I did not say it was the best. I'll participate in the new system and see how it goes, then give feedback accordingly (which probably means yelling at Rory).
  16. I don't know how much this will really help with posting on game threads. I think that simply asking users for more activity there will push people to make comments on the forums (myself included). However, taking away the most popular medium for receiving games will deter users more than encourage them. If this is a big priority for the league, sim attendance as a PT wouldn't be a terrible idea.
  17. Review: It's hard to tell how much work you did here (reverse image search oddly has no results) so I'll say what I personally see and don't see. The jersey swap is pretty solid for a first attempt. The logo is super JPEG-ish which is the only fault I see. Not sure if its a scaling issue or you used a low-res logo from the start. I'm not the biggest fan of the text. Usually, I would not leave the text sitting in the corner, but I can see why you did so here. The font is...eh. If that's the style you wanted then go for it but it's not really something you'd see in a graphic. The color is also a bit questionable. If you wanted a blue/green palette here than it's fine, but I think the SDM colors are light blue/yellow (could be wrong, don't know other teams). Looking on the internet at Miller pics, it looks like you might have made the equipment strips a lighter green? If so, good job. For the stuff I don't see, and I could be wrong because I don't know what really went into this. There doesn't really seem to be much done to the image as a whole. No cropping, filters, stocks added, lighting, shapes, colors, etc. It's very basic, and I imagine you were going in that direction, but it looks like text and a jersey swap on a hockey pic. However, it's a start. In the future, you should experiment more, try new stuff, add more cool shit. Cutting out your render and putting them on a background will also help a ton, no-cut sigs are a bit harder to pull off imo. For your first EVER graphic...solid 8/10. Good luck @IamMOOSE
  18. Review: damn son I didn't know who you were before clicking on this, but shit you make a good siggy. The text is absolute fire, maybe a dark blue instead of red to compliment the other colors? I think it'd still have the same pop. Background itself is sweet and I like how it fades off. The lighting is also super solid especially considering the head is in the png area. The only critique I have is I'd ripple/distort the render body a bit to match the background texture. Clipping it onto the render would also work, with some blends 9.5/10 - GJ
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