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    mediocrepony reacted to Garsh in HAPPY EARTH DAY I LOVE EARTH DAY   
    All my homies love Earth
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    mediocrepony reacted to Quik in HAPPY EARTH DAY I LOVE EARTH DAY   
    I turned off a light, so I'm doing my part
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    mediocrepony reacted to NSG in HAPPY EARTH DAY I LOVE EARTH DAY   
    I ❤️ 🌏 Day
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    mediocrepony got a reaction from NSG in HAPPY EARTH DAY I LOVE EARTH DAY   
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    mediocrepony got a reaction from fishy in HAPPY EARTH DAY I LOVE EARTH DAY   
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    mediocrepony reacted to Bobo in HAPPY EARTH DAY I LOVE EARTH DAY   
    EARTH DAY! i love planet earth
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    mediocrepony reacted to rory in HAPPY EARTH DAY I LOVE EARTH DAY   
    i love when my friend are so enthusiastic!! go earf day!!
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    mediocrepony got a reaction from N0HBDY in I kind of want to yell really loudly today.   
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    mediocrepony reacted to fishy in i visited the merchandise store link almost 100 times to get it to a total of 1001 vi   
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    mediocrepony reacted to tcookie in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    Not sure it's a matter of opinion whether or not someone deserves to be shot by police four times for lunging at someone with a knife. Cops were able to handle Kyle Rittenhouse, or in the example Devise shared, they were able to handle an active shooter in Moncton literally looking to kill cops. They should be able to handle someone lunging at another person with a knife. At the very least, a taser would've been enough force to do their job. They unequivocally did not do their job here.
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    mediocrepony reacted to Jericho in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    I guess my point Berocks is that in a thread like this when you single out Devise's statement it shows a priority order that concerns me. It bothers me WAY more that Frostbeard was comfortable saying the cop "literally did nothing wrong" and the message that THAT sends. Skipping over that and focusing on a slogan which is in reference to a system and not to every individual member of that system seems like a misplaced set of priorities. Like you could argue someone might misconstrue what Decise said, but how much worse is it for someone to correctly assess what Frostbeard said?
    Like in a perfect world you're logic is fine, but we have so many chasms to deal with before we get to something this unimportant.
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    mediocrepony reacted to Jericho in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    Ok so you are missing the point. Good cops know what people mean when they say that and don't give a fuck. The ones who get missed are the ones who think murdering people is a thing they should be allowed to do.
    I am perfectly comfortable saying I don't want a cop who thinks murder is their right in the league. This is not that hot of a take.
    Much in the same way I champion posts where women talk about how scary bring around men can be. You are ignoring a larger issue in favour of a smaller one. I would rather this be a community that black people feel comfortable in than shitty cops. 
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    mediocrepony reacted to Jericho in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    and guys getting hung up on the ACAB thing is the same as hopping into a post when a woman says to be cautious of men with a "Not all men." If you know you're doing your shit right then you know when it doesn't apply to you. I don't see ACAB and get triggered for my dad. I know what the point is and I move on. The same way I know my wife posting about how men are predators doesn't apply to me. If THAT is the point you want to die on you are completely missing the point.
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    mediocrepony reacted to Jericho in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    Ok there are some really REALLY bad takes in here. As someone who grew ho in Police Culture (Father served for 25+ years) it is INCREDIBLY problematic. Taking shitty opinions on what should be allowed vs what is allowed aside, you can't shoot someone just for holding a knife. Devise's point about the Moncton shooter I'd a great example. My dad was still working then, and this dude had a full blown assault rifle and was specifically trying to kill cops, and somehow they had the restraint that these cops don't. It was absolutely a racial issue, we see this fime and time again when people like Kyle Rittenhouse can murder two people and be brought in.
    And Bana, save the "this is a hockey league don't tall about that here". It's a fucking stupid take that reeks if priveledge. I'm sorry your escape is complicated sometimes but there are marginalized groups of people who don't get the ignore this stuff. The least we can do is fucking talk about it.
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    mediocrepony reacted to Devise in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    @Rayzor_7 She called the cops before the fighting started, because of said fight. Why does debating this with folks like yourself come across like y'all think you are a jury member. Your not. Guilty of a crime or otherwise it's not our place to say "well she was attacking her so clearly she's a bad person and deserved to die." 
    We had an active shooter in Moncton years back who literally killed cops with an assault rifle and he was taken in without them shooting him once. Yet your telling me because a 15 year old black girl is fighting a group of people and holding a knife it means that for sure had gun trigger cop not killed her that she would of committed murder. I'm not buying it. We have no idea how that situation unfolds if that cop tries a litany of things and doesn't jump to 4 shots in the chest of a 15 year old.
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    mediocrepony reacted to fishy in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    "Okay so should we let her charge at someone with a knife next time?"
    she was 15, and her name was Mikayah. they could have used a taser. they were adults, and she was a child. if police cant handle a situation with a 15-year-old, they should reconsider their job. 
    ACAB = all cops are bastards
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    mediocrepony reacted to Quik in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    I won't go as far as saying ACAB, because that's also a dicey implication. But police reform is certainly needed, and lethal force is extreme and unnecessary in a situation like this. This situation seems like one where, if the cops were really worried about people's safety, a taser would have been more than enough force to prevent a lethal situation, and we would not be here right now discussing this.
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    mediocrepony reacted to Devise in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    @Banackock No. This isn't an escalation, there is nothing wrong with Ders post, and ultimately if you feel the need to both sides a 15 year old girl getting murdered, then it's not personal to say you are apart of a larger problem.
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    mediocrepony reacted to der meister in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    @Berocka here's a different source. I can't speak to Australia specifically, but the overarching theme is the same: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-killings-by-country
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    mediocrepony reacted to Devise in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    Acab @FrostBeard Get with it or get stepping. You don't deserve to be out argued you are wrong categorically imo. Way to be @der meisterpreach! The officer in this instance had zero right to take a life. If you believe he did you're part of the problem. Policing isn't showing up to a semi violent situation and choosing in a minute who has the right to live or die. Regardless of the fight and knife attack nobody knows that the girl and say girl FrostBeard you fucking coward she was 15, would of for sure killed another girl with the knife. That's purely the savior conjecture used to justify child murder. 
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    mediocrepony reacted to der meister in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
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    mediocrepony reacted to der meister in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    When is the time to debate it? There's a shooting every other fucking day. I've worked with cops - both former cops and cops in training - and they have all told me the same thing from different perspectives: they are trained to shoot to kill. Chest and head. The average police academy trainee spends 8 hours on de-escalation training and 130 hours on target practice. This is not "policing" in any other country in the world.
    One guy had a shitty bomb that wouldn't detonate in his shoe one time and we've all had to take off our shoes for TSA, but nothing has changed for gun violence. I don't know how old you are, but Columbine was shocking at the time. It was also over 20 years ago. How many school shootings have we had since then? When it comes to gun violence in this country, it seems like it's never the right time. 
  23. Woah
    mediocrepony reacted to der meister in Congrats to American cops for not even being able to make it 2 hours after the convic   
    They shot the girl and told the crowd Blue Lives Matter. The job of the police shouldn't be to come to every situation with guns blazing. American police are not taught to deescalate situations. They're trained to aim for chest and head. They're given hand me down military weapons. It's an organization based on rounding up escaped slaves. It needs to change.
    Beyond that, the whole american gun culture needs to change. We're having daily mass shootings or police killing black people. In 2019 american cops killed a thousand people. In the same year, adjusted for population, german cops killed 40. It's a systemic problem, and it is largely targeted at PoC.
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    mediocrepony reacted to Ledge in Imagine Sleeping- I'm Waking Up   
    Okay forty seconds in the dude is literally dying
    Ahhh I love laughing at dumb crap
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    mediocrepony reacted to der meister in disney's new series Big Shot is basically just Mighty Ducks but with basketball   
    At least they're only ripping themselves off instead of stealing from other cultures or existing media. #SilverLinings
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