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Spence King

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Everything posted by Spence King

  1. I have been updating the roster sheet , look above for the updated rosters , and no @linsangelesstill must choose a Goalie, so youre stuck waiting for their two picks to come in first
  2. sorry , i wasnt sure where else to post this , my apologies , i joined the Reapers clubhouse but am unaware of how to post in it, its been inactive since before i came to VHL ? My apologies to everyone !
  3. STEAL OF THE DRAFT ? VV is going to be top 10 scorer IMO , @linsangeles on the clock with their FINAL two picks if not chose before 2:am EST/ST will @Eso back on the clock with each teams last picks to follow, every team before myself has there D spots secured meaning none of the teams before me can select this player , my next and final pick for this years VHFL is D-Alex Letang , Cant wait to see what the final rosters look like and hopefully finish by tonight if not tomorrow forsure GL everybody
  4. PLEASE VOTE FOR AS MANY PLAYERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE , PREFERABLY 3-5 VOTES PER USER , The Poll Closes tomorrow at 1:30 EST/ST and the Captaincy reveal will come shortly after in the media so keep your heads up and keep this going reapers S75 Reapers for the History Books ?
  5. Amazing work on the Jersey placement on the Davos goalie ! , Love the pic you chose as well < Youre graphic skills are coming along VERY VERY nicely !! I cant say enough about how crisp the photo editing comes out , it looks as though the Davos logo literally was already there ! Rating 10/10
  6. Who do you believe is most deserving of representing the reapers with letters on the ice in regards to their EXCEPTIONAL leadership shown consistently on and off the ice (Discord LR) [Returning Captains from S74 and S73 Marimoto and Walkers are exempt]
  7. Heyo over there Mr.Galante Nilsson, its me your friendly old AGM in Philly ? Just wanted to let you know that @DMaximus is the reason your'e a Reaper . my Mentor and my Icon, The most Famous man in Scranton, maybe all of Philladelphia Dmax does his due diligence and looking at the Draft Board i can be honest with you ANY GM (including myself) may have wondered why you went where you did (Some may think too low, Others too high ?) However guys like Dmax put in the work and the research and with the VHLforum site saving all of your contributions and posts proving your historic success and conistent activity in the past and that you had only gone inactive and there was a high possibility leaning towards your return to full action, Dmax puts in WORK ? This man deserves so much more Recognition and so do you !! Dmax hypothesis was right that other GMs may let you slip based on your TPE alone , The Reapers wont let a player of your caliber slip through our fingers, We truly see you as a key member of this seasons roster and a Potential #1 guy next year and a heavy left shoulder with a C on it ? Ive never heard of the SHL , I love the VHL and it was love at first sight , Send me a PM and i would love if you could give me a little more info on when the best time to create a player would be and a link to the site ! Overall great article , good structure and very noble at remaining unbias throughout the article. Giving each site there pros and cons and its great to see what you think and hopefully this article is seen by many of the "Big Shots" in the VHL or SHL (VHL BoG youre all perfect to me , dont stop being you) but in all seriousness great way to put some great and game changing factors into the spotlight that could be without question experience changing moves, Rating 10/10 ....
  8. @N0HBDY Youre up with 2 Picks (1 to Replace Palazzo), on the clock until, 12:30 EST/ST and then @Eso Lets Getterrr done Ladies and Gentleman ?
  9. Just Noticed Kefka Palazzo isnt on the player list and is retired , You can replace this pick at any time @NOHBDY
  10. @Smarch Youre up ! were on the Home stretch !
  11. done @fishy, @Smarch9 hours still on the clock !
  12. @Nicolai488Youre up with 2 Picks then Tag me !
  13. @Nicolai48812 hours has passed , I select Condor Addrienne @Smarchyoure up !
  14. The S74-S75 Offseason has been full swing now. Two weeks after having our hearts crushed by Vancouver in the Continental Cup Championships after months of traveling across the globe and winning three best of seven series including a major upset and dominant sweep over Malmo in the European Conference Championship (Almost parallel to the Conference championship sweep performed by the S73 Titans of Riga in that historic playoff push as well). Let’s do a quick little recap of some highlights over the past two season focusing mostly on the Titans playoff pushes and how we got there! The S74 Playoffs came to a conclusion in game 6 of the Continental Cup Finals in a loss to Vancouver ending the Final 4-2 VAN. Concluding this year’s playoff campaign with 18 games played for Helsinki were Elsby registered 4 goals and 14 assists good for 18 points in 18 GP continue to engrave his status as a big game player, playing in big games, and coming up big when it matters most, clutch. The Titans D core in S74 should be one that is remembered forever in history. With all 4 of the Helsinki’s Dmen leading the top 4 in Shots blocked for the majority of the playoffs and finishing with all 4 in the top 5 each D-man averaging himself at least 3 Shots blocked per game not to mention Seabass and Elsby averaged 2+ hits a game while Bolonee was right behind. Not only do the Defenceman in Helsinki play rock solid D but their offensive game was on point along this playoff run, most of all for Tony Bolonee who all season had but 23 assists and 4 goals in 72 Regular Season game to 15 assists in his first 17 Playoff games in S74. Overall each of the four Helsinki Titan Defenceman finished the S74 playoff nearing a point per game average, Bolonee rounding out the playoffs with 15pts in 18 GP , followed by Summers with 4G,13A,17Pts,18GP, Topped by Sophomore D and with a team leading 7 PPA from the blueline was Elsby with 4G,14A,18PTS,18GP. Finally, Mr Seabass Perrin finished his tenure with the Titans during the S74 season SO close to helping them achieve the ultimate prize finishing so close with his D brothers and slightly above Summers and Elsby was 3G,16A,19PTS,18GP Elsby’s stat that he is most proud of however is his +/- something he prides himself very much in (its not an overrated stat) . The S74 Season was a blast and topped off by another amazing playoff run, going to the Finals is now a norm here in Helsinki for players like VV, Driver and I. I know all three of us and the entire Titan Locker room will do whatever it takes to get back in S75 can’t wait to start”-Elsby was quoted after a Team Nordic practice earlier this week, Step back in time Going into the S74 Season The Helsinki Titans D core was Highlighted by Tony Bolonee Erik Summers 600 and 700+ TPA Players it looked as if Tony Bolonee would be stepping back and allowing for Elsby to move up into that #2 spot and cement himself as the Top D in the Helsinki Organization behind Erik Summers (which is saying A LOT) However with moments notice before the season commenced Jubo and the Helsinki Titans announced the MAJOR signing of perennially All-star and Top 10 VHL Defenseman Veteran Seabass Perrin in chase of a Continental Cup before his retirement. This move came as quite a shock to Elsby knowing this would mean I am going to be missing out on a lot of ice time and opportunity playing with Erik and Tony giving myself more of a chance to shine with the puck and be a star myself. However, this move happened and the last thing I ever thought was to complain. We’ve got another STUD defenseman here in Suomi and were ready to rock going forward for another Continental Cup run is all this signing meant to me at the end of the day. Going back further even before the S73-s74 Offseason where Elsby’s rookie season for the record books came to a halting end via the Seattle Bears Dynasty in 6 games in the Continental Cup Championship. That’s right, during Elsby’s rookie season he not only made his way through the newly expanded VHL to a playoff spot but fought and won three THOUGH series in 1st ever VHL playoffs with the expanded European conference. Ultimately Claiming the European Conference Championship in a dramatic sweep over the powerhouse Riga Reign where none other than rookie defender Spencer Elsby notched the Double OT GWG from the point to send his Titans to the Finals. Elsby finished the S73 playoffs registering 5Gs,10As,15PTS,17GP and 2nd to only team captain Erik Summers with 31 Shots Blocked during those 17GP. Special teams provided Elsby with 2 PPG and 6 PPA as well as a SHA to boot. During S73 the Helsinki Titans managed another amazing accomplishment as a franchise going on a franchise record long winning streak of 22 games. Twenty-Two games where the Helsinki Titans continued to win and win and win. Home or away ice the Titans stood tall twenty-two times IN A ROW. This marked a record for Winning streak as a GM for Jubo and for this to happen in my first season in Helsinki as a player and as a Rookie Spencer Elsby couldn’t have explained his excitement to you in words. Looking back at it now almost seems like it isn’t real. That’s over ¼ of the Regular season games, and its not as if there’s any doubt it happened. I was there, I saw it all happen and contributed along the way. Its truly an honor and such an amazing record to be part of a Team record that will be marked in franchise history books. Let alone after that having the opportunity to go all the way to the Finals with legends like Ben Hafkey and Sam Ross and having the opportunity to play with them and against some of the top VHL talent in their prime like Sigard Gunnar , Berocka Sundqvist and Condor Andrienne are all such surreal moments im still soaking it all in. After 2 VHL Seasons under my belt 144 Regular season games and 35 Playoff games to boot as well as these most recent 10 World Cup games, My VHL Career is coming and going way too fast, this season was hard for me with the lack of internet and ability to stay as involved with my Titan brothers and earn the experience(TPE each week) that I have been doing my whole career was quite the change and made this offseason also the last season on my contract a very hard decision when it came to signing. However Elsby left the thought of money and his own personal benefit to move to whatever organization offers the most $ through bonuses to purchase depreciation fighter Elsby took the noble route and stood close to home and inked for another 3 years with the Helsinki Titans also going with no signing bonus. So fans there you have it Elsby will be wearing a Titans Jersey until at least S77 so don’t any of you fans with you #47 Jerseys worry its only going to go up in value over time
  15. I love the idea and the graphic is great LOL , goes right along with the crazy world that we line in IRL. I am totally agreement with you that our Welfare guys with major TPE should not be able to just ride that out, keep them active ! incentivize them to be active to achieve even more greatness and a potentially better build and more memorable career ! great article, loved the thought and great work getting your message and ideas spread to the community. Rate 10/10
  16. just making sure my post is here lol
  17. Transaction ID: 20424858485486423 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week 1 Mil Player Store Cash
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