Man, you would have liked the olden days. We used to sim on EA NHL games haha. Ultimately it’s not worth the effort though. You can’t have daily sims without way too much effort, and even then it’s usually only 1 game. Plus making and updating the players is a major pain. Think how how annoying the ASGwas for you. Now times that by over 200 games per season and add in updates...
As for making our own, more money and expertise than we have by far. And there’s no guarantee it wouldn’t be buggy either. Honestly STHS isn’t perfect but it has been solid for us for over 11 years. It can do some wonky things in the playoffs but more often than not the better team does win. You do want shut of randomness, as annoying as it can be. Otherwise it would be really boring knowing from the off-season who’s gonna win the cup.