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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Actually been looking myself at pro designers. And asking people ive worked for/with. Ideally id rather someone from the site. But i can pony up if need be almost bought the one i posted lol
  2. https://goo.gl/images/deHp9y Something similar to this its actually from a graphic designer site. Fell in love with it but the price was insane. Its the 3rd one when it redirects you FYI
  3. Down the the wire we have elimanated the other cities. I have also choosen the name i like the most for Saskatoon. Fyi im looking for a graphics designer. I have an idea for the White Out and honestly put in a ton of time i feel to make this look amazing. But if the league votes against it we will go ahead with boring rebrand.
  4. With the vote appearing to be in favor of keeping Saskatoon. Time to discuss the rebrand names. Honestly it baffles me, that this league complains were dying need fresh new things but when they are propossed its omg the history, the nostalgia. God damn old boys club pisses me off beyond compare. Never going to move forward always stuck in the past. Anyways rant over lets discuss rebranding. @Beaviss @Spade18 @Tagger @pennypenny @solas @MWHazard @STZ @Bushito @Tyler @Will @Higgins @Arthur @der meister @Velevra @hedgehog337 @diamond_ace @Beerfridge @Kylrad@Beketov @Devise @Kendrick @Bring Back Player 2 (Tri) @Laflamme @Victor @sterling @MexicanCow @DeathOnReddit @DollarAndADream @omgitshim@frescoelmo@Exlaxchronicles @eaglesfan036@Kesler @Green @street@Banackock@Smarch@Mr.Baller@.sniffuM@TheLastOlympian07@rampagemaster@tfong@FacePuncher @Pandar @Ahma @bukss_a@jacobaa19@Quik@CowboyinAmerica @MD9@Dangles13 @troy @Daniel @iRockstar
  5. What? Lol only team to have moved since i joined was Vasteras to Stockholm in the VHL. And Vegas i dont remember where they came from. So unsure what you meam by move teams all the time? Considering thats 2 franchises moved in what is now 21 seasons
  6. Well for one what the hell is Wild about Saskatoon? Answer nothing its prarie land lol. Second the logo looks like a 2 year old drew it. 3 why not Winnipeg? Bigger market the Blades are leaking attendence every year and apparently rumors of moving meaning the city itself has some fan but not enough to support a team. If the vote states to keep em around ill look to rebrand but personally if im gunna stay in the Praries id rather Winnipeg
  7. @Tagger @Spade18 @Beaviss @MWHazard @MexicanCow @Arthur @Bushito @Will @dea5shot @der meister @DeathOnReddit @Tyler @diamond_ace @pennypenny @Higgins @Victor @sterling @street @Exlaxchronicles @Banackock@Beerfridge@Beketov @frescoelmo @Laflamme @Kendrick @DollarAndADream@hedgehog337@Jonessee27 @omgitshim@Smarch @Bring Back Player 2 (Tri) @Fire Hakstol@BluObieZ @TheLastOlympian07 @Kesler @Pandar @Kylrad @FacePuncher @Velevra @Green @tfong @rampagemaster@Mr.Baller @Ahma @Wolf Edmunds @MD9@Quik @Dangles13 @CowboyinAmerica@jacobaa19 @troy@iRockstar@Daniel@.sniffuM@bukss_a
  8. For years ive wanted to leave my impact in the league. When i took over Davos i joked about the idea of moving them because where the heck is Davos? Anyways that was quickly shut down as they are too rich in history. Now a few seasons into the Wild an no intention on stepping down. I feel its the time to take a shot an move them. Few reasons why i feel its worth moving them. First off the logo looks like a child drew it and has nothing to do with Wild. Secondly well Saskatoon is a hockey market its not a huge one and so many true markets are missing out. Here are my team suggestions, please keep in mind Logos are all not real just using them to capture attention. Will jave to get a real logo done when a name is decided. Minnesota DireWolves Colors Dark Green/Brown Minnesota is a hockey market, probably among the biggest in the United States of America. The direwolf well fictional, is a fearsome wolf and should strike fear into our opponents. Winnipeg Whiteout Colors Light Blue/White Just watch the playoffs Winnipeg is a hockey market, they are insane fans. This is the smallest market that i am hitting up but if im moving out of Saskatoon why not keep it close by? Chicago Mobsters Colors Red/Black Chicago is a fickle market when they are winning fans show, but back before the Toews era the arena was almost as quiet as Florida. However its a big market full of rabid fans with a deep hockey history. Detroit Freeway Colors Black/Yellow To be honest the name could use a change but i could not really think of anything. That being said Motown is a hockey Market the Wings are loved in the city. Shocks me to see that this Markets been left untouched. Ideally id like to change the name but for now its a place holder as i feel the city of Detroit is worth exploring an orignal 6 franchise. Boston Fisher Colors Green/Black Boston once again a huge market that just appears to be ignored. Like any name ive proposed its open to change. However Beantown is a hockey rabid market and the Bruins are loved. Suprised their is no team here especially as a rival to New York. I feel it be a great area to play in and draw people to the team. Im sure many people here are shocked to see the fact that i did not list a Russian city. Honestly i thought about it, however its hard to really attach a name to a city in Russia that makes sense to anyone outside of Russia or knows about my home country. There are a few other markets i played around with like Edmonton, Vancouver, Kelowna, Nashville, Washington, Pitsburgh. I landed on these 5 cities. However i am open to ideas if i really like a name and color scheme maybe ill roll with it. I am excited to hear some feedback from everyone. The Saskatoon Wild may live or die based on your opinions.
  9. Hey our back up won his first game congrats @jcfbey01
  10. If i had any graphic skills id move Saskatoon tbqh. Either to Russia or Washington. But given i lack the skills not the image i want for a team i cant really accomplish that
  11. Sure we will take a shot here
  12. Notice how everything i touch turns to gold. You spade, penny
  13. Komarov and the Americans have been studs with a 19-1 record. Komarov himself should find himself in the conversation for the top 2 way forward of the year. Leading the league in plus minus, just outside top 10 in hits, and amoung the league leaders in scoring. His 3GWG shows he comes in clutch, whats been shocking is his lack of PIMs with only 12 for a player to play such a rough an tumble game at a high level to avoid the box is impressive. He also sits in the top 10 for faceoffs, shows hes not afraid to block shots. After a few rather frustating years for the hulking russian it seems he has refigured it out. Its unlikly he has a HOF career but his agent is happy how hes done as the best Komarov to date. Question is will Sergei be the last in line or will they continue?
  14. This penny guys a future stud off to a torrid start updating keep it up!
  15. Too bad the Americans cant draft the Wilds stud wont have any picks as we go for the cup!
  16. @Higgins not sure why it took me so long to notice this but Sunqvist defense is at one can that please be changed thanks
  17. Welcome Saskatoon will offer 1 million As a dman if u stay active i can promise top pairing minutes. At minimum top 4. We desperatly need defense as we feature the best offense and goalie in the league. Just missing that final piece that could be you!
  18. Jack Phillips Matthew Adoulphus Brandon Pirri Pirri Sauce
  19. Ill be cutting some guys
  20. I was about to ask what about VHLM cuz i didnt get any way to do that yet lol
  21. Wait so we fired a guy who went inactive then replaced him with the dude we fired last season for going inactive?
  22. The Louth curse bringing down one contender at a time
  23. Its easy to look at what Bo BOOM Boeser has done this season and say wow this is why the Americans are so good. After all its really the only major change to the team. Franchise Keller, has found a new level similar to that of his rookie season. Dish master Mcknight is breaking out of his shell becoming a star in his prime. Grandpa Savard is an aging vet whose found a final breathe this year aswell. These 4 sit the at the top of the scoring race. Then not far behind is two way wizard Komarov, Human Cannon Jones, and Human Hammer Rayne. Everyone knows their roles, and are performing them at or above expectations. Then their is Ike Arkander who leads like his fellow trainer Rhett Degrath, the GAA and save percentage race. All this to the point has lead to the Americans 12-0 start. If one player has a rough game someone else had stepped up. "We are playing as a unit this is not a one man team we are all hitting high notes each game". The Americans realize they wont win all 50 games, losses happen, but right now its hard to really pick who really is the MVP for them. Instead they each play a role and will contiue to do so as they aim for their first cup as a unit together.
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