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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. @VHLwhat @Sami K @Masxn1 @nikkurri17 @Polygeekism @MadMax
  2. I was so inactive, that i was online well i got an email saying i was inactive lol
  3. The Wild knew this was not the year, things just never really took off. The young players were playing well, but due to the players being fairly fresh it was clear they need to learn the ropes. When all was said and done, the call was made to sell. There was an arguement to be made to hold on abit more, Wild GM is glad he didnt. Instead selling stars Stronk, Dragon, Dragomir, and Axelsson they managed to land 8 outta 15 picks in the top 3 rounds. Which given Ottawa was rebuilding making no sense to add, Oslo was the wild card. However Oslo stood put, for some reason the GM made the call to stand pat being erriley quiet as he could as we saw later in the day swipped up 3 prime forwards for next to nothing. Saskatoon has set itself up really well next year with a few key returning players and a ton of draft picks
  4. Same deal as the other recreates. Wont make an offer but will certianly watch the progress and eye you in the draft
  5. Will pass for now but expect Saskatoon to be interested come draft time
  6. Saskatoon will pass, but expect us to be fully interested come draft time
  7. Well technically u cant say u made the deal because of Yukon lol. Because we had closed if u replied earlier than me and Yukon who also targeted Axelsson
  8. Gooningitup


    Million inactives and late picks guess i really cleaned up the market Borga didnt feel he wanted to make a move at all
  9. @VHLwhat Billy Von Goon is much like his name sake, a hardnosed tough as nails mother beeper. He wont really be the guy who produced a ton of offense, but he plays a hard nose game, and sticks up for his line mates. It is unclear what to really expect of Goon, as he tranistions to the VHL will he become the next Edwim Encarnation racking up the PIMs setting all kinds of nasty records in this categories or if he will just fill a roll. I expect he will come draft time sit around similar to Triscut where he lands late first to second round. If he can stay motivated he will become a solid top 4 enforcer defender. He has been a solid contributor to the Wild this season despite the teams lack of success. A vocal player who will enjoy a good career in the VHL we hope.
  10. Gooningitup

    NYA/DAV; S59

    Muller is a second year player hes dot 6 seasons left unless Adv comes back to retire
  11. Either way should if not already be a guy who goes into the hall as a builder not many GMs have 1100+ games to there name. And had atleast decent sucess outside playoffs
  12. No VHL i just forget what year i won it cuz it doesnt get put on my players pages. It was the last year of Torontos 3 peat
  13. To be fair i think one of the years u got robbed. I had taken a team that was picking top prospects for a few seasons from the gutter to a final and almost denied history
  14. Wouldnt mind a seattle new york final but i dunno if thats possible based on where we currently both sit.
  15. New York baby woo sorry Seattle its our time
  16. Im fairly happy to have 8 picks in the top 15. If we have even half the draft we had this year of actives team should be stacked with returnees and new blood
  17. Gooningitup


    To LVA Dragon McDragon @JardyB10 Otto Axelsson @Dangles13 To SSK S60 LVA 1st S60 LVA 2nd S60 LVA 3rd Best of luck Jardy and Dangles, the Wild will now have 3 firsts, 3 seconds and 2 3rds we feel this will really help us compete next year with a strong core of potential returnees next year. Wild accept @Spade18
  18. The show does it an that company doesnt make as much as EA lol so not hard
  19. I dont play hut i just play franchise mode. And edit the fuck outts their broken rosters and missing players
  20. I feel that EA will never listen unless it hurts their bottom line. They make like 3billion on fifa a year alone. I doubt they, make any changes unless they have backlash like they did with Andromada and Battlefront. And sadly like me there a people that no matter what buy it for 90 dollars and pay more to buy the damn hut packs( i dont play hut so i dont buy the packs
  21. Gooningitup

    YUK | SSK

    The Wild accept best of luck Stronk and Dragomir i know you 2 would not be returning next year and wanted to give u a chance to win the cup. More moves will be coming soon as a certian GM replies
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