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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. No debate Rhett Degrath is the Americans all star. No debate he should run away with league MVP if the Americans keep up their current pace. Sergei, however may be finding his own he is not the highest offensive forward right now sitting 8th in center scoring. Its his all around game that is drawing attention once again he is drawing close to over 20 blocked shots as a forward, his 3rd seson he will surpass that mark, he is well over 100hits his 3rd season in a row, and sits second in the league in hits. If it was not for Cornerstone hed likely be a favourite for the top two way forward. He seems to have found his game recently tied with Jones for the team scoring lead. If he can catch abit more fire perhaps the hulking russian can find himself in the conversation for awards. There is still plenty of time to really catch up, and the Americans would really love to see more from their young stars as they continue to grow. The hope will be they can be a force to be reckoned with this year and for a few years beyond this one. Komarov has already established himself as the best of his family, and hopes to atleast capture a few cups on his journey to being a premier elite forward for the next 4 seasons. It is unclear right now how is legacy will be remembered, but he seems motivated to be the best he can be. He is already, better trained than his cousin, and uncle. Bigger faster stronger, with a shot that has dented more than a few posts in his time. He countiues to round out his game, as it appears his next focus is on setting his line mates up. He feels he is lacking in the set up department and his center Chase Keller is an already elite scoring center. The plan is for the two of them to compliment eachother, and become one of the leagues best duos. The hulking center is still adjusting to playing the wing, though its been helpful for when Keller is kicked out to have a guy who can win over 50% of his draws. It is expected he will fully convert next season, as it was unclear where he would play with Mcquack moving on last season he choose to keep his faceoff skills sharp. With the realization he will play the wing this season, he will focus alot more in the training camp on his skills for a winger. This season has been alot better, for all players involved yet it still feels like they have not yet reached their full potential. The hope is a full offseason focused on playing the wing that Komarov can really take that next step forward. Him and Keller have developed chemistry rather slowly, but part of that is how young they both are, coupled with similar shoot first styles of play. The Americans however right now are rather happy with not only the developement but where they sit in the standings.
  2. 3 wild in the first round #draftedwell @Velevra @Polygeekism @Sami K
  3. @Sami K Patrick Triscut is a balenced forward who can pot some goals, and make a sweet dish. He does not really excell at one area in perticular right now, as he looks like he plans to round out his game in juniors. Hes not exactly started off all that hot with 6 points in 26 games, but he has been a vocal leader in the lockerroom and a man who looks to be a solid addition to any team going forward. In a typical draft he likely finishes in the first round no problem, but this is not a typical draft and started off abit later than many of the guys above him. He projects to be a late first or second rounder in a strong first gen draft class. Whoever nabs him will be lucky to have a potential star in the making in a later round than we usually find them.
  4. Hey its +4 for people with 2 players under 400TPE so u can claim 1 more
  5. Maybe its just my old age but i havent been able to read one of these so far and i enjoyed reading the Mag
  6. @Polygeekism Bastion Logan Mac Finsceal is through and through a defensive defenseman. He wont rack up a ton of points with 2 goals in 14 games. However, he is not afraid to throw his weight around and hit everything that moves with 50 hits. He sacrifices his body to keep the puck out of his net like very few before him well over a shot blocked a game with 23. He has all the potential in the world to be a better version of Vladimir Komarov. Who was for his time one of the most feared defensive players on the league. He looks to be a first rounder this year, and potentially a top 5 pick if he can continue to grow as a player. VHL teams will need to keep their eyes on this stud as he continues to grow as a player in the VHLM. Expect his name to likely be called early in season 60.
  7. No i know thats what i was saying hes not eligible to have returned to juniors with me which is why he hit FA
  8. Well ur VHLM eligibilty wore out this season. Atleast my ability to own ur rights as its 3 years after yr draft.
  9. @Beerfridge welcome back mate gotta come back to Saskatoon to finish off what we started !!! Offer 1mill
  10. Im waiting for the console patch thats coming soon for it. I feel i missed alot of shit, because the lockpicking is insanely hard. They are rumoured to be changing it next patch then i will pick it up again.
  11. I believe that really cooled off the market this year. I mean we still saw a massive overpayment for Nash. But otherwise i feel most teams made fair value deals for what the players really are
  12. I dont think anyome was saying hes more than that. I mean when i heard the Oilers were asking a first i said who the fk is paying a 1st for a 3rd liner. Mind u in my fantasy sim league i managed to get Duclair for him but sim GMs arent always the smartest
  13. And a 3rd does what? I woulda taken him in Washington for that easy. The chances of producing an NHL player arent fantastic. Meanwhile he has similar points as rick nash who landed a first and a boat load more. I think it was a solid pick up, maybe im wrong but for the cost of a big maybe? Who cares if he puts up 10points can be a good net pressence for the team then its a win. If it was a first id call it totally dumb, even a second might be a stretch but a 3rd for a 40 point scoring rental on a cheap deal that can help out. Coulda been worse
  14. Coleman, Noesen, Hayes, Stafford. Similar skating speed as Brian Boyle whose been pretty damn good for you guys this year lol
  15. Seems to have played just fine on Mcdavids wing, the guys got enough intellegence and hands to get in the right spot an bury it. Hes better than some of the options u guys have playing 3rd/4th line. Hes not a game changer but he plays smart enough to make up for his lack of speed
  16. 15 and 27 goals last two years another 40 point ish season. Gave up a 3rd lol sure hes not an amazing player but he can play and costs u nothing major and can even walk
  17. Most GM do not, and will do what is best for the team. I moved my last player to D despite not really wanting too because of team needs. Plenty of GMs have retired very good players to create new guys that benift there team. Most GMs wont create a second player and screw over other GMS but some might
  18. Its weird u guys dont get paid but we do in the VHLM
  19. The New York Americans entered the year, not as favourites but atleast pegged to be top 3 behind Seattle and Toronto. To start the season lead by league MVP at this point Rhett Degrath and his sparkiling 1.63GAA and 944sv% have the Americans atleast early leading the league at 7-0-2. Komarov, Jones, and Keller are looking more true to rookie form. Well Mcknight and Muller are putting the pieces together and building on solid rookie campaigns. Veterans Sami Zayn, and Luca Volkov have proved to be valuable leaders in the lockerroom. Colton Rayne not to be forgotten is notnexactly lighting up but he provided the solid defensive play every team needs to succeed. They are still a growing which means the best is yet to come. Komarov, Keller, Rayne, and Jones are all in their 3rd and 4th seasons respectively which means they are just abiut to hit there primes.
  20. I tried with 3 goals in the second but no one else came to play tonight
  21. Feel free to add your own for your teammates, i dont really have tons of free time to post these up every week but ill try. 1) What are your goals this season? 2) If you had to pick a VHL team to be drafted too right now who and why? 3) VHL player you want to model your game after current or past? 4) What are your goals for your player in the VHL star? Role player? 5) Biggest thing you are going to bring to a VHL team when they draft you? @Dangles13 @nikkurri17 @MadMax @Masxn1 @Sami K @Velevra @VHLwhat@Polygeekism
  22. League file is still out of date :/ he updated our rosters in the sim but didnt put out the new file
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