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About radlikemydad

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    Scoot Burbs
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  1. 259 New York Americans @ Calgary Wranglers 260 HC Davos Dynamo @ Vancouver Wolves 261 Malmo Nighthawks @ Riga Reign 262 Toronto Legion @ D.C. Dragons
  2. 1. We might be at the bottom of the standing, but what are we the best at? being at the bottom 2. What skill or stat have you been working on lately? scoring and puck handling 3. What are your thought on the new Logo? i actually really like it, looks great. 4. To celebrate the new unofficial logo, what's your biggest edge lord moment? When I frequently browsed 4chan 5. What other languages can you speak or what language would you like to learn to speak? A little japanese, open to learning all languages 6. How should we punish Motza if we come in last this season? ban Taylor Swift
  3. 1. How are you celebrating the start of the season? By staying indoors! Be safe everyone. 2. What do you personally need to work on on the ice? I feel I personally need to work on my discipline and most of all, winning those face offs. 3. What do you think the team can do better? WIN. That's not a stab at anyone on the team personally, it's a collective effort, we just need those Ws boys! 4. Besides yourself, who do you think the stand out player on our team? Honestly right now i think it's still a bit too early to tell, but I've got my eye on Klaus. 5. Which teammate would you choice to team up with during a zombie outbreak? Whoever has the most guns. 6. What are your favorite burger toppings? A good burger is nothing without some good cheese. Also pickles.
  4. I’m actually loving the colors you used in this, and the dredge font absolutely flows perfectly with the whole feel of the sig if that makes sense. That being said, I’m not a fan of the “phantoms” placement, it’s completely drowned out by all the noise of the rest of the sig. IMHO, tone down the colors a little bit, definitely change that phantoms placement, maybe make it a little less translucent and you got yourself a 10/10. As it is right now, solid 7/10.
  5. Claim capped tpe, link the thread. At least I’m pretty sure that’s how lol
  6. Actually yes i have a bunch luckily ?
  7. Did we just become best friends?
  8. 1. What's your favorite skill to work on in practice? Puck handling and passing, you're pretty SOL if you cant handle those two basic but very important things! 2. What's a question you'll use to get to know your new teammates? Probably what their favorite type of music is, that's usually my go to first question when im getting to know someone new. 3. How do you feel about the new measures to limit TPE inflation? Like my fellow teammate Klaus said, i'll have to research this more in order to give an informed answer. 4. If we had to postpone the VHLM season for some reason, how would you spend your time? I want to say i'd spend the time practicing but honestly i think i'd take some days off for some much needed r&r. 5. What's your pump up song for the first game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRc85qoNo6w&t=137s there is no other song that matches this hype 6. Why do you think Motza likes Taylor Swift so much? They told me the reason once in private but im not sure i can ever share that information with anyone; need to know basis.
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