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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Erase some of the overlay over the renders faces. I like the style.
  2. 1. The season has started and we've opened it up with a hell of a run. How does it feel to finally have a winning record? Feels great, hopefully we can maintain first place in the standings. Also nice that we've beaten Malmo twice. 2. Who on your team has surprised you the most with their good play so far? (btw the answer should be idaho he's killing it) Idaho is killing it but I kind of expected that. I think Stein is playing just as well and deserves equal praise. 3. Which one of our many offseason additions have impressed you the most? I think Rasputin has allowed us to win games we wouldn't have won last season. Good goaltending is what makes the difference. We're also set up for the future with Emeritus taking over next season. 4. Name a tune you are finding yourself jamming out to lately? I love listening to Simon and Garfunkel. I've found myself playing their music more frequently in the drive to and from work. 5. Does the Moscow Menace have a mascot? Seriously I don't know i'm asking here. If not create an idea for one. We do not, but if we did his name should be something intimidating. Also he should be an exact duplicate of our logo. Maybe he could be like the Burger King mascot and we'll call him food poisoning or IBS. 6. Are you a fan of any other sport other than hockey? If so I want to know what your into! I follow baseball as well but I'm primarily into hockey.
  3. The wait is over. Expectations in Moscow are at an all-time high with the acquisition of Lexi Glass and signing of Rara Rasputin. The Season 80 Menace are not only expected to make the playoffs, but also make some noise once they get there. After the Malmo Nighthawks won their second Continental Cup in their history, Moscow ownership felt pressure to push for their second as well. Moscow GM Euron Leonidas has made several shrewd moves and quality draft choices over his tenure. That has allowed the Menace to select the likes of Duncan Idaho, Paul Atreides, Hard Markinson and Papa Emeritus. The move that signaled the end of the rebuild was when Moscow acquired Aurelien Moreau for the 4th Overall selection in the Season 80 draft. Moreau proceeded to sign a 5 season contract with the club. Moscow has started the season 8-1-1 and are looking to over take Malmo early on. With the rise of Moscow and the beginning of a dynasty with Malmo, this could become a great rivalry over the coming seasons.
  4. To be fair Moreau's stats were more focused on defense in his first season. That might have helped the plus minus as well as being on a good team.
  5. Review: Good effort on the jersey swap. The logo is a bit small. I would of tried to match it to the original logo I'm assuming it larger and wavier as well as being covered by the pad. The placement of the text and logo are a bit random. Not bad for a quick graphic but some basic design elements are missing or not executed. Overall 7/10
  6. Review: I think this is one of your better sigs. The render effects are nice as well as the text. The areas for improvement IMO would be the spacing of everything it feels to spread out. Also the blending, this sig is screaming for some stocks or filters. Overall 8.5/108
  7. When I see a high TPA player failing in the sim...
  8. 1. A lot has happened this week in a rapid succession. One of those things is several trades. What are you thoughts on the trades that did happen? I'm elated that @Spartan was able to move cap and bring in Rasputin @Victor. I'm sad to see @N0HBDY leave us he was a great teammate and will be missed. It's always nice to see a three way. 2. New season is starting right up, are you ready for it? Yes, I've been steadily improving skating and puck handling. I held off earning so we could ice the best team possible but I'm back to max earning again. 3. What are you prediction for this season? Will we compete in the playoffs? Do you think we have a chance at the cup? I think we made enough improvements to be a contender but the sim is unpredictable at times. I say we're a playoff team, but beyond that it's a coin flip. 4. Along with VHL starting this week, the NHL preseason is also starting this week. Are you excited about it? What team you cheering for? It'll be nice to watch regular season games with fans again. Sorry to say I'm a Vancouver Canucks fan. 5. What is your favorite pizza toping? Love anything on pizza. Even pineapple and cilantro. Don't hold it against me. 6. Finally, the draft was this past weekend. Welcome the new kids to the block. What is you thoughts on the VHL draft? Who were in your opinion the winners and the losers of the draft? I'd say Toronto was a winner and a loser. They lost the lotteries but having 3 top 5 picks is a huge win.
  9. G - Rara Rasputin F - Chris Reynolds @Timmy Turner
  10. Is this how wikipedia started?
  11. F - Druss Deathwalker F - Justin Lose @Timmy Turner
  12. D - Hard Markinsson D - Battre Sandstrom @Timmy Turner
  13. Booooo @BladeMaiden
  14. Inactive GM gets robbed of top GM honours. 

  15. Yes
  16. Will this be a L or a W for Toronto?
  17. Frank has made a free agency offer to Venus Thightrap: Anywhere but Seattle.
  18. @gorlab bust
  19. What about the pee though, how long until that gets to room temperature? Asking for a friend.
  20. Frank


    What about the pay out for this past season?
  21. Season starts on Wednesday. Is this still a thing? @Domg5 @youloser1337 @Beketov @bigAL
  22. Will you stop it?
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