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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. For sure it is, but sometimes people think its how to get a message across
  2. I 100% think this is more about even the BOG sending a message to blue team that the league is getting tired of Boubai. I dont like the dude but even i cant justify not giving him the defender scoring title. Or top 2 way forward
  3. Gardiner and Zatzev are just sooo bad when it comes to mistakes. Zaitzev looks like he belongs as a forward 0 idea where to stand in the defensive zone. Gardiner just turns the puck over at the most awkward moments cant handle pressure. Leave Hainsey and Rielly as a solid top 4 guys. Dermont is very good puck mover but he still young and big lapses in his judgment. They need a real 1/2 guy who can really carry the burden
  4. Well from my understanding is GMs are the exception to the GM player rule(see STZ new guy) who was also post no player 2. My understanding is aslong as he has a GM player(Beau) it doesnt matter
  5. I was trying to be nice cuz Beaviss is my boy lol
  6. So im assuming Beau Louth is now GM player? Otherwise this is illegal Still an odd trade. Giving up Louth whose much higher TPE to get an inactive and a late pick. Cuz 1st and 5th is same as 2nd and 4th lol
  7. I tried the client maybe im wrong but when i saved lines it then asked me to retype my password. Logged in and my lines were gone again @Will
  8. Kinda same situation as the other winger. I just do not have space upfront, to fit you into the roster and benifit you.
  9. Im 3 active lines deep. Or else id make u an offer
  10. 1 million and top pairing i may have 5 D but only 1 active so good time with an elite top line
  11. Except thats not true lol for example Carey Price is the most outstanding goalie in the NHL(or was hes fallen off abit). He was widely regarded as the best goalie in the world and at one could have argued that he was the best player in the world because he took one of the worst rosters on paper to mulitple playoff runs, and even divison titles. MVP and best player generally run hand in hand. Degrath is the best player because he took on paper a team tjat struggled and made them great, Cornerstone has himself, and Ay Ay Ron who likely runs away with defender of the year. Degrath is outstanding by not only leading the league in alot of catergories, but doing so with little support
  12. Leading the goalie catergory in every major category is outstanding, carrying a team on his back is outstanding lol. MVP litterly means outstanding you cant be the most valueable player to a team if you arent outstanding lol
  13. Wanna know why i voted Degrath? Because he took a team that had 1 top 20 scorer in the league. Led them to the 2nd best record in the entire league. And like someone pointed out earlier lead the league in every major goalie catergory. Without Degrath we likely dont make the playoffs the way we played this year offensively. Cases can be made for both players your just so butthurt that you can not see that.
  14. Saskatoon selects Zippy Zaramo @Zaramon95
  15. 21st overall is Hadz @Hadz
  16. 16th overall Jonas Vilhamasson @Shaka
  17. 14th overall Jakub Vilhmasson @Týr
  18. 9th overall Beau Louth @Beaviss 10th overall Jordan Tonn @MexicanCow 11th overall Tobias Sunqvist @MaikTheRed
  19. 4th overall Johannas Vilhamasson @MWHazard 5th overall @omgitshim Oyorra Aryyo 6th overall @Broalie34 Brody Neufield Welcome to the team
  20. First overall no shocked @STZ Bryce Zhields joins Saskatoon
  21. Lets go @Beaviss draft soon bud time to join :P

  22. Keep in mind someone could snatch you up earlier. Or the draft could fall differently and u fall farther. This is more of a fun projection. However i feel of the newer players you are one of the standouts and would have no issue drafting u at 10
  23. First things first this is just my thoughts people can rise/fall only 1 pick is guarunteed to be correct. I choose only the top 3 rounds. 1st overall Saskatoon Wild select Bryce Zheilds @STZ This is a no brainer, Zheilds has the highest TPE count. A well loved memeber and my GM. He builds nothing but studs, Zheilds is his next and Saskatoon takes him gladly. 2nd overall Ottawa Lynx select Johannes Vilhjamsson @MWHazard He comes in with the second best TPE count. Ottawa traded him at the deadline rather than lose him for free when they knew they wouldnt win it all. Familiarity makes this the likely choice. 3rd overall Oslo Storm select Matt Thompson @Beketov This is where we open up abit, i think Beketov or Street go here. For this purpose i put Beketov here as he too lile STZ has a habit of building star players. Thompson is amoung the top TPE earner and fight for the top picks in the VHL. 4th overall Saskatoon selects Samuel Gate @street Its either Beketov or street here in my mind depending on how things shake it up. In this purpose street falls abit, and i land a top defensice prospect to play along side Poly next year and round out my top 4. 5th overall Saskatoon selects Oyorra Arroyo @omgitshim Actually one of the top TPE leaders falling abit here. I feel its familiarity that hurts him more than talent. Saskatoon is happy to snatch him up with this pick to play with Zhields. 6th overall Saskatoon selects Brody Neufield @Broalie34 The first of the first gens off the board. The draft really opens up here, and i feel there are a few standout rookies im hoping to nab. Needing an active goalie i feel this is the choice here. 7th overall Ottawa selects Jakub Vilhjamsson @Týr Ottawa gets abit of a steal here, but i dont feel like breaking apart the triplets leaving only Oslo as possible to do so. Again familiarity + there first pick makes the call here. 8th overall Oslo Storm Select Patrick Triscut @Sami K Triscut falls abit, just before i likely snatch him back up. He has been a solid steady TPE earner since he joined. Should slot in nicely to Oslo. 9th overall Saskatoon selects Podrick Cast @Victor Ive drafted a RW, LW, D, and a goalie. All that is left is a center. Victor is abit of a wild card being he returned from inactivity. If he stays active this pick is a steal at 9. 10th overall Saskatoon selects Jordan Tonn @MexicanCow Another stand out rookie for me personally Tonn will get to be mentored by the great STZ taking over the second line spot. 11th overall Saskatoon selects Ryan Copper @ujju2 Another rookie stand out in my eyes, Copper will center the second line unless Cast fails to find chemistry. 12th overall Ottawa selects Jonas Vilhamsson. @Shaka Unless someone plans on breaking up the triplets i can not see how he does not go here. Ottawa will unite the line, and get some steals. 13th overall Oslo Storm select Chat @eaglesfan036 Hes the GM now, he knows how active he plans on being. I think being a GM player he falls abit especially in a very strong draft. 14th overall Saskatoon selects Zippy Zaramo @Zaramon95 Completing the second line is another guy i feel could be a real stud. Playing likely with Copper and Tonn to form a deadly line 15th overall Ottawa Selects Alvero Jokinen @Ahma Ahma falls rather far here mainly because there is such promise in the young guns. Ottawa is happy to snatch him up the last pick of the 3rd round.
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