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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. So Beevis is homeless then cuz he only made a mill to this point lol and spent it all on that car
  2. See what happens when changes get made, players can thrive. Id bet Asipi plays better now that hes on a line more suited for him
  3. Damn litterly just sent in lines missed it by likely a few minutes lol
  4. Whats with GMs in Davos going inactive? That make 3 outta the last 4 lol
  5. You have 1 player on your team. Sure V2A is a pain and means players run from playing. But he still helps even if he can only fetch a 2nd. Id say its in a worse spot. As now a new GM, either brings over a player who they accept will get nothing or have to wait a season or 2 for a guy to make an impact. They have no tradeable assets outside of picks. Which they need. I like you but they are a big mess
  6. Weve basically split this series eh? Lol seems you win one we win one lol
  7. Gunna be an uphill battle, anyone else gunna step into the ring? Curious to see who elss wants to take over the mess
  8. Was kinda hoping ud step down next year. Cant make a second player till season 59. Which is when i could gm again
  9. @Higgins if i sent in lines like Jardy said would you accept them given Taggers made 0 posts in 9 days now. Hes logged on, but ignored PMs, tags etc
  10. Thanks @STZ for defending me, however like i did say in this thread. I was much harsher on Aspi than i should have been. @Kendrick is right, i did bully him abit it may have been taken abit outta context. But it was wrong on my part. @DeathOnReddit i am sorry and wish you the best if you return
  11. Ah okay, so thats for example why i gave up a first for my disapointment in Pavel. And got to keep Ahma player, which i managed to turn into first anyways
  12. So thats why GM players are always traded. I admit this i legit didnt know this, why is that so? Why for example if someone took over a star team with a new player coming in(via draft). Need to trade away a player. I mean this obviously not the case in Colonge, but just curious why this is a rule?
  13. Hey thats mean to say i was top 5 and you picked me you saying im awful
  14. Didnt try to move it when i was inactive or when it was a ghost town. The only attempt(i honestly dont even see why people see it as that as i never was actually gunna try). Was the season after we almost won the cup. Which Davos wasnt a ghost town.
  15. Actually i admit its on me, i went too hard on him. Not enough on my GM, in my anger. However, our chemistry doesnt work i played off that. My next article about new aces was gunna be him, to kinda appologize abit. As i kinda had a rough week(which is no excuse to take it out on anyone especially my age). Anyways hes retired, its over now anyways
  16. Thats why i created this, idea. It creates almost like a back up. It means rosters arent missed, people have fun. And are not frustrated, by the lack of change. It allows people to have lives, without hurting especially the development league. And also Kendrick if thats so, id call the BOG dumb. Outside my last season, in which i had nothing worth much aside from picks i was not trading. I made sure any issues my players had was talked about. I never ignored players, or forgot to do my duty. However, i certianly was not as active as i am now. Which is 100% why i stepped away from it. Id love to get back into it in a few seasons however
  17. You sure you talking about the same person lol my last season i was quiet cuz i had a new bussinuess, but i also had no assets to move worth anything
  18. When did i ever go inactive? I always put in lines, made sure i was at cap, made sure i never missed replying to PMs within a day. Made sure my rosters were posted and correct. I was never truely inactive, i just wasnt as vocal on the boards. I stepped down cuz i couldnt give my all to a team that needed it.
  19. Me lol not really using him as an excuse for sucking given i still lead all forwards in scoring. But our chemistry has been awful, so i mentioned it and more been after the GM for my sucking than him. But hey to each his own
  20. @JardyB10 @Will @Smarch @Frank @Corco Okay, so time to rant. This will be my 4 GM that has gone awol. Either mid season, early, or late season. Infact my first season in this league i played on a team with one other active. Its promted me to think of a way to help.maybe the workload. I mean life happens i know, but it shouldnt come at the expense of players fun, and especially on a team full of new players. This is the first thing they see in the league after all. So im proposing coaches. Basically they could just have access to a seperate area(so they dont have head office or GM privlidges). That they can get the latest index, and be able to submit lines if the GM of busy, or missing for abit. It allows A, experience with the sim many otherwise might never get, and B, prevents teams from suffering due to the GM real life issues. Taggers been a great GM, but since the league got updated our chemistrys been off. Which has lead to frustration from myself, and even a few new guys wondering what is going on. Its been a week since hes posted anything, and read 0 PMs.
  21. Did i finally start to turn the corner again?
  22. Not to mention we have the top 2 Cs in the face off dot in Vegas atm
  23. Better add to that routine soon number 1 C
  24. Breaking New Sergei Komarov, asks New York to be called up, tired of being stuck suffering in VHLM after GM gone awol

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. BOOM


      Well I hope it gets sorted out and the performance picks up.

    3. TheLastOlympian07


      your logic makes zero sense lol. but whatever call him up!

    4. Kendrick


      Well we now know why Arbin retired, he was bullied. Great work.

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