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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. Still hasn't really sunk in that Letang is done, especially with the season he just had and still chatting in LA. He frustrated me every season and made me want to retire early up until the last one, and it was worth it tbh. Hopefully Nico won't take as long to get good lol.
  2. Nico Pearce - LW 6'2 | 180 lbs | 21 y/o | Thessaloniki, Greece Nico Pearce is finally approaching his first professional hockey draft, and surprisingly, there's a decent amount of drama and confusion about how it'll all go down. According to VHL/E/M staffers, all three leagues are likely to hold their drafts from Friday, September 17th and Sunday, September 19th, making it very soon. However, Nico still does not know whether he'll be playing in the VHLM next season, or if he will bypass the developmental league in an effort to face more staunch competition in the VHLE. He doesn't have the prerequisite experience to participate in the VHLE, but a decision is expected to come from the league offices by Sunday night if the young Greek will be allowed to participate in the inaugural VHLE season. However, scouts had the following scouting report for Nico: Strengths: Shot: The formerly undersized winger certainly understood that his ticket to success came from his offensive capabilities, as the 6'2 winger has developed a nasty wrist shot and an above-average slap shot that makes him a lethal sniper. Puck Handling: As mentioned earlier, Pearce developed strong puck skills due to a lack of size in college and has very soft hands for his size, allowing him to maneuver through a crowd with relative ease. He finds ways to get past defenders with clever stick handling and can use his hands to keep the puck away from defenders as well. IQ: Pearce generally finds his way into the right spot on the ice and his positioning is quite decent, both offensively and defensively. He finds ways to pressure opponents when in his own zone and avoids taking penalties due to a lack of an overly aggressive style. Weaknesses: Speed: A forward growing into his body causes issues with speed. Pearce still hasn't fully adjusted to his new size, and his stride seems off. While he has good IQ to anticipate plays and to get into the right spot, he's easily beaten by defenders and doesn't have elite speed yet. Strength: Similarly to his issues with speed, Pearce hasn't grown into his lanky frame and still lacks muscle. He's outmuscled by defenders and struggles to play any kind of physical game, which does have the side benefit of less penalties.
  3. Transaction ID: 20763523689639039 5 uncapped (claiming week ending 9/19) Doubles Week (claiming week ending 9/19) $1 Million Contract Money
  4. Spartan

    MOS/CGY; S80

    Thanks for the easy talks @Ricer13, always a pleasure to negotiate with you @Advantage, glad we could agree to a deal and thrilled to have you finish out Walker's career in Moscow. Let's get to work!
  5. finally lol
  6. I tried to get Ricer to trade her to me for like 3 offseasons in a row, just gave up after that lol. Maybe it'll be incentive for the next player
  7. I gatekept it for a while but then gave in on her birthday
  8. I graduated this May majoring in Finance, Accounting and Business Analytics, and I use a bit of all of it now as an auditor for a bank. It's more interesting than it's made out to be since you get a peek behind the curtains of whatever company/department/business line you're auditing at the time. It's honestly risk assessment and mitigation evaluation since we have to be aware of all potential threats to the company and make sure we're not leaving ourselves exposed for penalties/fines/lawsuits. Pretty cool stuff.
  9. Put Zaza and Nico together and we'll make plenty of finals
  10. Help I've fallen and I can't get up! What do I do??? Anyways, good idea to make this, i'm sure it'll be very helpful!
  11. I was aware the game started, but didn't see the day ending message that the night would end at 7 am. I also didn't submit a night action
  12. Press Conference (Week Ending 8/29) 1. We've officially been eliminated from the playoffs. What do you think went wrong this season? 2. We acquired Kevin King from London at the trade deadline, what do you think he can contribute to the lineup? 3. We will be playing in the draft lottery tournament, but Toronto has our first round pick this season. How will you play in the tournament knowing that the better we do, the better our pick could be for a different team? 4. Since we won't be in the playoffs, which team(s) and/or player(s) will you be rooting for in the playoffs? Will you shift your focus to watch the M playoffs? 5. Our offseason will begin next week, as playoffs start on Monday. What will you start focusing on for improvement, so we can avoid missing out on playoffs next season? 6. If you had to pick a team MVP for this past season, who would it be?
  13. Hey, if Al wants to make it 5, I won't fight him on that
  14. Ah ok, I had never seen someone get more than 3 either lol. But I suppose that proves my point a bit, that the opportunity to get that other 5 uncapped TPE has gone out that window. A chance at 10 has dropped to a chance at 5. I don't think you've clarified why the potential payout dropped, whether it was because too many people were winning, or because the goal is to reduce uncapped TPE opportunities.
  15. honey mustard, chipotle ranch, honey bbq
  16. I mean, it's all a toss-up at a level, and I'd expect GM's to be more hands on with those newer players now that 200+ TPE players are in the E and rosters are a bit smaller. The intention would still be for it to be difficult to predict, and they'd still be able to see other people's answers. Increasing the amount of games per week makes it harder for everyone, not just newbies. But I see your point, could have to be balanced a bit.
  17. I think trivia there is the number of your right answers divided by 2, but they have changed it up every so often. They do have another sort of guessing game (ex. which of these 3 teams will score the most in week 14?), and that turns into the scalable payout at the end of the season. It brackets the percentiles of users and then splits up the payout.
  18. Yeah nothing I said was directed at you specifically, I had a feeling that you were told to do that, which seems to be correct. That's why I had the lil spiel about reducing uncapped TPE and all that, and why it could be done in a different manner, re: raising difficulty (1/2 more games to predict) for the same payout. For sure agreed, I was just spitballing about end of season claims if the actual payout amounts were the issue. They're much more scalable if you look at the distribution of how many questions each user got right over the course of a season, and then assign payouts. Granted, I don't want this process either, but I would rather have end of season scaled payouts than to have games watered down or payouts reduced.
  19. Fwiw, it should be renamed to "pick 'em" since it's not really fantasy, you're not selecting players. If you're just picking teams to win matchups and guessing the score, then I think the name should be "Pick 'Em & Guess the Score" or something, idk. I think "Fantasy" is the overarching title we give these meta games within a fake league lol. I think the better question here is why should they all be lumped together? Mashing them together doesn't make people invested in other leagues - allowing everyone to participate in M/E Pick 'Em instead of limiting it to people in that specific league makes people pay attention to those other leagues. Another question would be if mashing them together is a step towards reducing uncapped TPE opportunities. I believe a user with a player in the M could earn a total of 8 uncapped TPE a week from VHL/M Pick 'Em before the change, and VHL players could only get 3. Combining them in the recent change has dropped the max payout to 5, so we've lost 3 TPE. I get that the league wants to reduced uncapped TPE, but in my opinion, moves like these 1. reduce the differentiation between max earners' TPE and 2. point more people in the direction of paying money (donations) for uncapped TPE. Personally, I'm not a fan of either of these, as I think having games that pay out uncapped TPE makes people more interested in those games, and therefore what's going on in all the leagues. As I've suggested before, if the perception is that too many people are getting uncapped TPE in these weekly games, increase the difficulty of those games. Instead of just having to predict 3 games, make it 5 games. Or if you want to make it proportionate to how people win, remove it as a weekly payout and make it a seasonal payout, and adjust the payout based on brackets of correct answers. TLDR: Overall, I think splitting them up gives more individuality to each league, but if you want people to engage with them, simply let everyone participate in them. If uncapped TPE inflation is the problem, increase the difficulty of the pick 'ems or make it a end of season payout and curve payouts based on right answers. DFS probably. I think Berocka had talked about using a certain amount of "money" to buy players to make VHFL rosters instead of drafting them, and someone else mentioned the EFL conducts fantasy the same way. Giving you a budget and assigning values to players. If organized properly, it's not difficult to calculate the change in stats of players week to week, so a weekly "create the best team" could be fun. Give 3-2-1 uncapped TPE to the top 3 users each week, so you're not over-inflating uncapped TPE. Ya it's fantasy hockey and it's literally free uncapped TPE for participating. The draft system honestly works pretty well, when group managers enforce pick time. Maybe the threat of not receiving the extra 1 uncapped of GM pay would help solve the issue of some poor group managers. And you already know my thoughts about why scoring isn't working. The SHL follows a very similar path as ours, with a draft format. The EFL uses a DFS style. Frankly, I don't think either of their processes are better than ours. The VHFL sheet is pretty simple to use and updates data daily. Maybe the only massive change we could make is putting VHFL calculation on the portal and set it up so anyone can view their group anytime, and then payouts are automatic. But it's a luxury thing to have, when what we have works fine. Eventually I'll get around to writing a media spot about my proposed scoring changes, but that won't be today lol.
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