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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Build millwork fixtures, door and frames and some furniture. All for rich people.
  2. Review: Different style from you. Usually you wash out your graphics to blend them. Here you raised the quality of the render and made everything else secondary. Really like the text placement for the player name. Not sure I like the green and pink contrast or the stats since it feels cluttered. Nice overall. 8/10
  3. Review: The effort is there and you have a solid foundation. This just needs a few blending elements and adjusted focal points to be a really strong graphic. The fact you did a jersey change is plus. I think if you continue working on blending your stocks with lighten or another layer adjustment. The Malmo logo over the entire graphic stands out a bit too much. 7/10
  4. This is the content that I'm here for.
  5. 1. Prediction, who is winning it all this season? I predicted Malmo, but after seeing the results so far I feel like Warsaw might repeat. They upgraded their goaltending mid season and I feel like most of us have underrated them, if that's possible. 2. Since VHLE starting this coming season, what is your favorite VHLE name and a logo? Gladiators, despite the team not being in Minot I still have nostalgia. My first VHLM team GM'd by @JardyB10 really got me into the league back in Season 19. 3. A side from hockey, do you follow any other sport and if so which one? I enjoy the odd baseball game but I'd say hockey is my go to. The only sport I can drink while watching and not fall asleep, unless it's some trap hockey bull shit. 4. With the playoffs and the off season comes WJHC. Are you part taking in that or think will be part taking in that? If so, which team you are hoping to be in? If not, what team you supporting or going to be watching? I think my player is too old to be a part so I'll be cheering on Canada, since my player is Canadian after all. 5. If you could go anywhere in the world right now and it didn't cost you anything. Where would you want to go and why? If it wasn't the pandemic, I would love to go back to Peru. I went in 2019 with my fiance but there's still so much we could have done. The food is amazing. 6. What is your favorite type of chicken sauce? Depends on the type of chicken. If it's a wing I'd probably go hot, hot and sweet or honey garlic. If it's breaded like a nugget or strip my go to would be plum sauce, and now I'm hungry...
  6. Sergei Malarkey That's a good player name.
  7. Gunnar Odinsson @BOOM leads his team in assists and league in points and doesn't get a thank you. Locker room rift?
  8. Review: I dig the uniqueness. I like the washed out feel you gave this with texture and lighting. The colouring looks fine. The text although interesting is a little chaotic placement wise, something easier to follow would help. My main issue is the logo swap the image quality is stronger then the render as well as different colouring, makes it stick out like a sore thumb. 7.5/10
  9. 1. We've officially been eliminated from the playoffs. What do you think went wrong this season? I think it went as expected. Our players need more development time. Hoping for better results next season. 2. We acquired Kevin King from London at the trade deadline, what do you think he can contribute to the lineup? Hopefully he makes us a little stronger for next season and finds a home on the top two lines. 3. We will be playing in the draft lottery tournament, but Toronto has our first round pick this season. How will you play in the tournament knowing that the better we do, the better our pick could be for a different team? Considering the pick was traded for my player, I hope we go undefeated. Moreau will be playing his heart out. 4. Since we won't be in the playoffs, which team(s) and/or player(s) will you be rooting for in the playoffs? Will you shift your focus to watch the M playoffs? I'll be rooting for Los Angeles since they seem like a team that has had shitty sim luck. Also our GM's player is there, Alex Letang. @Spartan 5. Our offseason will begin next week, as playoffs start on Monday. What will you start focusing on for improvement, so we can avoid missing out on playoffs next season? Get scoring to 99. Then get puck handling and skating as high as possible. 6. If you had to pick a team MVP for this past season, who would it be? Duncan Idaho @OrbitingDeath his player did it all this season. Offensively, defensively and physically. I think he'll win at least one Boulet in the next two seasons.
  10. Review: Love this concept for a Calgary third jersey, dropping the red and going black and white. The logo looks great with the giant W and the cowboy riding in it with his lasso. Is the logo yours or did you find it somewhere? If it's yours 10/10 if you did a JC with the existing logo 8/10.
  11. For next week. I'm all super punctual and shit.
  12. 1. I'd like to see a harsher update scale. Way too many players with 99 scoring and similar builds. A harsher update scale might make a player less useful with only 99 scoring. 2. More opportunities for people who make quality GFX. Maybe posters for hall of fame pages or graphics for people to include in their media spots. It would be cool to see members collaborate on point tasks. 3. Allow VHL teams to retain salaries up to 50%. Would make for more intriguing off-seasons and deadlines. Also allows rebuilding teams a better chance to get more assets for retiring or expiring players.
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