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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Yep me and @Smarch came within 1 game each but failed
  2. Claim 5 for the first time ever lol
  3. Rumour has it Sergei Komarov has been working on his abilities outside the faceoff dot, with speculation that well he will remain a top line player for New York after regersitering 101 points, 180 hits and 70 shots blocked. However, he may not play center with rumors swirling there will be a new top dog in town, and he will team up with Fujimoto, and Komarov to form an extremely lethal top line. The question is who? The top candiadates seem to be Chase Keller, or vet Shawn Gretzky. Both of whom are exceptional centers, Komarov known to be a team first player like the rest of his family agreed to move to wing for the best of the team. Citing he wants to win cups, being a greedy player will not accomplish that. He saw Pavel move to defense early in his career for the best of the team, and knew if he was called on he would do what is best for whoever drafted him.
  4. @124715 @Beerfridge still got time for free TPE before season starts
  5. With project 2 out the window it means id be stuck 3 seasons with him, and i havent put any real effort in. Rather just make a goon next player and put work in
  6. Im likely retiring my goon for this reason. Dont wanna be stuck with a guy i wont be trying with for 3 seasons. Till i can make a new guy whose worth a damn. That boredem would drive me away. I can see them maybe giving a 1 off given this wont happen again allow players to get carry over from both it seems fair?
  7. You and Parashkin are Komarovs end goal.
  8. @Devise what day you living in cuz for me its the 10th all the days are wrong had me confused other than that looks good
  9. 1. Ivan Morozov 2. Kriztof Mueller 3. Aksel McKnight 4. Dragon McDragon 5. Lavar Ball 6. Adam Warlock 7. Otto Axelsson 8. ? Vladislav Koradek 9. Elias Karlsson 10. Paul DiMirio Jr.
  10. We are in the offseason, likely today or tomorrow there will be an offseason plan posted. Then at a later date decided by the GMs of both leagues, likely be soon a draft will be held. Which you will be picked, and then the season will start and you keep making media pieces, and updating your player to be the best. You will be drafted to one of the 5 VHLM teams, play a season or 2 there. And be drafted to a VHL team the season after you are drafted in the VHLM.
  11. Orders done, but dont think they are posting till its all done the draft. Id assume
  12. Shoulda been Saskatoon vs Oslo Ottawa bad
  13. See what happends when Ottawa wins they choke. Its like a ritual or something. Atleast Saskatoon woulda made this a series
  14. I mean more like HOF wise, if we changed to deeper teams. Players wouldnt be getting the big seasons, like we see now. Which means we dont have guys like Thomas O'Malley, or Ravenwing. Now ud likely toil away for 3 seasons doing meh, which might push people away(id be one). Then star for abit then retire. Meaning guys who missed the cut, before this change are likely HOFer in our deeper league. But not now.
  15. Just another small point as i think history means little in SIM leagues. But it would mean changing litterly everything in the VHL from HOF to recordbooks. Cuz now not a single person is cracking the top scorers or hits, or PIM etc ever lol. I think were too far in at this point to make radical changes to that. Because that means players who would make it under new rules, miss out cuz they played old days, well guys whod never crack it old ways wouldnt. Im talking about deeper teams btw. Cuz how often you see 100 point players in SHL?
  16. Man ive never had a busier post, than this one seems i really sparked people to talk even if it seems like 8 v 1 lol
  17. Except most outside of Krigars/thrower are all heavy active updaters. Lol Me Jones and Keller are all closing in or past 400 TPE as young players with our careers ahead of them, potential stars in the making. Locke had a bout of inactivity, Cornerstone and Fuji are hard working updaters etc.
  18. Except its the people who put in work who stay? Lol and welfare bums who eventually burn out. Look at @Beaviss worked his ass off still here, where many new bloods who just try to do welfare disapear?. The 4 is only for the old dogs who have put in 2 players of work. A new member is rewarded more for writing than welfare. Which if you read my media piece and others has been a topic im sure head office is looking at is changing welfare. To either a check or maybe just more for new members. Its new member retentionissue we have not old dogs.
  19. Why top prospects do it all the time? Guys who dont put in the work generally flatline as VHLMer or role players. The guys who generally make it far are the higher end guys. I dont want to grind 3-4 seasons just to see me star then i retire 3 seasons later. Deep teams dont benefit, 8 season max players at all.
  20. I couldnt do SHL/GOMHL because they were too deep, as 500TPE there ur a 3rd/4th liner and still having to put in a shit ton of work. I like 2 lines maybe 3, but full roster mean players dont always get good playing time and its harder to earn TPE here than SHL/GOMHL
  21. Building abit more on that idea maybe make a game of the day? Have a few dedicated PBP writers pay them X TPE to write one. Atleast one game, as we dont have the members to do a ton yet.
  22. Does that stack on the 6 for it being my media or instead of?
  23. If contraction ends up helping us grow in the long run im all for it. Id rather lose out now, then not fix anything and lose this fun place. Im here more than SHL for the reason ive built good albiet fake friends here
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