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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. New York is looking like it could have a championship roster on their hands here to be honest. If I could pick one part of the team that was worse than the rest, it would probably be the defense but even so, it has three 600+ TPE players. Now that Seattle is in a bit of a rebuild maybe New York could finally find a spot in the playoffs? Only time will tell. Best of luck next season. 9/10
  2. With the 12th overall pick in the S80 VHLM draft, the Houston Bulls selected defenseman Biggie Cheese. Houston was relatively close to his home state of Arizona, so Houston could be viewed as Cheese’s hometown team. Biggie Cheese stands at 5 feet, 5 inches and a staggering 250 pounds. He is expected to be a shutdown presence on the blue line for the Bulls. Other notable new arrivals for Houston include Cameron Elsby, who will most likely play on the first pair with Cheese, and Nils Godlander, the 2nd overall pick who is expected to be the driving force behind the Bull’s offense. Nils Godlander will likely play on a line with James glove dropper and Ernie King Jr, who were both also acquired in the draft. Standing inside the blue paint for Houston will be Ali Des Aves. Although he had a small sample size of 4 games with Halifax last season, he did well in his limited ice time.
  3. Am doing them now lol. I'm sick so I stayed in my dorm and slept until noon
  4. Instead of doing my homework or going to bed, I ended up staying up and listening to this for some fuckin reason. Anyways, Frostbeard intro was god tier. I didn't realize so many teams needed a goalie either now or a couple seasons down the road. S80 doesn't have many goalies and the highest ranked goalie for TPE in S81 is currently 26th. Looks like anyone who has a backup will be selling high. I too was shocked that Seattle might actually have to rebuild. The dynasty can't go on forever I suppose. Also rest in piece to Toronto's defense, it will be interesting to see how they address it with their picks. I'm assuming they go after one of the goalies and pick up 2 defense with the other 2 picks. Regarding the Junior tournament, it was absolutely hilarious to see the Warriors choke the way they did after how the round robin went. Go Royals. 10/10, would procrastinate again
  5. If this player becomes good enough to get picked in VHFL it is going to cause absolute chaos
  6. You should've tagged me haha, I forgot you made me a sig. Thanks boot
  7. 1. What are your thoughts on the new GM and AGM? They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses! 2. What are your expectations for your player next season? I'd like to score at least one goal, with the possibility of a second 3. What do you think the Management should work on this off season? Having fun. I burned myself out pretty bad last time I tried to AGM. Answer 4A if you played in the VHLM if not answer 4B. 4A. What was one highlight from your player last season? 4B. What was one highlight from Junior Leagues? The time Z fucked up the scaling in STHS and we were seeing 16-10 games with over 200 penalty minutes 5. What is your favourite song ATM? Dance With The Devil - Breaking Benjamin 6. Do you prefer Road Trips or Flying? Both are equally terrible. I will say flying though because at least I've never flown hungover, can't say the same for the former.
  8. Basically a good summary of all of my issues with VHFL as well. My biggest complaint with it was that goalies don't really matter a lot. The difference between the best goalie and the worst one is minimal, and I think that it could be changed as well. Checking/defensive defensemen are also completely broke as you said, and really need to be nerfed. 10/10
  9. Ah the pregnant woman thing makes more sense now. The sad thing is I'm picturing this woman who a guy from my town was involved with for a while lmao. Must be a smaller town thing. To answer your speculation about how close I am to the border, it's about 40 minutes. The nearest city to my town is actually in the States, but we rarely go because border security is a pain in the ass. Kind of alarming to hear about the guy that died from covid if he was only in his 30s. Shows that it's better to get vaccinated even if the chance of dying isn't that high. Everyone thinks, "it won't be me", until it is. Also go Miami. 10/10
  10. We all live in a yellow submarine
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