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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Last year New York was upset, they just couldnt score. Rhett Degrath was and still in in my eyes the MVP of the league that season. Now we sit here, a totally differen team. Rayne sits second in league scoring for defense behind Ay Ay Ron, Well Jones sits 5th. Boeser, Keller, Savard, Komarov, Mcknight sit 3rd-7th in the entire league in scoring. Thats not to forget that Ike Arkander is the second best goalie behind King. The VHL has seen odder luck, but as it sits the Americans are the favourites to win it all. Unlike last season all the pieces seem to finally have clicked in. What is easy to pick out is likely who they will be battling. The Titans or the Bears both of whom have potential MVPs in Mcallister, and Cornerstone. Its no suprise, they are favourites though both are likely to sell next season seeing their windows close. Well the Americans are atleast 2 seasons longer.
  2. Oh i hope so this team seems to finally be playing with some passion. Probably realizing their window is like a year maybe 2 left
  3. I wouldnt count my caps out yet. Quite honestly the only reason Washington hasnt won this series in 5(game 3 was our only bad game). Is Vasy has stood on his head. Otherwise it have been a washington Vegas final alreay going on
  4. Can only offer 3rd line atm but on a contender for rest of the year 1mill for now
  5. 1mill top 4 slot along side Adv on a contender
  6. i have all my new guys, weird that your trade still didnt happen though ?
  7. Early sim damn i was just booting up to get lines in for today lol guess they will come tomorrow
  8. Its actually true honestly for 1 TPE its not worth it for me. Well my english has vastly improved since i joined. It still takes me a few hours to write 500 words. When it takes me 30seconds to post on welfare for similar pay.
  9. Saskatoon still flexing those muscules
  10. 2mill for top 4 on a contender not a pretender obviously if ur active like the you of old i can bump you up to the top 2
  11. I know ive been the same since i joined but if we want change they gotta accept it one of these damn days
  12. I dont really put our problems on recruitment @Kendrick and @Beaviss have done good jobs. Our biggest issue is retention. Perhaps what might be a good idea is asking all these new fresh faces that rushing to sign up. What kind of issues they are facing, and then trying to tackle them. I feel as older members used to this league we dont really see the big picture always becasue this is all we have known for X amount of years.
  13. Haha you kinda just got tasked with taking a team that had been on top for so long they were bound to fall off a cliff.
  14. Im always getting hit with players asking why is my player updated on the forum but not the sim. When players dont see results right away they seem to be get scared away. I mean the youtube campaigns have been good for raising member count but retention of these members has been awful. A lot of new blood dont seem to know what to do, and dont see results right away and get discouraged. I have 2 actives from the campaign, which is about what we get every year. Most other VHLM teams at about 1 or 2 aswell. I feel an overhaul of how the site is laid out, or atleast a better how to maybe a video? Could help, even for example i could step up in this case and write an article that can be pinned to media area and the create a player area. About what to talk about for media articles.
  15. When i joined i had a rush, Vlad never really hit the heights i had hoped due to my first born. Pavel taking over GM with a freshly born child and losing my wife. Just never really caught on, he was a victim of timing. Sergei came in when everything started to fall into place in my life the first time im 36 years i have 2 happy healthy kids, a loving gf. Sergei is enjoying one of his best seasons yet, though its looking like he wont win the two way forward award again this year. Then there is the VHLM where after a rough start Saskatoon is now unbeaten in 20 games winning all but one of those in regulation. To say the least ive been having a ton of fun this year. I still have one goal in mind and that is to be a VHL GM again. I feel well my first time around early i had some good success almost winning a cup, timing once again got in the way and with my inexperience it faltered. Now i feel i could help build a dynasty and aim to try to prove that.
  16. No way Tkachuk falls to 8 lol hes a concensus top 5 pick. If huges goes 4th ottawa fucked up lol
  17. Ive been watching the caps since 1988 lol ive been so used to let downs and bad teams. Watching powerhouses fall just kinda seems to be what i do. Team Russia, Captials, Russian National soccer team lol. After how we came out against Columbus i thought it was over already
  18. Washingon has been amazing im having a heart attack. Never had any expectations especially the way we started the playoffs. Now were 2 games from the finals
  19. 15 games actually ? but ya helps to have such a stud on the back end like you @pennypenny
  20. Seems hes excited to Join Saskatoon ill make him an offer if he wants 1mill to join us
  21. 1mill to play top 4 on the best team in the VHLM.
  22. Wait what since when can a VHL GM make an offer for a VHLM GM who once again failing to do his job ? anyways Wild offer 1million top 4 spot with the chance to move up into our top pairing. We are currently on a 15 game winning streak, and running the league. Just need to add a few pieces to really put us over the top and think you can be that guy
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