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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. Interesting concept. I think most of the theme week articles I've seen so far have mostly been based on retirement so this is also a pretty unique piece. Sadly a lot of VHL players have most likely been forgotten, and more frequently so the players that never played much in the VHL. I hope my player doesn't die a 3rd death for quite some time due to the fact I named it after myself haha. We'll go together in a sense. 10/10
  2. Good summary of what life may be like after retiring as a hockey player. It's interesting to me how sometimes retired hockey players don't make the best coaches after. At least in the VHL you're not truly finished after your player retires, you can always make another one. Having a GM job is always fun as well. 9/10
  3. 1. We're currently 4th place in the league, but have yet to beat the three teams above us. How can we do this? We'll have to keep on improving and earning TPE. 2. Houston has the NBA Rockets and MLB Astros, do you think the Bulls have a shot to be as popular with the fans? Yeah because Houston sports is a joke right now. They also have the Texans but they are the shittiest of the three. 3. What do you think about the theme week theme this season? What will your player do when he retires after his VHL career? Maybe write up a media spot about it and collect that sweet tpe.. I don't know, didn't look at it because I'm not doing it. 4. Do you think the team needs to practice more? Or less? More, we only have a handful of capped players. 5. Which NHL player's career do you hope to emulate? One that made the hall of fame. 6. Spirit animals!! Which one is yours and why? My dog because he sleeps a lot and does fuck all.
  4. Do what I do and just get 10 a week by claiming welfare instead of a 6 TPE point task. Takes maybe 45 minutes a week.
  5. Easy fix; get an invitation for every VHLM locker room that doesn't expire, and give the new create a link to it when they select their respective team.
  6. Jokes aside I was in disbelief when I questioned Matty's lines at the start of the season and he said 9-6-1 was required, effectively making bots get significant ice time. I don't think a single team had 6 defense to start the season, and as far as I'm aware there still aren't any. Seeing a bot get a point was once memeworthy and a rare occurrence, and now it happens almost every sim.
  7. Bots getting 18 minutes a game: I sleep Inactive players being on the team at all: real shit
  8. It’s been 4 whole weeks now without trivia, and I think that getting rid of it was a mistake. Why do I think that? Here’s a few good reasons: First of all I think that without trivia there will be more low quality content in the league. If trivia was still a thing I wouldn’t even be writing this article right now. I could be doing literally anything but I have to write a VHL.com article instead. I remember the days where you could open up the trivia form, crack your knuckles, grin and type “Scotty Campbell” into both boxes and somehow get them both right. That’s the magic of VHL trivia. I generally think that making it harder to earn TPE than it previously was is a bad idea. Many members probably look forward to having one low effort task a week. I know I do. To paint a clearer picture, I usually do a press conference, 2 reviews or a VHL.com article, and trivia. That usually goes down to one 10-15 minute task (review or VHL.com), a 5-10 minute task (press conference) and a task that usually takes a minute or two (trivia). Without trivia, my tasks could theoretically take about 40 minutes to complete maximum! Adding an extra 10-15 minutes of work per week, I think that nuking trivia is a slight annoyance that will slightly annoy some members.
  9. Hello. I thought your article was fairly well written, but it lacked a bit of flair if that makes any sense. More describing words in your article would've made it a bit more exciting to read in my opinion. I think some sort of visual would've benefited the article here as well, for example a screenshot of the brother's stats instead of just text. Regardless, it was not a bad read overall. 8/10
  10. Interesting read. It was a pretty innovative idea to substitute a different colour for every speaker in the story. It makes it very clear who is actually speaking. That is an issue I used to run into a lot as a kid because I was a fan of reading. Your article seems like it is very articulate and free of spelling errors. 9/10
  11. Making tasks harder is not a good idea for retention
  12. 1. So far through this season we're middle of the pack, could contend, could rebuild, what should we do? I think there are a lot of good VHLM teams and the roster is sort of barebones, might be a good time to rebuild. 2. How has your player been performing, are there any areas you'd like to see improvement? I'm not scoring as much as I was at the start of the season. 3. How are you finding TPE earning to be, do you think you're getting enough chances to earn? Yeah. I'm falling in my class due to only earning 10/week, but it's going alright I guess. 4. Any burning questions for your new GM (me)? If not, how was the weather today in your neck of the woods? Cold and there's an air quality warning due to fires in the north near hudson bay. 5. Is this your first year in the VHLM? Last year? How long are you planning on staying around the minors? First and last year. 6. Finally seeing as we're in a developmental league, do you feel like you're getting the tools you need to develop, or can I do more to help? I'm a recreate so to be honest I don't need any help.
  13. The Houston Bulls have had a bit of a rough patch the past three sims, losing to Ottawa three times in that stretch. The Bull's record has been 2-3-1 over the past three, which has caused them to drop from 3rd to 5th in the standings, a whole 2 places. They even lost in overtime to Halifax, who to be honest doesn't even seem very good. Imagine only have 6 players on your roster when you're supposed to run 9-6-1 am I right? After interviewing many random strangers on the streets of Houston, we were finally able to locate a Houston Bulls fan. According to the fan, the Bulls' lack of success stems from having to play the Lynx so many times in quick succession. "They are the best team in the league right now, everyone has struggled against them so far", he added. Another potential issue with the Bulls' group is their lack of depth scoring. It appears as if they've relied on Glove dropper, Godlander and Cheese a lot so far this season.
  14. It's popular because it's cheap as fuck. Literally the only reason. The people who drink PBR and the people who drink pilsner are the same market imo
  15. That's a good point at the beginning, and I feel like the league can be difficult to explain to someone who has never encountered something like this before. I think the best I've ever seen the league explained was when we did that thrash gaming youtube ad. He made it pretty clear that is was an online forum, and that it was not NHL be a pro mode. (Just look at how successful that S75 class was). I feel like this article would be good to link to first gens that are asking "what the heck did I get myself into?". Anyways good read, 10/10 article.
  16. Hello. I think your predictions for the NA conference won't hold up until the end of the season. The Vancouver Wolves don't seem that great to me, and I think their run will come crashing down at some point. I approve of NYA being 5th though, the sim seems to have some kind of vendetta against them. Your article was well formatted and easy to read so 10/10 from me.
  17. 1. We are 13-3 to open the season. What do you think of your performance? It's pretty good so far, can't complain. 2. Which players have stood out the most so far? The leadership core has done the best so far in my opinion. 3. Which teammate of yours has the best smelling cologne? Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems, he has a fancy Latvian cologne. 4. We're on a hot streak right now, everyone's a bit loosened up, what's been your best experience so far this season? Losing to Ottawa back to back. It was a good learning experience. 5. Team Captains were named during the weekend. Godlander as the captain, Glove Dropper and Cheese as the assistants. How have they been leading the way? By leading in points and the locker room. 6. Name your five favorite cookies! If you don't like cookies (what's wrong with you?), name something else you like to snack on. Sugar cookies are amazing but might give you diabetes.
  18. when it's 1:43 and the whiskey kicks in

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