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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. I meant to pick last night but I'm sick and went to bed earlier than usual
  2. Questions for week ending January 24th: 1. Are you excited for the season to start? 2. Who do you think will lead our team in scoring? 3. What are your personal goals for this season? 4. What area of your game do you think you need to work on? 5. What is your favorite restaurant? 6. Who is your favorite band/singer?
  3. I've never seen him on discord and I'm mainly a discord boi
  4. Hey man, haven't seen you in a while
  5. Definitely had to vote that Bouchard takes it to the next level, I've heard about hockey rituals but this a whole new level. My favorite part of the media spot is the use of a graphic/photo of some sort for every new heading in the article. Some media spots are guilty of having no pictures (a lot of mine included because I get lazy) and it's something I'm always sure to praise. I like that you keep each paragraph pretty brief, about 200 words max and don't drag it out too much. It's a pretty cool idea to write a media spot as a response to another in the instance of youloser's article, not sure if I've ever seen that before. 10/10 media spot my friend.
  6. Damn, you're writing media spots less than a week after joining. Took me a solid month to figure those out. I assume you have some prior relationship with Thad to make an article about him so early in your career. I really like the last paragraph in particular. I'm not sure if it was intended to be humorous or not, but it made me chuckle. The quote by Aldwin Craig in particular was awesome, I really liked his analogy about Sales leading the team. The formatting of the article makes it flow very well and I appreciate that all of your titles and headings are very creative. The thing I liked most was the use of graphics, especially the second one. It is crisp. Excellent attempt for your first media spot, 10/10. Keep up the good work friend.
  7. 8th Overall | Hex Rose | Last Season: Las Vegas Aces Hex Universe is one of the most prominent first-gens from the S76 draft rivaled only by Juice. Hemade a big splash in the league early on with his enthusiasm. His articles were enough for him to get noticed by VSN pretty early on, and he was able to get a job writing for them early in his stint in the VHLM. He certainly impressed me with his activity in discord and his passion for the league. Coming in at 257 TPE as of the draft, it looks like Rose will be joining the Seattle Bears for their S76 campaign where they hope to return to relevance in the North American Conference. It is unknown whether Hex Rose will play as a center or a winger this upcoming season as Seattle currently has 3 centers on the roster and uneven lines, with 7 forwards. We will have to see what GM Blake Campbell has in store. 9th Overall | Phoenix Dawson | Last Season: Miami Marauders A member that joined way back when this forum started in the fall of 2013, Toast has been in this league for at least 7 years now, and likely more. Toast has surely been around the block a time or two in sim leagues. However, in the portal era of the VHL he hasn’t seen the same success as he has in the past. He made a player named Burnt Toast (S63) that burned out and only gathered 76 TPE. His most recent attempt Larry Butz (S72) only managed to get 67 TPE. Sometimes old habits die hard, but Toast has already managed to outearn his previous two players by far. He had 244 TPE at the draft and currently has 250 TPE. It appears that he may stay down in the minors for an extra season of conditioning. Next season our offense will be a thing of beauty if Dawson is able to remain active. 12th Overall | Phil The Rock Johnson | Last Season: San Diego Marlins Another member that joined way back in the early days of this new forum, Phil is likely a member that has been here for over 7 years as well. I don’t think I’ve ever talked to Phil personally, but from what I’ve heard he is known for having some pretty solid players. His last player Phil Marleau was also taken in the first round, third overall in S67 and that was a pretty solid draft year, producing many potential hall of fame candidates. Here in Seattle we are hoping that Phil can manage another successful career and help us reach the playoffs, after losing in the wildcard to Chicago in S75. Although he was drafted the latest in the draft of the three Seattle first rounders, Johnson actually had the highest TPE with 275. Another thing to add is that he was the only Seattle first rounder to receive a LICK in the seasonal Bust or Lick article made by gorlab.
  8. I was going to post that if someone didn't beat me to it
  9. diacope 2


    Halifax 21st: A Legacy of Failure
  10. He called me a lick. This man knows what he's talking about tbh
  11. 1. Did you expect Philly was going to win it all this season? 2. Will you be tuning in to the VHLM draft stream in 4 days or so? 3. Who is going to win the NHL's Canadian Division? 4. What was your reaction to how the World Juniors ended? 5. From our class of waiver claim players, who do you think will go the highest in the draft? 6. Played any hockey lately? I live in a small town so I've actually been skating quite a bit in recent days.
  12. Hey man, I remember you from a while back. Unfortunately it's the offseason so no teams are allowed to sign you, however I'm pretty sure the draft is going to be in the next 4-5 days or so. You'll get picked up by someone then.
  13. It's an interesting question, as the New York Americans have been the VHL's resident cursed franchise for quite some time now. I think your article gave some good points as to how NYA could become relevant again. However, the answer to your question is probably no, Moscow and Malmo have both came into existence and won a cup since the last time New York won. (Also they were founded a good 12+ seasons after that) Sorry about New York, so here is a 10/10 rating.
  14. I think you may have endangered Toast haha, if he tries to go inactive again the league will be out to get him. I like the humorous media spots because they are much more fun to read and don't seem to drag on as much. The inclusion of pictures was nice because I think they add a nice element to an article. 10/10 article my man
  15. 64. Malmo or DCD? If over, thoughts on the winner? Malmo, the better team won in my honest opinion. 65. Who was Seattle's best player this season? Obviously I'm biased, but have to say Brown. Lead in points and goals and had the most game winners. 66. What changes would you make to Seattle to make them more successful? Major moves this offseason. 67. What did you end up doing for Christmas? Just had my dad's parents over. My dad works with my grandpa anyways lol so it wasn't really a big deal. 68. What did you do for New Years? Nothing. Fuck you COVID. 69. What did you get for Christmas? A gaming chair and some gift cards and shit.
  16. I will join and manage group
  17. stupid double posts haha, hate when that happens
  18. Sorry we couldn't get you a cup man, and also that we probably won't be able to bring you back. You were one of the best waiver pickups in the league and it was amazing to see. I think you will have great success wherever you end up next season.
  19. Press conference for week ending January 3rd. 1. Have you been watching the World Juniors lately? If so, who are you cheering for? 2. What was the best gift you got for Christmas? 3. What kind of food did you eat for the holidays? 4. How satisfied have you been with your player's performance recently? 5. What do you think of Chicago's big upset (and sweep) of Seattle in the VHL? 6. Assistant GM a_Ferk went MIA with the presser last week. Where did he go?
  20. After going 1-1 in the second sim of the series with Saskatoon, the Las Vegas Aces now face the dreaded 3-1 lead. In the first sim, Vegas took game one by a score of 6-4, and game two by a score of 4-3. Not a totally dominant sim, but enough to take the two game series lead. Saskatoon showed that they still had a bit of fight left in them by winning game three by a score of 2-1. Michael Fletcher played especially well, allowing a single goal on 24 shots. However, Vegas answered with a decisive 5-2 victory and a solid team effort. 10 different Vegas skaters scored at least a single point in the game. 3-1 seems to be a trap card in STHS. I don't know the whole history on it, but the most notable recent example in the M was probably Miami vs Minnesota in round one of S73. Miami was the big underdog, but they shocked the league by going up 3-1. Following a collapse, Minnesota was able to win the next three and take the series in game seven. Las Vegas will have to find a way to win a fourth game in a series that was been highly contested so far.
  21. Haven't really heard of any of these songs (except the one by BTS), but it's a pretty good article as far as list media spots go. The only thing I noticed was the odd grammatical error here and there. For example, the capitalization on i wasn't there a handful of times, but not a huge deal. 9/10 article
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