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dasboot last won the day on May 8 2023

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About dasboot

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  1. dasboot

    Jaromir Jagr

    Sleeves - BC
  2. VHL has partial ownership in Josh’s house
  3. Chris cringle
  4. Postmas
  5. Happy birthday
  6. Christmas
  7. 1. At this point in my life I’m active in neither 2. Yeah that would be good fun 3. No thanks 4. I think the league should probably take away a few more rewards 5. My wife made me put the tree up a couple weeks ago and it will be down after new years 6. Covid
  8. 1. Not likely with the season coming to an end but playoffs are all that matters 2. We are a tight knit group that could win any game 3. I think I prefer the red one 4. Not too sure. Still not sold on it as a league in general but it’s my first time in it and it’s better than I thought before this season. 5. Probably another shit one. Although Tua had a massive game Sunday 6. Two muffins are in an oven, one muffin says ‘Fuck it’s hot in here,’ the other muffin says ‘Holy fuck! A talking muffin!’ (I don’t have kids)
  9. 1. Looking good, will be great to join a good team when I come up next season 2. I have no idea haven’t really looked at it 3. Whichever that has the most points 4. Hopefully there’s a hole in defence so there’s room for me 5. Doesn’t really make any sense 6. Curtis Lazar
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