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Posts posted by hylands

  1. On 7/26/2023 at 12:00 AM, Triller said:



    1.  What a crazy season! Most stacked team I've ever seen. It didn't end the way any of us wanted it to but we had fun! How do you feel about the season and your players' performance?

    2.  We are currently sitting at 200 goals for as a team!  What will we end the regular season with?Are you gonna keep in touch with your teammates or say your goodbyes and move on?

    3.  In your estimate, what do you think caused us an early exit from the playoffs?

    4.  Do you think a VHL player should have a cup win to be a HoF candidate?

    5.  Who on the team are you most excited to play with or against in the future?

    6.  AJ is stepping down as GM in Houston and subsequently, I am stepping down as AGM.  Give me some parting words for AJ!


    1. there’s not much to be upset about except for the playoff performance. it’s not at all what we wanted but looking back overall the season was great.


    2. i’ll stick around in the locker room and say hello. other than that a reunion with anybody on the team would be more than welcome.


    3. just bad luck really. lots of one goal games that could have gone either way.


    4. i don’t think a cup is 100% necessary for a hall of fame candidate. only one team a season can win it and sometimes the stars don’t align even for the best players.


    5. super excited to play with WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW because the bench warming is immaculate and the butt taps are second to none.


    6. all good things must come to an end, and this was a great thing. both of you should be proud of what we had this season even if the result wasn’t ultimately what we wanted. good luck in the future!

  2. the end of the regular season is here, and that means it's time for a quick recap. the houston bulls finish the season with 106 points, locking up 1st in the west and looking great heading into playoffs. jebediah big ol doinks in amish ends up scoring a respectable 56 points, with 17 of those being goals! on a stacked roster with ample scoring ability i am very happy with that level of production. the bulls roster is taking advantage of the recent vhl birthday tpe and head into the playoffs with nearly a full roster of capped players. as long as jebediah can do his job defensively and contribute up front wherever he can, i will consider that a huge success.


    my previous player harkat mulds also played his last game ever. he had a decent season, scoring 63 points on a bratislava team that somewhat exceeded expectations. turns out leaving suddenly and having him die a slow death was not ideal for his career path. this time around i'm not going to speedrun burnout and i'll just enjoy jebediah as much as possible. the main goal of this player is to make as many friends as i can along the way.

  3. On 7/16/2023 at 12:40 PM, Triller said:

    1.  12 games left in the regular season!  What is our record going to be in those last 12 games?


    2.  We are currently sitting at 200 goals for as a team!  What will we end the regular season with?

    3.  Where do you want to be drafted to and if you are already drafted, are you excited to join your draft team?

    4.  Our very own Xiver Zilla is 6th overall in goals, does he top the chart by the end of the season?

    5.  By the end of the week we will be heading into the playoffs!  Does your player have any playoff rituals?

    6.  Each player on the team gets their own intro music, what is yours?


    1. im a bit late to this one, but i would've said 12-0 either way! we slowed down a bit towards the end but held on to top spot.

    2. i would say 250 but that seems hopeful. we ended up at 238 so a few more games and we for sure would have made it.

    3. i haven't put too much thought into where i want to be drafted. as long as i go somewhere that actually scouts me i'm fine.

    4. it's gonna be tough to do that, i think he gets close but not quite unfortunately.

    5. no playoff rituals here. it's business as usual as far as jebediah is concerned.

    6. there are so many options, how do i choose? i'd probably go with something up tempo with a solid beat to get the crowd pumped.

  4. it has been an absolutely incredible week for the houston bulls. after making a deadline day trade and some waiver acquisitions, the long term plans the bulls had are finally coming to fruition. the middle of the season was met with some hardships, even at one point falling a few points behind san diego for the top spot. but looking at the standings now, the bulls have built a respectable gap between them and the marlins, while also making up a lot of ground on the juggernaut team of the east, the philadelphia reapers. the team is as motivated as ever and they are pushing for the strongest finish possible. over the last 16 games, houston have dropped only a single point and are by far the hottest team right now.


    jebediah big ol doinks in amish manages to produce at a decent rate, exceeding most expectations he had heading into the season. not quite putting up point per game pace, he sits at 51 points in 63 games played. he will continue to work on contributing as much as he can offensively while remaining as reliable as possible in the defensive zone.

  5. On 7/9/2023 at 1:10 PM, Triller said:

    1.  We made a trade!  Harjen Van Araken and Jason Lajeunesse Jr for Walter Fitzroy Jr.  Do you think we made a good move?


    2.  Our roster is now set for the rest of the season!  What do you think?

    3.  What did you think of theme week this season?  Commissioner for a Day!

    4.  Walter Fitzroy Jr is new to the LR, what shenanigans does your player warn him about?

    5.  Does your player prefer a hard-nosed coach or a more relaxed coach?

    6.  What is something you consider yourself bad at that is kind of important?


    1. we made a great move, moon is awesome! our defence is looking incredible and that is a solid foundation to build upon.

    2. i think things are looking amazing. we have depth, we have talent, and we have doinks. what more could you want?

    3. i liked it a lot! the community came up with some good, and some not so good ideas.

    4. nothing major. the locker room is pretty chill on account of the massive amount of doinks going around.

    5. i would say definitely a more relaxed coach. the motivation to perform and play is not achieved by being a dick to me.

    6. probably being indecisive? i can be pretty wishy washy when it comes to that.

  6. the houston bulls have put together a good string of results and climb ever closer to the san diego marlins for first place in the western conference. the schedule hasn't been easy, having played the marlins themselves three times in the last eight games, along with two matchups against the league leading philadelphia reapers. managing to take the win in all three games against san diego, the bulls have closed the gap between the two teams to just two points. along with a huge win against philadelphia, followed by a heartbreaking overtime loss, houston dropped just a single point to the best teams in the vhlm.


    despite all of that, management knew that they could take the team to the next level, and sought to acquire walter fitzroy jr from the las vegas aces in a trade. in a three player swap, which saw harjen van araken and jason lajeunesse jr dealt to las vegas, the bulls strengthened themselves on the blueline, and have brought even more belief to an already confident team. we are nearing the closing stages of the season and the bulls plan on capitalizing on a great run of form to propel themselves into the playoffs with as much momentum as possible.

  7. 3 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

    The only thing popping up with that search criteria are VHLE related pages... Turkish Grey Wolves however is a different matter. Applying your logic would mean to ban all Canadian franchises because Quebec is in Canada... 


    that is actually a really good idea. all canadian franchises should be relocated.

  8. On 7/2/2023 at 3:19 PM, Triller said:

    1.  We are fighting for top spot in the West, do we take it by the end of the regular season?


    2.  For game day, does your player come to the rink looking fly?

    3.  As soon as your player gets that VHL cheddar, what is their first purchase?

    4.  Do you prefer being on a team of mostly recreates or of first gens?

    5. As a waiver player, why did you choose to join the teams you chose?  For past players too if you got em!

    6.  What is the worst movie you have ever seen in theatre?


    1. of course we do! the adversity we are facing now is only making us stronger.

    2. not at all. sweatpants are worn at all times, and then depending on the weather its either a t-shirt or a hoodie to complete the fit.

    3. doinks. so many doinks. every room in the house will be full of doinks.

    4. i'm honestly not bothered by the amount of either on whichever team i'm on. i like having some friends on the team, but i also love making new friends so i'm happy either way.

    5. my recreates always tend to go to wherever my friends are, this is the first time i've had a recreate play all of the season in their waiver season so i'm excited to see where the draft takes me.

    6. this may be a bit of a hot take, but the first avatar movie bored me so much that i just left midway through.

  9. we're nearly halfway through the vhlm season and the houston bulls are sitting in 2nd place in the western conference, trailing the san diego marlins by a slim margin of two points. but if you were to ask the team if they were happy with their performance, you would get a resounding "no!". the season started off strong, with wins coming through thick and fast, ultimately propelling the bulls near the top of the league. however, the competition remains fierce and determined, and the bulls are firmly entrenched in a battle for top spot in the west.


    rookie defenceman jebediah big ol doinks in amish has recently seen his production on the ice undergo a massive transformation. it was a slow start for him, taking a bit to adjust to the league, but his hard work and patience have paid off and he is rewarding his coaches with some solid points. nobody saw this offensive explosion coming from jebediah, and his 11 goals on the season is the second best tally for all defencemen around the league. if he can continue to produce in meaningful ways going down the stretch, the bulls will be in great shape once the playoffs arrive.

  10. On 6/25/2023 at 3:32 PM, Triller said:

    1.  With a few games under our belt, is your player performing as expected?


    2.  Has your player developed any chemistry in the LR or on the ice with any teammates?

    3.  We have yet to play Mexico this season and they look to be our biggest competition in the West.  How do you think we stack up against them?

    4.  What is something you think the VHL is missing?

    5.  It is the NHL off season at the moment.  Do you watch the free agent frenzy, awards or the draft?

    6.  How long would water have to sit out in a water bottle before you would no longer drink it?


    1. jeb has recently been on a nice scoring streak, and he is contributing defensively so I am absolutely thrilled with his performance.

    2. big doinks has slowly been catching on so i would like to think that i have, yes.

    3. i have faith in the lads. we're only getting stronger so it's going to be even tougher for them once we finally match up.

    4. i recently found mubblefubbles capped tpe calculator and the way it suggests tasks to do based on what you've earned is something i would love to see implemented into the portal somehow.

    5. i usually keep up with most of the big trades/free agent moves through social media. awards i don't really care about, and i'll usually catch at least the first 10 picks of the draft.

    6. like in a plastic bottle? i wouldn't be caught dead drinking out of one of those anyways. reusable water bottle for life.

  11. it's been a bit of a slow start to life in the vhlm for jebediah big ol doinks in amish. after 10 games played, he has a decent haul of five points, with two goals and three assists. he hasn't quite hit the ground running like he had envisioned for himself, but with a new found resilience inside his mind, he is confident things will start to click. the immense amount of talent that houston has all over the ice this season makes things a little more difficult for jebediah. the opportunities are there, but the more experienced and skillful players are the ones finishing the chances.


    "of course i would love to have more points on the board, but looking at the big picture, i can't really complain. im improving every day, and the team is performing great. i know for a fact that the doinks - i mean the points - will start rolling in at some point or another."


    will jebediah find the success that he is so confident he is due for? can he keep up with the rest of the team and keep improving, or will the doinks prove to be too much to handle? as of right now, things are looking okay, but both jeb and his coaches are hungry with the munchies for more.

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