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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Gooningitup

    S56 VHLM Awards

    @der meister seeing as ur blind
  2. Its saturday? We didnt get prediction points
  3. Probably lose, some knowledgeable guys in here but worth the shot
  4. Gooningitup

    S56 VHLM Awards

    Was between you and Broduer for me. Broduer stole the first 2 games of finals made the choice for me.
  5. Jokes aside good luck this year except against Sask
  6. Just not saying till its all done lol
  7. Guess ur going to Vegas voted redacted(not myself)
  8. Should just post my votes lol only one done
  9. Ill give you an example. Toronto GM won 3 cups in 3 seasons i won GMOTY. Because i took a team that had no real core, to a finals and almost won denying what is history.
  10. If he can be offered one Saskatoon offers 1 million dollars for the season @Gudnason
  11. Last season Komarov was shunned the fans werent happy they drafted a man with 15points in 72 games let alone a Russian. However that changed quick this year they cant keep his jersey in stock. After tearing the VHLM a new one Komarov has become a fan favourite. A star in the making, one that American fans hope leads them to many cups. Komarov is likely in line for atleast 2 awards in the VHLM. Top goal scorer and top two way man. With MVP being a debate he should be apart of. This comes ontop of being the VHLM champ, after last years bitter defeat. This season will be painful for New York, you will not hear anyone debate that. However, this season starts the climb from the bottom. Casey Jones, Sergei Komarov, Launchpad Mcquack, Irk Arkander are all expected to start the season and form the core. With Colton Rayne expected to stay down for the season in the VHLM. Komarov has put expectations on himself to atleast be in the conversation for rookie of the year. He will be coming into the season putting it likely abit over 300 hours into his training. Putting him just a 100 hours behind cousin Pavel, and 200 behind his uncle Vladimir. This is impressive, and goes further to showing Sergei wants to set himself apart from the other Komarovs. Seems to be on good pace right now as he hopes to be the face of the Americans success. The core, Casey Jones just captured the VHLM scoring title. To go along with the cup he shared with Komarov as part of the Aces core. He will be the anchor of the blue line for many seasons too go. Colton Rayne, proved to be a beast in terms of the plus minus area. Making sure he drove play and kept the puck out of his net. He along with Jones, Komarov captured the cup with the Aces, well being the ying to Casey Jones offensive yang. Launchpad Mcquack is the wild card. He could be a great number 2 C. Making a formidable 1-2 punch down the middle for years to come, or he could call his career early. His agent aims to prove tbe league wrong, and the Americans took the flyer. They hope he can build on that and become a good center to help round out the core. Takashi Fujimoto is the Veteran brought in with hopes that his experience can guide this young roster. The hope is well they may not win a cup, they will atleast gain experience learning from a talented veteran on what it means to be a pro. The bonus, it cost little and they hope to atleast be playoff bound next season if all goes well. The Americans still need things to go there way. This will not be a simple road but, things look a heck of alot better from where they are now to where they were last season. Lets hope the momentum can carry into next offseason
  12. Renis Sekele Barry Szeto Karen Mak Uylanin Namestikov John Forrester Charles Murphy Carmen Fung Cut alot of dead weight.
  13. Saskatoon Shelton Kenzie @Dingle
  14. Devin Fox @Splat to Saskatoon
  15. Saskatoon selects Kirk Lazurus @RadiatedGold
  16. Saskatoon selects Paul Dimirio Jr @124715
  17. Gooningitup


    To OTT Briane O Tarth To SSK OTT 2nd S57 (9th overall) @Beaviss
  18. Saskatoon selects Kriztof Muller 9th overall @ADV
  19. Saskatoon selects Josh Stronk 8th overall @Beerfridge
  20. 3rd overall Saskatoon selects Phil Bennington @Phil
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