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Everything posted by dlamb

  1. Absolutely sick! I feel like you get better and better every graphic I see from you. I love the black and white style with the slight colour of the Warsaw orange, everything flows really well. The signature and the fade out of the "signed" text is perfection. Keep it up, I love this stuff. 10/10
  2. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 12/13 1. Do you think we have a rivalry with any other VHL team? Who would it be if so? 2. What is the best outcome from this season for NYA? 3. Who has the best fans in the VHL? 4. Dogs or Cats? 5. Have you checked out the 2020 VHL Holiday Bonanza? Which part interests you the most? 6. What is your favourite holiday movie?
  3. Transaction ID: 20454538285114844 2 uncapped TPE Free Week (Not sure when claiming, will update this post, probably January if possible) Entry Tickets 10$ Donation, donating on behalf of @chikn Confirmed. -sterling
  4. I believe that the drafted team, sadly enough, would get the 2 points. As stated in the article, I sort of mentioned this exact scenario. I need to think of a better way to award teams based on how they improved/impacted that players activity.
  5. Ah damn, was bound to make a mistake somewhere. Thank you for pointing that out! But I also agree, alot of 1st gens are probably taken in the 2nd round. I wanted to do more, this was just a lot of work already haha
  6. Ranking VHLM teams by VHL draft success Ever since joining VHL, something I wanted to do is a research Media Spot. I’m finally bored of graphics enough to start this one, and I had a pretty fun time coming up with it. I am going to be ranking all active VHLM teams using their player’s success in the VHL Draft. DISCLAIMER: This is all in good fun. My research is not perfect, and do not take it as serious, and do not judge GMs and their teams based on the rankings. I have no mal intent towards any team, my data does not contain full drafts, nor all years, and does not factor in the hard work VHLM GMs do recruiting and retaining players. Also, when I say waiver signed, that refers to signed as a free agent prior to their VHLM draft. I looked through each player from the S71 through S75 draft drafted in the 1st round of the VHL Entry Draft, and wrote down the team they were drafted from, whether they are a first-generation player or not, and the VHLM waiver team they were picked up by. If a VHLM team had one of their players drafted in the first round of the VHL draft, they were awarded 2 points. This is the main factor I want my rankings to be based on, thus being my highest point share. If the player was a first generation, the VHLM team was awarded an extra point. I believe, as much as the VHLM may or may not have had a personal impact on the player, most first-generation players need closer attention from a GM, thus the bonus. Finally, the VHLM team that originally picked the player off of waivers was awarded 1 point, as an homage to being their original team. This is where I’m not fully confident, as some waiver teams may have had a higher impact on the player than the team awarded 2 points. However, for a fun little research article, I think it works well enough. ---- Without further ado, here are the rankings: (all stats are from S71 VHL Entry Draft through S75 VHL Entry Draft ONLY) 12. Philadelphia Reapers TOTAL SCORE: 10 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 2 1st Generation Player Bonus: 1 Waiver-signed Score: 5 Highest Drafted Player: Jolly Greene Giant, 2nd Overall (S75) @DoktorFunk The Reapers land at the bottom of the list, however they seem to be turning the tables this current season. The VHLM goes through waves, with teams going up and down as players graduate into the VHL. This data seems to be unfavorable to Philadelphia, who this upcoming draft have 4 players in the Top 12 ranked by total TPE. Maybe I’ll do this again in 5 seasons, and I think we could see the Reapers much higher on this list. Also, gives everyone a break from seeing Philly at the top of all the power rankings for this season. T-10. Yukon Rush TOTAL SCORE: 12 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 5 1st Generation Player Bonus: 1 Waiver-signed Score: 1 Highest Drafted Player: Pistil Stamen, 1st Overall (S75) @DMaximus Wow, am I really going to write about every team like this? Seemed like a better idea in my head than in practice. Anyways, Yukon seems to have some good players in the 1st round, but none that they actually signed. They are usually good for at least one 1st rounder per year, so they definitely have that going for them. With recreates Pistil Stamen @DMaximus and Muffbeav @.sniffuM going last draft, they have a very solid 1st gen defense pairing eligible for the next draft, in Kristof Welch @Juice and Germano Henchoz @RicoTheTrapGod. Hopefully we can see at least one of those factoring in here the next time I do this. T-10. Ottawa Lynx TOTAL SCORE: 12 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 4 1st Generation Player Bonus: 0 Waiver-signed Score: 4 Highest Drafted Player: Ola Vikingstad, 3rd Overall (S71) @Dil Ottawa gets a little bit shafted in my research I think, adding the S70 draft would have possibly given them a couple more points on the board, with that amazing S71 season. Nonetheless, even sitting at 10th here, they have still managed to produce a serviceable number of picks, on top a Founder’s Cup win. Very middling franchise however on my list, but they also seem to be the land of the recreates. Of their 4 first rounders, and 4 waiver signed player, only 1, a waiver signing, Zyrok12 @Zyrok, was a 1st gen. Not a knock at all, just a funny point to look at. T-8. Halifax 21st TOTAL SCORE: 13 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 3 1st Generation Player Bonus: 2 Waiver-signed Score: 5 Highest Drafted Player: Dolant Fertitta, 10th Overall (S75) @Dolant Although Halifax’s highest drafted player is listed as 10th, they have several waiver players who went on to become even higher picks, such as S73 1st Overall pick Groovy Dood @bigAL. Even going 1 season in the 5 this data is based on with a record of 4-63-5, they have still managed to sit at a respectable 8th place. Not much else I can think of to say about them, except they have a great logo and should never change their name. #WeTheFleet, or whatever. T-8. Minnesota Storm TOTAL SCORE: 13 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 5 1st Generation Player Bonus: 2 Waiver-signed Score: 1 Highest Drafted Player: Groovy Dood, 1st Overall (S73) @bigAL Most of Minny’s work is done in the S72 and S73 drafts, with all but one of their points being outside of those 2 drafts. Although I have a personal rivalry with the franchise as they beat my Marauders in the S73 Founder’s Cup finals, you must give them credit. @Rayzor_7 always seems to bring this franchise into the win column one way or another. T-6. Mississauga Hounds TOTAL SCORE: 16 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 5 1st Generation Player Bonus: 0 Waiver-signed Score: 6 Highest Drafted Player: Jacob Tonn (S73) @MexicanCow123 / L (S75) @gorlab T-4th Overall Another hub for recreates, MIS has had all but a single point coming from recreated players. Not a knock on them at all! You also must give them credit for dealing with those L @gorlab and R @Kylrad guys, at least it gives them some clout in this article. One interesting tidbit, they had waiver signed all top 3 picks from the S71 draft, however, did not re-draft any of them, thus losing out on 6 potential points. Obviously beyond their control, which makes me think how I could have approached scoring differently. T-6. Mexico City Kings TOTAL SCORE: 16 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 3 1st Generation Player Bonus: 2 Waiver-signed Score: 8 Highest Drafted Player: RJ Thatcher, 5th Overall (S75) @jhatty8 One of the reasons I started this project is because I had a theory that LVA and MEX were 2 of the teams producing the highest number of new active members. Unfortunately, the way I have used the data has put Mexico in 6th. Despite boasting the 3rd most waiver signed players, the lack of 1st round talent Mexico City has had in their draft years weighs them down. This is where I think my formula is lacking, since MEX is getting next to no credit for a bunch of players they could have completely introduced and gotten into the league. 5. Saskatoon Wild TOTAL SCORE: 19 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 5 1st Generation Player Bonus: 3 Waiver-signed Score: 6 Highest Drafted Player: Tyler Walker, 2nd Overall (S73) @Advantage Absolutely goated franchise, with future VHLM Hall of Famer Florent Vericel @dart now leading in all statistical categories for the club. In all seriousness, this team seems to never stop pumping out talent. 2nd in the 1st gen bonus category, they seem to have an eye for both new and old talent, as well as getting the most out of both. This is par for the course in the S76 draft, where they have Battre Sandstrom @Acydburn all but locked in to be a VHL 1st round pick. Top this off with a S72 Founder’s Cup, and Sasky is sitting pretty at 5th. 4. Miami Marauders TOTAL SCORE: 28 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 8 1st Generation Player Bonus: 6 Waiver-signed Score: 6 Highest Drafted Player: Cabe McJake, 7th Overall (S75) @RedSus Despite the first Miami Marauders players only appearing in the S73 VHL Draft as an expansion team, @Ricer13 has been a 1st gen producing machine, with double the amount of VHL 1st gens drafted in the first round than any other VHLM team. They started off with a bang, with 4 1st rounders in their debut season. Truly a testament to the management style of the team, and a big reason as to why I am here writing this right now. @GustavMattiassuggested that I find a way to manipulate the data to put Miami on top, however I think 4 is well above expected, especially since they had 0 say in the first 2 drafts used in this data. 3. San Diego Marlins TOTAL SCORE: 29 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 11 1st Generation Player Bonus: 1 Waiver-signed Score: 6 Highest Drafted Player: Kyl Oferson, 1st Overall (S71) @Nykonax A surprise for me, since it seems like SDM is a team that doesn’t get a lot of praise. However, looking at the data, they have consistently been putting out top tier talent. Most of their points are coming from the S71 and S74 draft, in which they had 4 1st rounders taken from their team in both years. They are also poised to have a strong S76 draft, in which they have 4 current players ranked in the top 9 by TPE. A 1st rounder in all 5 years of the data analyzed, an impressive feat that only they and LVA hold. 2. Las Vegas Aces TOTAL SCORE: 33 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 10 1st Generation Player Bonus: 2 Waiver-signed Score: 11 Highest Drafted Player: SS Hornet, 1st Overall (S72) @McWolf My prediction for the top team, turned out to just fall short. LVA hype seems to be in almost every VHL LR I am in, including general, and this team seems to never stop churning out these new players into VHL regulars. Just looking at my excel sheet for this article, LVA absolutely dominates the S72 draft with 4 picks in the top 11 and get 8 of their 11 waiver signing points from the S74 draft. Not much more to say about LVA, they are one of 2 teams to have a 1st round pick in every draft from S71 on. Maybe I'll say their logo is really cool so I can hit the word count? Hi @Spartan, needed to mention you somewhere to get the tag in. 1. Houston Bulls TOTAL SCORE: 36 Total VHL 1st Rounders: 11 1st Generation Player Bonus: 1 Waiver-signed Score: 13 Highest Drafted Player: Aloe Dear, 1st Overall (S74) @Renomitsu Finally, your number 1 team, the Houston Bulls. Tied for the most 1st rounders, and 2 more waiver signed players than any other VHL team in the last 5 drafts. Their ranking is very heavily led by the S74 VHL draft, in which they had not 1, not 2, but 7 players picked in the first round. Pair that with the S72 draft, in which they had 5 waiver signed 1st rounders, and it is easy to see why they are ranking here. Houston seems to be another team that is very good at attracting those re-creates, but I’m not exactly sure why. Hats off to RJ! @rjfryman ----- Well, there you have it. Finally, I completed a media spot. As I was writing this I sort of got discouraged, as I realized my research wasn’t as fine tuned as I would have liked it to be. Also, it sort of just turned into my opinion on each VHLM team. Nonetheless, even if you ignore the rankings of the teams, it is still a good recap of how many players have been selected from each VHLM team in the S71-S75 timeline. If I were to do it again, I feel like I would need to add more research behind it. Teams should be rewarded for players they have brought into full-on activity, as well as players that have continued to be active for their entire career. Maybe I will think of something, maybe I will just claim this for 4 weeks and never think about it again. Only time will tell. If you would like to see the entire excel doc of where players were waiver-signed to and drafted from, just let me know. Thanks for reading my nonsense rambling! Another footnote here, I’m just going off of which teams players were on in said season from the portal, which does not factor in if a player was traded. My apologies to any teams that suffered negative points from this. 2068 Words, claiming for 4 weeks starting with this week.
  7. Not sure who John Callahan Jr. is, but he must be good if he has an Olofsson render. I like the text, if flows into the sig without being too overpowering. Colour swap solid too, you can barely tell that it used to be a Sabres jersey. Idk what is going on in the background, but I must say, it looks nice. I would totally rock this sig. My only knock is that there seems to be a rough cutout on the render? Maybe it was an intentional thing, but I don't think it hurts the sig that much nonetheless. 9.25/10
  8. Review: You said this was your 1st graphic in a while, yeah? Well this is some fine work, that's for damn sure. The colours work very well, and I can overlook the fact that there's no jersey swap because of the Leafs jersey and "Toronto Legion" text. Definitely in the upper echelon of VHL graphics, clean af. 9.5/10
  9. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 12/6 1. It's December! What is your favourite part of the holidays? 2. The GM Player claim has been abolished. How do you feel about it? 3. We currently have 92 Goals for, which is better than 4 other teams, and only 1 behind the NA conference leading Calgary Wranglers. Why have we struggled to keep the puck out of our own net? 4. If I'm not mistaken, next week is VHL Theme Week. What theme would you choose? 5. Rhynex Entertainment, Gary Rush, and Brian Strong Jr are all top 8 in rookie scoring. Who takes the ROTY crown at seasons end? 6. My favourite show to watch, The Office, is being removed from Netflix in January. What is your go-to show/movie on Netflix?
  10. FINALLY, HE HAS DONE IT +4 Recruitment TPE Florent Vericel hit 250 TPE
  11. +1 Recruitment TPE Kristof Welch hit 100 TPE
  12. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 11/29 1. At the time of writing, we stand at 4-7-1. How do you feel? 2. Which team has surprised you the most thus far? 3. Who will lead NYA in points at seasons end? 4. Is there a point task you enjoy doing above all others? If so, what is it? 5. Who is your favourite NHL team, and player on that team? 6. Xbox Series X or PS5?
  13. Kristof Welch - @Juice Please reply and say "Confirmed" to show I recruited you.
  14. Review: Echoing the above review, this is sick! VHL Draft logo is nice, cutout is good, text is solid and pretty easy to see, jersey colour change is good, overall really solid! The only critiques I would have is the logo swap, it needs some perspective or warping done to it possibly, and the VHL logo bottom right would look better white/with a stroke. 9/10
  15. Yeah, dart about to get to 250 too ??
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