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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. 5 ferk 3 hatter lololol
  2. 5 votes - Ferk 4 votes - Hatter
  3. Do we have a vote count? I can go through and look
  4. @BarzalGoat @ContinentalCup036can you confirm this?
  5. I could be wrong but I think barzal and continental had arranged his LO for N4
  6. I hope this doesn’t bite us in the ass. What you’re saying makes sense hatter. If ferk ends up being good then barzal can always scoop hatter up to cover our bases. UNVOTE hatter vote ferk
  7. We need to stress next game the importance of wills because Spartans would have really helped us out. Either way we have a potential target in either hatter or ferk. If hatter is innocent then ferk can be scooped up by the jailor and taken care of.
  8. Gus said there was no wills
  9. UNVOTE ferk vote hatter
  10. Nice find doom!! vote ferk
  11. So either hatter transported him self with solas and hypno got to ferk or Solas and ferk were transported by spartan. how likely is it we have 3 transporters though? We have two confirmed dead already
  12. First we should find out who hatter transported to see if he is telling the truth
  13. Booom!!!! Let’s goooo! Finally the tide turns in our favour.
  14. Welcome back @TheLastOlympian07 I am the Ricer13, the GM of the Miami Marauders. The Miami Marauders are the newest expansion team in the VHLM. We have a lot of young talent gearing up to make some noise in the playoffs in our first season. We started out slow but have been playing great as of late. We would love for you to be apart of that! I am here to offer you 2nd/3rd line minutes. I can play you on the wing to give you more minutes as well. We have a great atmosphere in our LR that keeps it fun all season long. If you want to be apart of something special here in Miami quote this offer and type “accept” and we will get you in on the action right away.
  15. @BarzalGoat what do you think? I tend to agree with Ferk here
  16. Could this be the work of the hypno? If no one else was transported this seems most likely.
  17. We need to find out who was transported
  18. Yes it was regarding funk, I misread your comment hahaha. I just woke up lol
  19. The two results he’s given us so far have been very suspicious so far. I’m not sold on funk actually being on towns side yet.
  20. So if Berocka ends up being a trans then we know that one of the other 2 could be lying
  21. Welcome to the VHL! I am Ricer13, the GM of the VHLMs newest expansion team the Miami Marauders. We are looking for a defensemen of your talents to slot in on the 2nd pairing. There is opportunity to move up if you keep active. In our short tenure we already have one of the most active locker rooms in the league with a crew of players who are eager to learn and grow this expansion team into a competitive team. If you want a ton of minutes, a fun atmosphere and a chance to be apart of something special quote this offer and type “accept” we will get you into the action right away. Goodluck!.!.! Ricer13 Miami Marauders GM
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