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  1. Haha
    mattyIceman reacted to Renomitsu in 2020 Twelve Days of Christmas: Day 8   
    i wanted to spend all day on google maps
    but i guess i can't do that, so i'm here
  2. Fire
    mattyIceman reacted to Ledge in Wayyyy Too Early VHL Mock Draft!!   
    Here we go, starting off with a VHL mock draft that is, as the title implies, wayyyy too early! I'm Ledge, and I hope you like this article because it took be a hell of a long time to make it. And if you're wondering, no, I did not assign teams to picks. I can't tell the future THAT well. 
    1st overall: Red Lite @Tate
    This one really wasn't a very tough decision. Red Lite is a star in the making. Currently sitting at a crazy 245 TPE, he'll be more than capped and ready to join the lucky team that lands him this offseason. The right winger is playing for the San Diego Marlins in the M, who are probably going to be a playoff team, allowing Lite to go on a draft showcase during the playoffs. All in all, look for Red Lite to have a fruitful VHL career. 
    2nd overall: Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn
    This 2nd overall pick was really close between Acyd and Beav, but since Beav is generally hated on by the league(I'm a beavliever btw), the higher pick goes to Acyd's new recreate, Sandstrom. A defenceman for the Yukon Rush, who are underperforming despite a good roster this year, Sandstrom has been quite good, notching almost point per game as a defenceman and basically opening up the eyes of a lot of VHL scouts.
    3rd overall: Hulk Hogan Jr. @Beaviss
    There's no way a player as good as Hogan Jr. can fall farther than third in a relatively weak draft. Hogan has been not quite as offensively noticeable as Sandstrom but is a key part of the dominant Mexico City Kings roster and has amassed huge amounts of hits and blocked shots. Part of the champion Miami Marauders last season, Hogan already has a ring, and is looking for another this year.
    4th overall: Frank Funk Jr. @Rayzor_7
    Funk, Rayzor's new player after the legendary Rayz Funk retired last season, has the slight edge over the next guy down because Rayzor is a GM and can be counted on to be active. Funk himself has had a pretty good season. The Russian winger has put up decent points while also being a critical part of the Marlins blueline.
    5th overall: Tom Eagles @Greg_Di
    Next up at 5th overall is Eagles. The Polish defenceman has been a sensation so far with the Philadelphia Reapers, putting up nearly a point per game and and having 113 shots as a defenceman! Eagles also capps every week, so a reliable earner is to be had. An overall gem that GMs should be looking out for
    6th overall: Gunnar Odinsson @BOOM™
    When BOOM finally returned to the VHL, they made quite a splash. Odinsson is the product of this rebirth, and although he has been overshadowed by some other young talents on the Marlins, he's still put up more than half a point per game and 61 blocked shots. BOOM is a good investment to be made, so Odinsson could be chosen higher. 
    7th overall: Kaladin Kvothe @DangerGolding
    DG's new British player comes in the form of Kvothe, who has an utterly unpronounceable surname. Yet ANOTHER player from the Marlins, Kvothe is a low-scoring left wing. Which is super confusing, mind you, because he has 90 TPE in scoring. One of the great conundrums of this era. Only 9 goals this season. Nevertheless, Kvothe should go around 7th overall.
    8th overall: Kristof Welch @Juice
    A crazy reach at 8th overall? Nah. I even think Welch could go higher. The defender for the Yukon Rush earns TPE like his life depends on it, racking up 25 last week and 27 the week before. He headlines a group of first gen players who have been dominating the TPE leaderboards. Welch has slightly less than half a point per game, put that can be improved easily. 
    9th overall: Magnus Verlander @Jbeezy76
    While not a top earner, Verlander has been showing off his almost perfect build this season, collecting more than a point per game with the dream team Kings. A lot of other players in this draft class have been struggling in the point column, but Verlander has been exceptional. 
    10th overall: Phoenix Dawson @Toast
    The legendary Toast cometh! Dawson, a two-way center for the defending champions Miami Marauders, is one of those players you can count on to cap each week and be a reliable member of the team. 36 points in 45 games isn't too shabby for a two-way forward, so I think next season we can expect some leaderboards for Dawson.
    11th overall: Robin Galante Nilsson @RomanesEuntDomus
    Another player who caps every single week, Nilsson, a defenceman for the Philadelphia Reapers, has been a fantastic example of what every team needs. A solid, puck moving defender who can hit, block shots, and show up on the scoresheet. This is actually Nilsson's rookie season, which makes his saga even more incredible.
    12th overall: Hex Rose @Hex Universe
    I have to give some credit to my boy, Hex. He was just hired by VSN to be a writer, and although Rose himself hasn't been one of the leading scorers in the league, he is a really good investment to make. One of the most eager first-gens I have ever seen in my short time in the league, Hex earns like crazy and I think he deserves to go higher than this in the draft.
    13th overall: Caitlyn Catowize @CrazyCaityCat
    Whaaat? She fell this far? I know, it was really hard to do, but there are so many young talents in here that it's hard to pick just 16 for the first round. I feel the only reason Catowize dropped so far is because of her dismal point totals. This is another conundrum, because her build looks fine to me. I guess Simon is the one who picks the successful players, though. Catowize is still a steal at 13.
    14th overall: Erin Esurance @Sljppers
    Yet another first gen TPE machine is Erin Esurance. The winger for the lowly Mississauga Hounds has benefitted greatly from the large amounts of ice time, posting 24 goals and more than a point per game. Esurance has also been at the top of TPE leaderboards almost every time I've checked. Obviously an absolute steal at 14, very much could be higher.
    15th overall: Eeli Rantanen @Jolline
    Arrg, this is getting so hard! So many capable players, but not nearly enough spots! I figured I'd have to give one to Rantanen, though. Almost a point per game player, Rantanen also has an insane 232 shots. Another winger who is benefitting from the ice time opened up by the rebuilding Hounds, he is also a reliable TPE earner. A win-win for the lucky team that gets him.
    16th overall: Phil The Rock Johnson @Phil
    Despite his measly two points this season as a forward, I know a couple of teams that would gladly take Johnson, a winger for the Marlins. He's a consistent earner, but I think his scoring and passing are too close together. Anyhow, a player with this much TPE will be a good player to get this late in the draft. 
    Honorable Mentions:
    Jivere Zolnek @Sixersfan549
    Evgeny Bernov @Viperxhawks19
    Javad Kamkar @Parriyah9374
    Lenny Sanderson @Gally
    MacGruber @Motzaburger
    Philip Stein @IHateBobNutting
    So, Since I want to get to claim this for three weeks, I'll have to write another four hundred words or so. So I'll do a quick recap of what just happened.
    Red Lite is going 1st overall. This is not debatable.  He is by far the best player available, and I hope the team that gets 1st overall chooses him. 
    For 2nd overall, it's up to Battre Sandstrom and Hulk Hogan Jr. I say whichever one earns the most the next couple weeks will get the earlier pick(btw guys, if you're not going to do a point task, why not claim welfare?)
    Frank Funk Jr. and Tom Eagles will battle it out for 4th overall, and the other will go 5th. No question here either
    After that, it's a mess of a draft class. Lots of capable players, but some with large amounts of TPE but not of points. I can see Welch, Rose, Esurance, and Rantanen easily climbing the rankings a lot the next couple weeks, and I'll bet we see Kamkar, Sanderson, and Stein on this list very soon. Overall, not as strong a draft class as last season, but a very strong one indeed. I think we should still see active players through the 3rd round or so, but them it drops off dramatically, so we won't be having an expanded draft this season. 
    I mean, I don't want to jinx anything, but it looks like the LA Stars might get 1st overall two years in a row. Pistil Stamen and then Red Lite. For sure a recipe for greatness. If the Riga Reign manage to get lucky at the lottery, Lite will be a gift to their rebuild. Even if they don't get it, they're getting a top five pick, so that rebuild looks very, very promising. 
    Also, a little RIP for me, I chose Davos to win the cup in the awards predictions thing. They are second last in the European conference. So I won't be winning that, at least this year.
    1551 words
  3. Fire
    mattyIceman reacted to Jubo in Webber - Prospect Sig   
    Decided to try my hand at a 3rd jersey logo for Houston. I've never been a big
    fan myself of text in logo's but it seems to work well here IMO.
  4. Woah
    mattyIceman reacted to Ricer13 in rjfryman Recreate Naming Rights   
    50$ is as high I can go  gg
  5. Hmmm
    mattyIceman reacted to Dom in Games: 319-332   
    My player is a bust, change my mind
  6. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to diacope in Goodbye Doctor   
    No it probably isn't a curse, nor extremely bad luck.. Kasper Kankkunen has been playing with a fractured elbow ever since taking a huge hit in the corner from Thomas Landry early in the season. 
    Sources say team doctor Bear Vozenilek diagnosed the rookie with a bruised shoulder but totally missed the other injury while examinating, letting the Finnish defender go home with a no contact pratice order for only a few days. 
    Surprisingly it's been almost 30 games after the grueling hit that sidelined the rookie and the injury seems to be healing normally despite playing over 25 minutes a game all this time, a true testament to this rookies grinding, never giving up personality and fight to remain as one of his draft classes best defenseman. 
    Today the London United management decided to part ways with Dr. Vozenilek, firing him on the spot after finding out the news and immediately hired the assistant Drew Mato who we think noticed the misdiagnosed defender and brought it up to the organizations staff.
    Little is known on if we'll see Kasper play next game or get a few games rest but if we could make a guess the resilient Kankkunen will get back on the ice with full confidence, knowing a little more about his recent struggles and pain, we do hope to see him electrify the fans again like he did at the beginning of the season. But who knows? Maybe this is it for K.K.
    246 words
  7. Fire
    mattyIceman reacted to VHL Games in Games: 303-318   
    Game 303: Ottawa Lynx vs. Saskatoon Wild
    Game 304: San Diego Marlins vs. Mississauga Hounds
    Game 305: Halifax 21st vs. Yukon Rush
    Game 306: Mexico City Kings vs. Miami Marauders
    Game 307: Minnesota Storm vs. Houston Bulls
    Game 308: Philadelphia Reapers vs. Ottawa Lynx
    Game 309: Mississauga Hounds vs. Las Vegas Aces
    Game 310: Saskatoon Wild vs. San Diego Marlins
    Game 311: Minnesota Storm vs. Halifax 21st
    Game 312: Yukon Rush vs. Mexico City Kings
    Game 313: Miami Marauders vs. Philadelphia Reapers
    Game 314: Las Vegas Aces vs. Houston Bulls
    Game 315: Saskatoon Wild vs. Ottawa Lynx
    Game 316: Halifax 21st vs. Mississauga Hounds
    Game 317: Yukon Rush vs. Minnesota Storm
    Game 318: San Diego Marlins vs. Miami Marauders
  8. Cheers
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Banackock in Good News   
    Just wonderful Bana.  Thanks for sharing, sending love and strength 
  9. Fire
    mattyIceman reacted to Banackock in Good News   
    Hello, VHL. Usually with my VHL.com articles I spend my time doing a quick little blab about random things throughout the league or something silly to get people talking.. HOWEVER.. this week we’re going to go the personal route and let the members in on some things going on in Bana’s life. As I’ve always tried to tell people, the world is different and at times difficult but there’s a lot of positivity left in it and things will only get better. Now, let’s dip into things... because they’re pretty damn big! Let’s start with the biggest???
    1. As a lot know, my girlfriend was diagnosed with a tumor in May, and did a biopsy in June and July (the first one they fucked up the sample). In august we learned she had diffuse large b-cell lymphoma which is an aggressive form of cancer of the blood etc. It was also a good sized tumor.. Pretty scary, difficult times... especially because she can’t get sick and we’re finding our way each day through a pandemic full of anti-mask wearers and angry people lol.. she lost her hair and chemo took a pretty strong hit to her... there was some very rough days for her especially as it went on (and me too, but she’s the one who has it).. but this is not about those bad days, sleepless/sick nights etc.. 
    HOWEVER, oct 31 was their final planned chemo cycle (#4) and then we waited until December 9th for a PET scan etc to see how things are... and based off their findings... 
    SHES 100% clear.. just needs to check up every 3 months as it could come back etc.. woo hoo! 

    2. I’ve quit smoking. Both things. Nah, not crack. Mariguana in September and I quit smoking cigarettes 31 days ago some time today.. I’ve done it once before with Champex (a pill everyday that makes smoking garbage) but this time was cold turkey and I haven’t struggled near as bad as last time.. I’m using money as my main thing but of course health too. Still grumpy days and moments and a few triggers and such for good cravings but I’ve battled through it all so far. 
    3. It’s fitting that this is #3 because there’s 3 of them.. but we have 3 Xmas trees up this year. We normally have two. One in the living room area, one in our bedroom... but this year we expanded to the guest bed room.. just in time for more albertan Covid restrictions haha...
    Keep doing good things VHL. Stay strong, stay smart and stay safe out there.. remember - it’s not just you going through it all. We’re all on this planet doing what we can to live the lives we want. 🤘🏻
  10. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to coochiman in Top 5 best pass first players   
    Since I don't know what else to write about I'm going to rank the top 5 best of my fellow pass first player's in the VHL. There aint a lot of playmakers in this league so I thought it would be a good idea to give them some recognition and show that we pass first mofos in this shit together. I will rate them mostly on there performances this season with a little bit of consideration into there builds.
    1. LW - Jim Bob @jRuutu
    Up top is the undisputed goat, the player every pass first user looks up to, the man the myth the legend Jim Bob. At 1005 TPE, Jimmy has by far the most TPE on this list. He has a solid 9 TPE gap between his passing and scoring and has tallied 39 assists and 61 points this season. In his 5th campaign Jim is having his best season yet as he's already tied his personal record in points, showing that it's possible to put up numbers as a passer.
    2. D - Guy Saskamoose @Cxsquared
    Next up we have our first defenseman Guy Saskamoose. While his gap between scoring and passing isn't huge, you can't look past the numbers he's putting up this year on the backend. With an impressive 40 assists already this season, Saskamoose is living the playmakers dream. In his 7th season in the league, Saskamoose looks like he will equal if not better his tally from previous seasons.
    3. D - Ziarie Anigbogu @ngine4
    Another defensemen, Ziarie is most likely a questionable player to put on this list since he only as a 1 TPE gap between passing and scoring. Nvertheless I will accept him as one of the bois and put him in his rightful place at number 3. Anigbogu has even most assists than Saskamoose with 42. The only reason he ranks below him is the fact that technically he isn't a full on pass first player.
    4. D - Emi Rune @Emi
    A 15 TPE difference in passing and scoring is pretty juicy I would say, her stats are also pretty impressive with a total of 34 assists and 38 points. Emi is probably the most pure playmaker out of the bunch as her build mainly focuses on passing the puck above all else. In her 3rd season she's on pace for an over point a game season for the first time in her career.
    5. RW - Lance Flowers @CowboyinAmerica
    Last but not least we have Lance Flowers. With 874 TPA Lance is probably one of the better earners in this top 5 list. What puts him at number 5 is that unfortunately he hasn't the best of starts to the season. With 26 points in 44 games and with 14 of those points being assists it would be unfair to put him above any of the other players. Despite this Lance is still a very talented player and one of the bois with a respectable 10 TPE difference in passing and skating.
    This was supposed to be an article but fuck it might as well be a media spot.
    Honarble mention: @JigglyGumballs
  11. Fire
    mattyIceman reacted to Hex Universe in Minor Adjustments: Bratislava Watchmen   
    Welcome back to Minor Adjustments, a series where we take a closer look at the VHL and VHLM teams of the past. Today, our journey will take us back to Europe. Along the Danube River, lies a city with a very unique VHLM past. In days of old, their team watched over the people and gave their best effort to serve. That city is Bratislava, Slovakia, and their team was the Watchmen.

    Founder's Cups: 7
    Prime Minister's Cups: 3
    Playoff Appearances: 13
    With the VHL and VHLM growing in the number of active players, the league decided to grant the VHLM two expansion teams for S31. One would be awarded to the Yukon Territory of Canada, and the other would be given to the Capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava.
    Bratislava would become known as the Watchmen, and their first GM in team history would be Vince Wong @STZ. The first time GM would immediately begin building his new team and they would find some small pockets of success. The Watchmen would make the playoffs in their inaugural season, only to be ousted early on. It was clear work needed to still be done, especially as Bratislava would fail to reach the playoffs in S32. 
    The Watchmen were growing, however, and during S33, they were ready to strike. Bratislava would reach the playoffs again in S33 and would take out Vasteras IK in the first round. Following that, the Watchmen would have a tough series against the Prime Minister's Cup champion Kolari Panthers, but would win in seven games. Using that momentum, the Watchmen would sweep the Brampton Blades in the Finals to win their first Founder's Cup. Playoff MVP would go to forward Niklas Lindberg, who earned 34 Points (20 Goals and 14 Assists) in 17 games. Vince Wong would win his first GM of the Year award as well.
    After S33 many of the top talent would graduate to the VHL, leaving GM Wong to rebuild the team back to championship form. Over the next couple seasons, the Watchmen would be in rebuild mode, developing their core and getting the team ready for another playoff push. So although Bratislava would miss the playoffs in both S34 and S35, it was all going according to plan for Wong.
    For S36, the Watchmen went from no playoffs to smoking the competition. Bratislava would earn a regular season record of 66-5-1, good for 133 Points, earning the team their first Prime Minister's Cup. Although the regular season was amazing, the Watchmen knew they had one far more important thing to do. Bratislava would go 8-2 in the playoffs on the way to their second Founder's Cup in six seasons. Playoff MVP went to goaltender Martin Brookside and Wong would win his second GM of the Year award.
    After six amazing seasons in Bratislava, Vince Wong would step down as GM. Seth Plaut @Seth would take over as the Watchmen GM starting with S37. Plaut would lead Bratislava to the playoffs in his first year at the helm, but would be ousted before the finals. The next couple seasons of the Plaut era would end before playoffs began as the team would be in rebuilding mode. Although while not highly successful, Plaut did manage to form the body that would lead to much success.
    After Plaut stepped down,  Mario De Rossi @KitRas would take over where Plaut left off. For S40, the Watchmen would make it to the playoffs for the first time in three seasons, and would come out on top against the Bern Royals in the Wild Card round. Then after taking down the Saskatoon Wild, the Watchmen would win their third Founder's Cup. Sachimo Zoidberg would win Playoff MVP for their 22 goals and 7 assists during the playoffs.
    The next season would be even better for the Watchmen, however. As Bratislava would skip the wild card round and would eventually come out on top of the VHLM for the second straight season. The Watchmen would take down the Turku Outlaws in seven games and then the Yukon Rush in five on the way to the Cup. Playoff MVP this time would go to AIM-11, as they registered 9 goals and 15 assists in 12 games. De Rossi would have one more year under the helm in S42, which would end without a playoff berth as the Cup teams of the past couple seasons had graduated.
     S43 would be a bit rough for the Bratislava Watchmen, however. Despite making the playoffs, the season would have two GMs as the first one Davey Jones @Da Trifecta would leave after only a couple weeks at the helm. This would leave Kyle Snow @Jericho to lead the team in his place as Bratislava would lose in the semi-finals to Bern.
    After S43, the Watchmen turned to the all-time great in the VHL to lead them. His name is Blake Campbell @Banackock and he became the new GM of Bratislava for S44. In the Campbell era, the Watchmen would start slow. Bratislava would reach the playoffs in S44, but would not return to the Finals and a rebuild began. Despite the shortcomings, Campbell would win GM of the Year. For S45 and S46, the Watchmen would skipped the playoffs. Their rebuild was going well, though, as their talent pool grew stronger and deeper during those two seasons. 

    Then came the push for the Watchmen in S47. Bratislava, under the full lead of GM Campbell, would storm back into the playoffs. Taking down Oslo and the Ottawa Lynx on the way to the teams first Founder's Cup in five seasons.  Campbell would win his second GM of the Year award for his work into building the Watchmen back up to championship glory.
    Campbell's Watchmen would repeat the same success the very next season in S48. Bratislava would win the Prime Minister's Cup as the best team of the regular season, and would beat Oslo and then Ottawa once more to win back-to-back Founder's Cups for the second time in team history. Campbell would win his third GM of the Year award, a team record and no doubts further solidifies Campbells VHL excellence.
    After S48, Campbell accomplished all that he could, so he left the Watchmen. Sachimo Zoidberg @Jala would take over his former club as the new GM for S49. Although he would only last one season which ended in a playoff exit before the Finals. 
    Then for S50, the Watchmen hired Benjamin Zeptenbergs @hedgehog337 as the teams newest GM. S50 would end without a playoff berth for the Watchmen, but the team was being rebuilt. For S51, while Bratislava would reach the playoffs, it wouldn't be enough to reach the finals. Then during S52, the Watchmen were at full power once again, taking down the regular season as the top team. Once the playoffs hit, there was no stopping them. The team would defeat Ottawa and Yukon on the way to their seventh Founder's Cup. Lukas Miller was the teams playoff MVP and GM Zeptenbergs won GM of the Year. Zeptenbergs would have one more season in Bratislava, but it would end before reaching the playoffs in S53.
    After that, you would expect a new GM to rebuild the team and bring Bratislava back to Championship glory, correct? This time, however, you would be wrong. Bratislava, being the only Euro team still remaining in the VHLM during S53, would be forced out of the league. They, along with the Brampton Blades, were the victims of a sadly decreasing player pool during this time. Both leagues experienced massive contraction due to not having as many active players as they once did. So no matter the storied legacy of the Watchmen and how they would always return for more, their story ends there. 
    Thank you for reading this latest edition of Minor Adjustments. Please be on the lookout for more from me and everyone else at VSN. Special thanks to @boubabi for sending me the original Watchmen logo, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to showcase it here.
    - Hex Rose | Word Count: 1,350
  12. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Ricer13 in Who has the most active VHL team?   
    This thought came to mind today while I was bored at work. The VHLM is a very active place for new players and many teams can stake their claim as to being the “most active” but when you make the jump up into the VHL the activity seems to die off to some degree. So my question to players and GMs alike which VHL locker room is the most active in your opinion? Which GM does the best job keeping everyone active and enjoying their time in the VHL after their VHLM careers end. 
    My experience is limited to two teams being Calgary and Seattle but they are both fairly similar in activity but neither of which stand up to the activity level of a VHLM team. 
    I would love to stir up conversation by getting your opinions and experiences.
  13. Haha
    mattyIceman reacted to Dom in VHL Roundtable Ep 3- VHLM Review and Interview with Kris Rice   
    Yeah, « has been » and « was » meant the same in my frenchies brain lmao
  14. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to fromtheinside in VHL Roundtable Ep 3- VHLM Review and Interview with Kris Rice   
    We are more than happy to bring you on Thad, for sure!

    saw that, got yourself a 1st, well played!

    you mean someone who WAS in Houston haha... hope you win yourself a cup in Mexico buddy. Also just so you know, I didn't forget about your suggestion with the ticker, I looked into slowing it down but its alot of work to change that.... its on my to do list but it might take a bit.
  15. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to Dom in VHL Roundtable Ep 3- VHLM Review and Interview with Kris Rice   
    From someone who has been in Houston for almost 50 games, I can tell you that this team is not only gonna look good next season but it will also be one of the most interesting team to join because of the locker room. Its very active and fun there!
  16. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to fromtheinside in VHL Roundtable Ep 3- VHLM Review and Interview with Kris Rice   
    Hey guys we are back for another week of the VHL Roundtable. This week we have hoped to iron out alot of the bad audio issues we had from last week. Also we have decided to refine things a bit to make the podcast more digestible for the viewers/listeners. This week we are just covering the VHLM and we also have an exclusive interview with Player/GM Kris Rice. We hope you like it and as always, if you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to leave them down below! Also we have links for Soundcloud and Spotify now as well if you just want the audio version and aren't interested in the video aspect. Cheers!
    Ricer and Cow will be claiming this for PT

  17. Love
    mattyIceman reacted to Quik in rjfryman Recreate Naming Rights   
    Opening Bid: $2 CAD
    Minimum Raise: $0.50
    *Nothing deemed NSFW will be permitted
  18. Like
    mattyIceman reacted to CptSquall in 2020 VHL Holiday Charity Drive   
    I Hope it was not a problem that i donated directly to Food Banks Canada
    Added perks to helping the hungry in a small way.
    2 uncapped
    Free Week
    Entry Tix

  19. Like
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Ricer13 in 2020 VHL Holiday Charity Drive   
    Donating 5$ each on behalf of@PatrikLaine as well
    Merry Early Christmas you guys!
    2 uncapped
    Free Week
    Entry Tix
    for the three of us.
    Spread the joy!
    Confirmed. -sterling
  20. Fire
    mattyIceman reacted to Dom in Every VHL teams famous fan part 2   
    Since the part 1 of my article has been really liked I decided to give you the part 2 this week. I was tempted to use my free full week, but I decided to kick my lazy ass and write this for you. So, for everyone who has been waiting a week to see which celebrity is cheering for their team, here we go! Your VHL biggest famous fan for every teams part 2!
    Moscow Menace
    Vladimir Putin

    Did you know that Putin is a huge hockey fan? Yes, you did because Russia is like Canada, everybody loves hockey there. In fact, Putin goes to practice with the Moscow players and he even considered making a law that would give days off to Russian workers every night that Moscow is playing.
    New York Americans
    Robert Downey Jr.

    He is Iron Man, He is Doctor Dolittle, He is Sherlock Holmes, and he is also New York’s biggest fan! What a shapeshifter he is. From what I heard; Robert never missed a New York game since the VHL exist.
    Prague Phantoms
    Jaromir Jagr

    Another NHL hall of famer as a biggest fan? Laaaaaaame… I know, I know, I really tried to find another celebrity from Czech Republic, but the truth is I don’t know any of them so here we are! Jaromir Jagr… You need to admit that is one hell of a fan though. Some says that he might join us in the VHL, that guy is not done with hockey yet!
    Riga Reign
    Keanu Reeves

    So, for Riga, the research was difficult. I couldn’t find any celebrities from Riga or Latvia who watched hockey. I was starting to think that I was gonna need to pretend I forgot Riga, but I received a call on the phone while I was writing this article. It was Keanu Reeves, he started by saying ‘’Hey man, I have been reading your articles and its awesome, if I can help, just tell me. So, I asked him if he would like to be a Riga fan so I can finish my article and guess what he answered… Your biggest Riga fan ladies and gentlemen… Keanu Reeves who just proved again that he is the nicest guy on earth.
    Seattle Bears
    Bill Gates

    We all know it; Seattle’s tickets are probably the most expensive in the league. Is it because they are a dynasty or because the GM @Banackock is greedy? I say it’s both. Well, Bill Gates don’t care, he’s rich and he not only buy a season pass for himself but also for his whole family and his friends. Maybe that is actually the reason why the ticket price is so high… Blame Bill Gates… and Bana.
    Toronto Legion

    Drake is present for half of Toronto’s games and all of them are when Toronto is away. Why? Because Drake is banned from Toronto’s arena. There is an old legend that say that anytime drake is in place to cheer for his favorite team, that team loose which is why Toronto decided to ban him from their arena. Though, rumors are that every other GMs give free tickets to Drake in their own cities if it’s against Toronto.
    Vancouver Wolves
    Ryan Reynolds

    You can bring a Canadian in the USA to make movies and give them a career everyone would dream about, but you could never ask them to not cheer for their home team. That’s why Ryan Reynolds is a pure Canadian, he never betrayed the wolves and don’t expect him to do it anytime soon!
    Warsaw Predators
    Roman Polanski

    You know what Roman Polanski miss the most about America? The guns? Hollywood? The women? The McDonalds? No! The VHL! When he heard that VHL was coming to Poland he decided to make a 2-million-dollar donation and he is now considered the biggest fan Warsaw ever got.
    Thank you everyone for reading this and for all the good comments I got on the part 1. I really liked doing that and I hope to come with other great ideas to share with you!
    I tried to put images of the celebrities like I did in part one but I got file size issues
  21. Thanks
    mattyIceman reacted to tcookie in 2020 VHL Holiday Charity Drive   
    Transaction ID: 20454538283530771
    2 uncapped TPE
    free week (probably next week)
    raffle tickets
    $10 donation. I was going to donate $5 for me and $5 for someone else, and since @MattyIce was only able to donate on behalf of Laine, I'll donate $5 on behalf of @JigglyGumballs
    Confirmed. -sterling
  22. Cheers
    mattyIceman reacted to jaredc7 in 2020 VHL Holiday Charity Drive   
    Transaction ID: 20454561889959647
    claiming 2 uncapped tpe
    full free week
    raffle tickets
    Confirmed. -sterling
  23. Cheers
    mattyIceman got a reaction from fromtheinside in 2020 VHL Holiday Charity Drive   
    Donating 5$ each on behalf of@PatrikLaine as well
    Merry Early Christmas you guys!
    2 uncapped
    Free Week
    Entry Tix
    for the three of us.
    Spread the joy!
    Confirmed. -sterling
  24. Fire
    mattyIceman reacted to Laine in The Season of Giving - 2020 Edition   
    Merry Christmas, VHL! I have decided to do something I think will be a lot of fun. I love to create, whether it be graphics or writing. So in the spirit of giving, I will be making graphics or writing for anyone in the community. All you need to do is the following things:

    Graphics: The only things I will need for a graphic is the following:
    Player Name (VHL Player)
    Player Render (Real Player used in Graphic)

    Writing: There are no rules when it comes to writing. Feel free to throw an idea at me and I'll happily write something up for you! I am also willing to do collabs if that is something that interests you.

    If you want any of these two things (or both) just leave a reply below

    Merry Christmas Everyone! - PatrikLaine
  25. Cheers
    mattyIceman got a reaction from Laine in 2020 VHL Holiday Charity Drive   
    Donating 5$ each on behalf of@PatrikLaine as well
    Merry Early Christmas you guys!
    2 uncapped
    Free Week
    Entry Tix
    for the three of us.
    Spread the joy!
    Confirmed. -sterling
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