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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Claimed
  2. Claimed
  3. Our fearless leader and captain for the Season 42 campaign will be Pablo Escabar! His assistants will be Thomas Duddy and Jorma Ruutu! Go Lynx!
  4. Meute Reign Vikings Americans
  5. Express 5-2
  6. I'm coming for you I know your xbox live ID. Gonna follow you into every game and spawn kill the shit out of you. You can try and hide in NHL 15 but I'll go buy a copy of that game and I'll find you and cross check you to death.
  7. What a stud muffin.
  8. I went to FA with my first player, never again.
  9. Moar questions!
  10. Day made.
  11. Que D2 *slow clap*
  12. Claimed
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