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mattyIceman last won the day on September 21 2023

mattyIceman had the most liked content!


About mattyIceman

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Profile Information

  • Player
    Kimi Raikkonen
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  • Gender
  • NHL Team
    Montreal Canadiens
  • Interests
    Creating. Silly, dumb shit

Recent Profile Visitors

6,814 profile views
  1. Name sounds familiar! Welcome!
  2. Hey welcome new member!
  3. So clean!
  4. Welcome back bud!
  5. Whoa welcome back man!
  6. Ciao amigo, welcome back!
  7. I read 2+4+6 so 12. Unless the 4 is supposed to be a six in which case it's 14.. So is it 12 or 14?
  8. Sounds good
  9. Welcome to the community!
  10. Day 12, made it!
  11. REAPERS PRESS CONFERENCE DUE DEC. 29th Answer all six for 2 TPE and answer three for 1 TPE. Let's #ReapEm! 1. Christmas is upon us very shortly! Are you feeling the holiday spirit or is it just meh this year for whatever reason? 2. I hope you got all your shopping done, if you have any to do at least. What's on you Xmas wishlist?? 3. The season should be getting underway sometime soon after Christmas. Our team is significantly weaker from top players moving on. Do you have any concerns about getting off to a not so smooth start? 4. What is your player doing for the holidays before the season kicks off? 5. How's your favorite NHL team doing around this time of the year? If you don't have a favorite NHL team, how's your favorite sports team doing? 6. Do you want to do a captain and assistant vote? Or would you just rather the GM select the teams leadership? Do you think selecting captains even makes a difference at all? Reapers Tags: @Lucas anton @MrMom @alto_red @oilmandan @xsjack @yevty @EndoNate @MichkovSzn @ScottyP
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