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About Datools

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    Beau Bennett
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  1. Toronto 5-4
  2. 231 Moscow Menace 232 HC Davos Dynamo 233 Calgary Wranglers 234 Toronto Legion
  3. 1. Favourite NHL team and why? Penguins - Lemieux 2. Do you like any other sports other than hockey? CFL 3. Have you ever considered joining a sister league? (SBA, EFL) Never heard of them actually 4. We've now moved into second place and have had some strong showing's against the top team, how long do you think till we hit #1, or will we not hit it? I think we'll stay at #2 honestly but will have our way in the playoffs 5. We're almost half way through the season, for some of you its your first and some its not, do you plan on moving up next year or staying down? I'm split 50/50 to be honest 6. 8-1-1 in the past 10 games, what do you think our final record will be? 52-17-4
  4. Moscow Toronto Calgary Vancouver
  5. +10 Beau Bennett
  6. 1. Do you have any long term VHL goals, HOF, championship, well known player? Yes I want to be a perennial top 10 in +/- 2. How did you come up with your name? I wanted my player to be really hot so I just imagined a hot name 3. Why do you play your position? I love the D 4. We recently defeated Minnesota, their only regulation loss, how do you feel about this? Great! I logged a lot of minutes so staying in the positive +/- against a good team was great 5. We currently have 2 players in the top 10 for scoring, do you think this will change during the rest of the season? No, I think the rest of our players are strong support type guys who won't rack up the numbers continue to allow our elite scorers to steal the show 6. Has anybody stood out to you so far, if so who? Micha Sage, 10 goals total, 4 of which are GWG, clutch.
  7. Review: I like how this biography was broken into subsections, made it easier to follow along however I would have segmented it even more! A few pictures would've been fun for me too. I though I was being so creative when I made my origin story about roller hockey but I've seen a couple now hahaha so welcome to the league from another roller boy. I would have liked to see an additional paragraph looking forward to the future or placing Bruce in the draft or league. Thanks for the fun!
  8. Skaters: Daddy Wanke Justin Tinder-Lake Goalie: Brock Wall
  9. 1. We've had a few games so far this season, do you like how things are going? Good, my player has a positive +/- which is one of my objectives for the season! 2. How do you feel about the team in general, anything you would change? I think we're playing very well, would love to be undefeated though! 3. If you were drafted by Ottawa do you like that? And if you signed with Ottawa why? I signed with Ottawa because I'm an Ottawa native. I'm really cheap and couldn't afford a new pair of pyjamas! 4. Anything me or Acyd could do to make the team better, either lines or anything in discord/forums. Would love to know some of the thoughts behind line creation 5. Do you have a favourite VHL team or one you would like to be drafted by? Or do you still need time to learn them? I've still got time. I spent a lot of time researching a visiting with VHLM teams to decide where I'd be signing, looking forward to forgoing that process and being drafted 6. How has your entire VHL experience been? Great! Happy to be getting minutes
  10. Review: Love the graphic, interesting alcoholic backstory lol Would love to know more about Whiskey's background. You know, his therapists notes as to why he's an alcoholic haha ^only second to the NHL in terms of league prestige
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