We’re back again, the old man of the VHL! This week I’m not looking backwards at all but rather forwards and talking about what more the portal could do for the VHL.
A lot of you guys are new which means you’ve never existed in a pre-portal VHL. That’s weird to me since I did myself for like 10 years but I’ll ignore that. The reason I mention this is because the portal has definitely not existed for the majority of the VHL’s life span. @Will‘s Baby has come a long way in a short time from he original design I sketched up and it continues to evolve in huge ways. The biggest two inarguably would be the player and team management sections which have completely re-shaped both the amount of stuff we need to keep track of and the amount of manual work that’s needed. We also have a bunch of under the hood type stuff that regular members don’t see but makes our lives as blues much easier. For example for 10 years the summer posted each game, 1 at a time, by hand. Now we press 1 button and could post an entire season if we wanted to.
Anyway, I’m rambling. My topic for discussion this week is what do you think we should add to our already bustling portal? My gut says the next thing that should logically be looked at is the player store since we have finances and stuff all linked now anyway. After that I don’t know, I’m nearly out of ideas, so what do you guys have? Could be potentially be at the point where trying to figure out how to merge the two sites makes sense? Who knows, let’s chat.