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Posts posted by hylands

  1. review: really nicely executed graphic here. i like the big light source coming from the top left and how you implemented some text there. the text looks slightly plain and boring and maybe a different font would have made it better. nice touch with the logo swaps and shoulder patches too. overall a solid piece, 8/10.

  2. review: another wonderful piece from you stz. the render efx are very nicely done, not overcooked one bit. you also did a great job at blending the render with the background and bringing a lot of depth out of something that is relatively simple. the text is great and fits really well with the composition of the sig. only complaint would be that the right side looks a little barren and could use some love. great work! 9/10


    For Week Ending 12/5


    1. Have you been surprised by the team’s performance so far?

    2. Who is your early vote for team MVP? Gotta be Tater Tot right?

    3. How do you stay motivated when the losses seem to just keep piling up?

    4. Do you think Tater Tot has a solid chance of breaking the saves record this season?

    5. If you could have a sponsorship deal for your player, what would it be?

    6. It’s your turn to choose the place we eat at after a big road win, where are you taking us?


  4. first of all, thank you so much! it's wonderful.


    now review time: i think this is a nearly flawlessly executed two render piece. great work as always from you stz. the blue is vibrant and contrasted well by the whites and greys throughout the sig. a great job done with blending everything together to make it flow and work as one. the only thing i noticed after really looking, is the light source looks to be coming from the top right, and the shadow of the text contradicts the light source. a small, and very minor detail i noticed after staring for entirely too long. amazing work, 9.5/10.

  5. not a bad job at all on this! render is cut out nice and clean with no visible artifacting, and i like the interaction between the logo in the background and the render. the text seems a little out of place and disconnected in the bottom corner there, and maybe a different colour would have helped it pop a bit more. i like the effect around the render, but perhaps it is a bit too strong and could be dialed back a bit. only other thing i can think of is doing a bit more work to blend the whole thing together to look more cohesive. solid effort! 7/10

  6. it is a bit of a strange time here in london. this off-season can be looked at as very bittersweet i think. on one hand, mcwolf was able to draft his own player which is an extremely valuable asset to have for your franchise. but on the other hand, free agency was an absolute disaster. we went in, not with high hopes, but hopes nonetheless. boy, were we misguided. we had known for a while that reikkinen would be testing free agency, and while we were very much prepared for him to leave, it is still a huge loss that will take some effort to fill. we sent our fair share of pitches to the big free agents, but ultimately came up short in that department as well. this leaves the team with almost bare bones going in to the season. we have some good forwards coming up through the pipeline, and some defencemen that look to pan out well in the future, but it's looking like a time to transition for london.


    For Week Ending 11/28


    1. Season 81 is about to begin. What kind of expectations do you have for the team heading in?

    2. We managed to bring in GM McWolf's player in the draft. How important will that be for the team's future?

    3. On the other side of things, we had quite a few players leave this past off-season. Are you confident that we will be able to get things settled?

    4. Are you the type of person to vacation during an off-season, or would you rather spend your time at home?

    5. What are your initial expectations for your player heading in to this season?

    6. What is your boldest prediction for the upcoming season?

  8. review: this is a nice graphic! very simple, but effective. i like what you did with the maronen text on the cityscape, it stands out but not too much. the logo swap you did is good, maybe a little bit small, but i always find it hard to work with goalies. i would say maybe the slight transparency on the render kind of takes away from it, but it doesn't look bad at all. i also like the 3d effect you have going on behind him. 8/10

  9. review: great job on making a literal board game into a great signature. i like how you went minimal with it, and it doesn't even feel empty or bland. the font you chose works well with the clue logo, and the skates, stick, and hands are good enough that they don't jump out as obviously photoshopped. it could possibly do with some brush work to busy up the background a bit, but i don't think it would add much more to the piece. i really like this one. 9/10

  10. the vhl draft has come and gone, and for harkat mulds, that means heading to his new team in toronto. in a bit of a shock, he fell down to the 9th overall pick of the vhl draft. teams with those first few draft picks either decided they didn't like what they saw from mulds, or had other needs that he did not fit. in any case, his name was called by gm peace, and he is packing his bags and making the move. it came as a bit of a surprise to mulds since he hadn't been contacted by the organization leading up to the draft. but with the picks they had it made sense they didn't expect to see him available. he's still getting settled in at the moment, but the team is young and hungry and there are a lot of reasons to be hopeful for the future of the legion. this season will be another one where they focus on development, but it's here where they lay the foundation of a potentially great team.

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