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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. 1. My money is on Dredge! However I could see a couple players falling into that habit 2. Yes I could play with a wooden stick. It would take some getting use to though. 3. This is for sure not anyone on our team. Gunnar popped by though cuz he missed the boys and I caught him in the pool with his water wings. 4. I am. Less make it 2 finals in a row! 5. I really like the song white flag by bishop Briggs. That song gets the blood flowing. 6. I think Kosmo Kramerev will have a good rookie season.
  2. Okay Bana, so this is how it’ll shake down. You sign in Miami, play 3rd line C to start, we win a title, life is good? Ya?
  3. So You’re saying there’s a chance? Lol
  4. If you want a shot at a title I have a 3rd line centre spot with your name on it in Miami! We would love to have you over there.
  5. Review: You’ve become very versatile in this league creating podcasts, graphics, etc. This graphic has elements that are very good but it doesn’t seem very plain. The logo swaps look fantastic. They look like they were actually part of the jersey so I give a lot of credit for that. Visually the graphic doesn’t stand out as much as others. I don’t know if it’s just because of there being a lot of grey and white. I also like the font choice you chose for your wording but the wolf logo in the top right corner seems weirdly placed. I don’t know if there’s enough space in this photo to have that logo in it. This is still a lot better than anything I could make so good job! Rating: 7.5/10
  6. Review: Great job yet again. These are fun to read and you do an excellent job breakdown each players statistics, your prediction and the reasoning as to why you think they will end up with that point total. The structure is clean, the use of pictures makes the article stand out and grammatically it’s very well written. I am excited to see how close you come with your predictions Rating: 9/10
  7. The Season The Miami Marauders have had a very busy off-season. Between the draft and making trades GM Kris Rice has been busy preparing his team for what could be a season that the Miami Marauders have a real shot at a title. The Marauders had a debut season that the team will never forget. They drafted their roster based on the personalities of the players rather than their skills. GM Rice saw the potential in these players and knew that he could build on something special in Miami. The Marauders started season 72 off slow as everyone expected. Rice continued to remind the players that its only temporary and that if they continued to work hard they would see the results pay off as the season progressed. The players believed in his words and they continued to work hard and he turned out to be right. Miami went from the basement of the VHLM to making it into the playoffs and pushing the regular season champs Minnesota to 7 games in a tightly contested series. Despite being eliminated the Marauders knew they had accomplished something special and were eager to get back to it the following season. The Draft The off season was a very uncertain one for the Marauders as the VHL had just expanded by another four teams. GM Rice did not know if his star players would get pulled up early to help fill roster spots or if they would be available to stay down in the VHLM to finish what they had started. Rice's first focus was the draft and he had to draft as if he was going to lose a few players. In the first round GM Rice took star centreman Kevin King. His thought behind this pick was that Kevin could replaced either of our two centres Lamb or Lebastard had one of them been taken up to the VHL for season 73 and if they didn't then King could be slotted on the wing to play along side these talented players from Miami. Next Rice drafted two defensemen in Matty Socks and Victor Grachev to prepare the team in case either Kosmo Kramerev or Wolf Stansson were to be pulled up to the VHL. He drafted so that he had contingencies in case the worst was to come for the Marauders. Miami held 3 picks in the second round as well and he brought back former winger Rocket who was originally part of the Marauders as a waiver signing. Rice was so impressed with Rocket he had to have him back on the roster. He selected winger Luke Thornton after that to add to an already deep Miami Roster. Rice traded his last second round pick to move down into the third round. Where he continued by adding depth to the roster with defensemen Eoin Byrne and forward Riley Couture who Rice then moved to Saskatoon to be reunited with her partner in crime Emi Rune. This next is where things got interesting, Rice with the 53rd pick in the draft took forward Patrik Laine. Laine who was projected to go in the first round dropped all the way to round 5 because of his claim to be moving up to the VHL for season 73. Well GM Rice had no other targets on the board so he took a chance and drafted Laine in case the impossible happened. Rice rounded out the draft with a few more depth picks and looked forward to the remainder of the off-season. The Unknown GM Kris Rice then began to look at upgrading on his current roster. He began to move out some lower tpe players in order to upgrade on the wings. He acquire player Jared Willis in a deal with the Yukon Rush and moved out players Vlad Imir and Bobbie Cheechoo to create space in the line up for his star players to get enough ice time. The VHL expansion draft and VHL draft had come and gone and Rice was eager to know what the future would look like for many of Miami players who had been drafted. Lebastard was to remain with the team, Lamb, Sens and Stansson as well. This was great news for Miami but not all of the news was as good. Stud defenseman Kosmo Kramerev was given an opportunity he could not refuse in a top 4 role with the Calgary Wranglers and has left Miami to start his VHL career. Rice while disheartened by losing such a talented player was also very happy and proud that Kramerev was moving on to bigger and better things. Rice was then shocked with some incredible news, forward Patrik Laine and his VHL GM had decided that it was best or Laine's development to remain down in the VHLM for one more season. Rice along with the rest of the VHLM couldn't believe what was happening. A player who was destined for the VHL and passed over on had been sent down to help bolster an already deep Miami roster. The Future Now that the Miami roster has been set the real work begins. With the influx of so many talented players into the Miami locker room there has been some tension. Old players welcoming in new players can be tough as the old group has built such a tight bond with one another. Not everyone has handled it as seamlessly as others but as days have passed everyone seems to be gelling as they all have a common goal of winning a championship. However this task will not be an easy one, there are a few teams who took strides in the same direction as the Marauders and it will be a tough road in order to win a title in season 73. GM of the Minnesota Storm made a few deals to bolster his roster and are now looking to become regular season champs again. Saskatoon who just recently won a championship had a strong draft and returning players who are hungry to win back to back. San Diego who was in the basement all season long added a ton of depth in this past draft and are going to a problem for everyone in the VHLM to handle. Needless to say as deep and talented as the Miami Marauders are, they have a tough road ahead of them if they want to bring a title to Miami. The team is going to need to dig deep and continue to work hard all season for the results to pay off but GM Rice knows he has the right talent and personality in this locker room to get the job done. Go Marauders Go! WORD COUNT: 1117
  8. Happy birthday VHL! When I was 13 I tried my first taste of beer. I hated it lol. Many years later I now love beer.
  9. 1. What are your thoughts about the VHL? 2. You were drafted by Miami but traded to Saskatoon. Are you happy with where you ended up? 3. Are you happy to be playing with Emi Rune or do you prefer playing against each other? 4. Which VHL team do you hope to get drafted too next season? 5. If you could play any other position which one would you play? 6. What is more important to you, championships or a fun team experience?
  10. M Draft tomorrow! Let’s gooooo Miami!!!

  11. Looking good town. As long as nyko remains off for 7 more hours we are going to win this bad boy ???
  12. S72 Jersey Numbers 22 - Wolf Stansson 23 - Bobbie Cheechoo 39 - Bacon 55 - Andre Lebastard 69 - Vlad Imir 73 - Kosmo Kramerev 74 - Florent Vericel 80 - Dakota Lamb 81 - Oh Sens S73 Jersey Numbers 8 - Eoin Byrne 21 - Jared Willis 22 - Wolf Stansson 24 - Victor Grachev 27 - Matty Socks 29 - Patrik Laine 39 - Bacon 55 - Andre Lebastard 80 - Dakota Lamb 81 - Oh Sens 94 - Kevin King S74 Jersey Numbers 00 - The Blob 01 - Rara Rasputin 05 - Chicken Wing 16 - Pierre Louis II 88 - Gaspar Zakrevsky S75 Jersey Numbers 05 - Chicken Wing 07 - Nathan Perry 16 - Pierre Louis II 32 - Thadius Sales 33 - Phoenix Dawson 36 - Martin Master 42 - Darcy Cat 48 - Ryan Ryker 74 - Cabe McJake 88 - Gaspar Zakrevsky 99 - The Great
  13. S72 - Marauder Captains C - Andre Lebastard @Andre LeBastard A - Wolf Stansson @ahockeyguy A - Bacon @Bacon S73 - Marauder Captains C - Andre Lebastard @Andre LeBastard A - Bacon @Bacon A - Dakota Lamb @dlamb A - Victor Grachev @KaleebtheMighty S74 - Marauder Captains C - Rara Rasputin @Victor A - Gaspar Zakrevsky @Pythonic A- The Blob @JorgTheGoat03 A - Chicken Wing @chikn S75 - Marauder Captains C - Cabe McJake @RedSus A - Peter Louis II @CosmicStorm A - Chicken Wing @chikn S76 - Marauder Captains C - Phoenix Dawson @Toast A - Napoleon Bonaparte @CptSquall A - Alexander The Great @Shiny
  14. S72 INAUGURAL AWARD WINNERS The Andre Lebastard Trophy - Leadership Award S72 - Andre Lebastard @Andre LeBastard S73 - Bacon @Bacon S74 - Rara Rasputin @Victor S75 - Nathan Perry @tinafrombobsburgers The Dakota Lamb Trophy - Leading Goal Scorer S72 - Dakota Lamb @dlamb S73 - Dakota Lamb @dlamb S74 - Chicken Wing @chikn S75 - Cabe Mcjake @RedSus The Kosmo Kramerev Trophy - Top Defensemen S72 - Kosmo Kramerev @Mongoose87 S73 - Matty Socks @fishy S74 - Eoin Byrne @LatinViking S75 - Chicken Wing @chikn The Eoin Byrne Trophy - Top Waiver Signing S72 - Eoin Byrne @LatinViking S73 - N/A S74 - Cabe Mcjake @RedSus S75 - Green Gaming @Lilpfigher The MVM - Most Valuable Marauder as voted by their peers. S72 - Bacon @Bacon S73 - Matty Socks @fishy S74 - Rara Rasputin @Victor S75 - Cabe Mcjake @RedSus The BigAL Award - The player who demonstrates potential for long term success in the VHL. S72 - Dakota Lamb @dlamb S73 - Dakota Lamb, Patrik Laine, Kevin King, Victor Grachev @dlamb @PatrikLaine@IamMOOSE @KaleebtheMighty S74 - Addison McClaren @tcookie S75 - Thadius Sales @thadthrasher Graphic of the Year S72 - Dakota Lamb @dlamb S73 - Kirishima Wakaro @Snussu S74 - Vivek Weiner @coochiman S75 - Thadius Sales @thadthrasher Media Spot of the Year S72 - Ohsens @osens S73 - Patrik Laine @PatrikLaine S74 - Sheldon Juniper @fyrefly S75 - Nathan Perry @tinafrombobsburgers Podcast of the Year S73 - Matty Socks @fishy S74 - N/A S75 - Ray Sheilds @Zetterberg
  15. Traitorous filth, going to have to trade your ass now ???
  16. Devise is dead now so jump ship over to our side ?
  17. Fuck me I had 2 of you in jail and didn’t pull the trigger. I big dumb. Good game guys. Hopefully nyko stays afk tho lol
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