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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Oh i dont doubt changes are coming its just more me pointing out some of the other issues i see with why we are regressing when everyone else seems to be growing
  2. Trolls are fine if they dont hold serious power. You can ignore them, but if theg have power yes you can ignore them, but it reflects bad on the league as a whole.
  3. So im going to expand on this more, next week in my media piece, but this is what i said in New York LR. And how the old boys club is leading to some of the issues we face today. Oh im not saying changing Davos to Moscow is going to fix our league. What im saying is it the mentality that, well exactly what you said STZ its worked for so long why isnt it working now. I think a big issue now with this league is it was made in a time where, people worked harder. This generations all about speed. Sitting and writting 500 words to us is nothing, but to a younger generation they dont have that attention span. Ontop of that 2 prominent members of this league are trolls, in Kendrick and Boubai that reflects poorly when you see the graphics head, or a BOG member flat out insulting someone on the forum. We need to get out of this hey it worked for so long mentality and figure out new ideas, contraction when every other league is expanding is awful.
  4. Its more my issue with the fact its usually more bullshit non VHL stuff than it is VHL. Also im the exception but a 500 word media piece is 3 hours to me lol
  5. Do away with Welfare, replace with DAILY activity check. Basically simple idea here, remove welfare put up 5 daily checks for 1 TPE each. This promotes daily log ins to check more than just games. It adds abit extra compared to the welfare system which benifits the old boys club more than new members. This entices new members to stick around, and help build better players quicker. Even just weekly but i think that just becomes a welfare system it means come check in one day and leave till next week. Fix or remove podcasts. Im so sick of hearing podcasts that start with music, or talk about daily lives. Why do i have to make a 500 piece article that stays on topic, but a podcast can be more than half none league related crap. Either force them to stay on the VHL topic or remove them all together. This is nothing against these guys, but its a way to exploit the system. Maybe just cut the time it needs to be? If 50 minutes is seen as crazy, and it is. Then shorten it that way things are much more VHL focused. Change media again We want to promote activity but decided to take away it by allowing longer media that keeps members from posting more for weeks. I think it should have options, either hey ya dont claim for X amount of weeks or a higher TPE pay out. Example 1000 words 9 TPE 2000 15 3000 21 etc. If someone wants to pump out crazy articles. Every week to build a beast why not let them. Its not like were gunna have a million 2k essays a week to read thats a chore. For those like me who struggle to write 500 words, on one topic why not allow 2 articles worth 3 each a week? Again means more media and activity for the league, and helps non english speakers. Remove fan 590 We all know most of them are crap anyways, with my ideas its increases TPE earning so gotta take something out to balence it. Its a waste of time anyways i think im one of few who covers a VHL topic alot are just small crap pieces for a free TPE. Besides the check makes it 5 TPE, and promotes daily log ins and reading of media. Pre-Builds Have a set build, does not need set limits max or mins. But it allows people to have defined roles for example. Give them the 30 TPE, ontop of maybe a stat or 2 boosted to 50? Example a sniper would have puck handling and scoring at 50, and 30TPE to play with to improve elsewhere. Its a raw idea, could use some more ground work but i think it add atleast an early variety. I feel well all the ideas may not be fully flushed out, they atleast have some solid ground work to build on. Hopefully someone, looks and maybe builds a deeper idea on my main idea.
  6. Heck its not like any active member couldnt put the numbers into a random generator and do it in 30 seconds either
  7. Unsure of what that meme is if its intreged or scared lol
  8. Now if only Higgins would get on and do his job oh wait hes been on twice and not simmed :/
  9. No one not even the Americans, thought they would make the playoffs. So when they missed it did not really sting. However, they are all aimed at using it to motivate themselves to be the best they can be, and ensure this will not be a constant repeating task. With Colton Rayne, and Hrdina expected to join the squad, and 3 first round picks to add to an already strong core its obvious that they will be a strong team for many seasons to come. Komarov, Jones, and Arkander all had great rookie seasons, McQuack had an up and down rookie year, but he was considered a raw talent going in. Fuji was the star with 120 points, he was the veteran presence and evolved into a game changer. We expect another tight North American conference, with 5 strong teams who will all be similar next year. Quebecs time being the closest to over, well Calgary, Toronto, and Seattle all need to step up in some way to stay in such a desputed divison.
  10. Good optimism, just be prepared to be a back up for abit in the VHL. VHLM has some spots though
  11. @JoonaIceman were Saskatoon, all games in this section
  12. Well thats a given we finished with more points that them. With the same amount of games against all teams
  13. More curiousity than arguement here. As to why Keller over Komarov. He finished 4 points higher, his plus minus is -2 on a playoff team, im +29 on a non playoff team. Hits 187 Komarov, 63 Keller. Shots blocked 73 Komarov, 13 Keller. Faceoff % 57 komarov, 50 keller. Ive also scored 7 goals im shootout, to Kellers 3. Not saying your wrong its just interesting how people value points over complete play. Keller is 100% in the running and if he wins deserves it just and interesting observation
  14. Chase Keller Keller won the rookie scoring face by 4 points, his offensive output is outstanding and what we expect from his agents players. Keller other stats are the weakest of the 3, but 105 points means he deserves the award. Sergei Komarov 101 points, 187hits, 73 shots blocked, +29, and a top 10 faceoff man. All in his rookie season. Hes a legit two way threat, his all around numbers mean he deserves to win the award. Casey Jones 100points, 136 hits, 223 shots blocked, +22 as a rookie defender. Jones is not only deserving of this award, but defender of the year too. Hes been an all around stud playing on the back end for the New York Americans. Is it possible to just call it a tie? I doubt it, my prediction goes to Jones or Kendrick. However it goes to show, there is huge potential in these 3 with big hopes for the future.
  15. 101 points on the season! My first ever 100 point season
  16. Most people are looking at my second player as a good thing. After all im more active than ever, Sergei has been a beast. However Tigertank Willams will be a welfare player, and a pure enforcer. I do not plan on having him become anything more, with Komarov being an elite player i felt now worked to be the best time to have a pure role player. Ive wanted to build a true goon since i joined. With Tigertank Willams that will be possible. If you are to draft me next season dont expect that too change. Know what you are getting, he will also take a back seat to Komarov which means when im burnt out and need welfare Komarov will come first. That being said i hope to be a great enforcer for many seasons to come. Seems im already off to a good start with 4 PIMs, and a few hits in 2 games.
  17. Komarov last season, was leading the VHLM in scoring. This season he was sitting firmly in the top 10, and leading rookies. Once again, once we approached the middle of the pack he fell apart. Now tied for 2nd in rookie scoring, and out of the top 10. Why does he hate this part? Is it just a young player struggling with the grind of the season? Is he playing too much, is it just what we should expect. He is a young star, on the rise but its certianly frustrating for him. The hope is he can grow into the franchise face. Perhaps thats not possible it may, just be Casey Jones title. The rookie defender is tied with him in scoring and a beast from the back end. Perhaps hes better being a complimentary piece. One thing is for certain, no Komarov has ever reached his stardom or his point totals. He is the best of them.
  18. Good god time to retire Komarov this is getting stupid. Good game by our two core playees
  19. Ya i didnt do one till this season and ur a season after me which means season 60.
  20. Lol what the hell would a tech start up want with us. Silly scammers
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