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Everything posted by Xflexz

  1. Xflexz


    Part 5 of me asking again for off season trivia. This has mostly become a meme for me at this point. I can't actually remember how many times exactly I've mentioned off season trivia in my time here in the VHL. The absolute biggest reason I am so vocal about getting off season trivia is because I really dislike writing vhl.com articles. Not because it's hard or anything but because It could be trivia instead which takes less time and less brain power to do. So doing trivia for 2 tpe compared to 2 tpe for this is basically stealing tpe. I do realize how hard doing trivia is on the person who is in charge of it so I propose having an off season guy to take over for a few weeks while the main guy gets to chill out and take a vacation. This would make it so no one would get burnt out on it like it seems to be the case now. I would also like to volunteer to learn the process of being a trivia master and seeing if it's something I would be interested in assisting with. I would also like to say thank you for listening to my 9th ted talk about why Trivia is best and king of all other tpe and why I need it in my veins each and every week. Please, I'm starting to shiver from withdrawals. I need it soon or I might not make it out alive. Much love a tpe junkie.
  2. Welcome back! I am with the Miami Marauders. We have been looking for 1 more winger to add to our team to complete our roster and we would love to have you fill that spot. We are pushing very hard and making moves to make our team a cup contender. If you want to join us quite this and say #LGM - Miami Marauders
  3. Welcome! I am the Assistant General Manager for the Miami Marauders. We would love to see you on the team and think you could bring something extra that we are looking for to push for the cup. You'd be starting on our 3rd line to begin with but a promotion to the second line is not out of the question! We can also help you learn about the league and how to earn TPE. Quote this message if you would like to join us and say #LetsGoMiami
  4. So a bit of explanation is needed here. I usually do some online racing and the racing I do spans multiple series. One of the series I run is the IMSA Endurance series. My team and I run 24 Hour races pretty regularly averaging twice a month depending on the track. We drive the Dallara P217 in these events. The cool thing is that you can make your own paint schemes for these races and I thought it would be cool to run a VHL/Vancouver Wolves paint on the car for a race. It took me longer than it really should have but considering I've never made a paint for a car before I thought it turned out ok. All I ask is that you be gentle and I really hope this is accepted as a graphic considering I had to do the normal steps for graphics but its on a car instead of a poster. I added a few regular hockey sponsors as well as the VHL logo and Vancouver logo/Banner I used Vancouver as the color scheme for this as well and I really love the white grey and black of the base layer as well as the pattern I made. Also don't worry this will not be a regular thing its only a one off because thought it would be cool to introduce something I like to do outside of VHL and combine them together
  5. Amazing article. Its very well done and lots of thought went into it. The addition of the team banners and team stats make this a 10/10. There's nothing really to critic here. Amazing job!
  6. I always enjoy myself a good draft prediction. I think the presentation of it is clean. Maybe adding the players username after their players name would add some more to it. But its a 9/10 piece!
  7. Miami Marauders Press Conference Week Ending August 1st 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Season has begun! Are you happy with your performance in this first week? 2. Did you have any pre game nerves prior to the season opener? 3. How are you getting along with the team? 4. We're off to a slow start...Do you think we turn this around quickly? 5. What is your biggest dream? 6. When did you first learn to skate?
  8. Hello, @NineIQ v2, I am the AGM of the Miami Marauders. We are currently looking for a Forward to help fill out our roster and you would be an excellent fit! Our team is pretty solid this season and you'd be getting third line minuets with us. We have an excellent locker room environment and will help you grow as a player! If you would like to be apart of the team quote this message and say "LetsGoMarauders"
  9. Miami Marauders Press Conference Week Ending July 25th 2021 Answer 3 for 1 TPE or 6 for 2 TPE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. With this week being the start of the new season what are your expectations for the team? 2. What are your personal goals for this season? 3. What team in the VHLM do you think will win the cup this season? 4. You just received a new AGM...Do you run him out of town ASAP? 5. What pieces do you think the team is missing? 6. What part of your game will you work on the most this season?
  10. 1. I mean the brother of destruction am I right??? 2. Leaked pictures............... 3. Me myself and I 4. I would be the unmovable object in the net and everyone infront of me could be 10 year olds with how I play so 5. IDK yet I haven't really looked at the teams yet tbh 6. Back in my day when I was a rookie my biggest mistake was not capping out as much as I could
  11. The colors are incredible. They fit so well with the team banner and colors it makes me a bit jealous im so trash at graphics myself. The jersey edit is also perfect. 10/10
  12. I've been doing something similar too! The color choices are great. The jersey edit is nice but the logo I think could be a bit smaller or lowered down. 8/10
  13. This is going to mostly be about my future ambitions in the VHL and my goals. So now that I've been in the league for six full seasons I would like to take a bigger role in the league that isn't just being a player. I had some time as an AGM for Vancouver while they were searching for a new AGM and I've also been able to be a GM for the World Cup Nordic team. I definitely enjoyed these experiences more than I would've expected to and I want to keep going. I have recently applied as the AGM for Miami and if this goes through I hope to stay in that spot for a bit of time before I eventually get my own team in the VHLM. I am wanting to build up my resume on the admin side of the league and it's been going very well. After my AGM and GM time in the VHLM I want to go to the VHL and establish myself as a long standing GM over many seasons and hopefully I can stay with one team and really make a name for myself as at least a good GM and hopefully a great GM. For the VHLM Miami is what I want for my AGM spot and for GM in the VHLM any team will do but in the VHL I want a team in North America. And just now as of writing this I just remembered the VHLE exists now so maybe I could dabble in that before moving to the VHL but only time will tell. claim week ending 7/25
  14. tbh Idk what im doing but happy bday! Getting closer to adulthood!
  15. General overview of everything so far Okay so this is going to consist of a few topics so if it jumps around from beginning of my career to later on that's why. I will mostly talk about my VHLM time, How I've been doing tasks, things I regret, and My VHL time. To start out with my VHL experience I was drafted to the Las Vegas Aces then traded to the Mexico City Kings basically instantly. I was drafted way down the order as the 73rd overall pick which looking back at it now was an absolute steal for Vegas and then a steam for Mexico City. I do sometimes wonder how my career would be different if I never was traded from Vegas. Maybe I wouldn't of caught onto how things worked as fast and gave up or maybe I would've been even more motivated to do well. Guess we'll never know but I can say Mexico City was a great place for me to end up. The locker room was always active and we messed around a ton. We even went to the finals in my final season in the VHLM but we lost. That moment is still the closest I've ever been to winning anything thus far and I look back at what could've been my first cup. I give this experience a solid 10/10. When I started out I was a welfare plus player for sure. I didn't really know what I was doing entirely but I eventually started writing articles like this to get myself up to a capped out per week player. After writing for a while I got burnt out and sort of ran out of ideas. So as a result I eventually fell back to a welfare plus player. Last season I started experimenting with graphics. I was horrible at them and to be honest I still kind of am but I have improved for sure. I have been capping out each week for the most part except last week because I could always go for a week vacation. I plan on doing even more graphics for the season to come and hope I can end my career out with a bang. My biggest regret is related to the previous topic. Not capping out for that period of time for sure dropped my ceiling significantly. And looking back at it I was being stupid and I wish I could go back in time and kick myself in the ass for being lazy. I guess some other regrets I could have is especially recently I haven't been as active in the Locker Room of Vancouver. It’s been pretty slow there since we've been having a very very rough season. My VHL time has been less eventful than my VHLM time. I joined the team the season after they won the cup so the team was on the down swing. I have basically been here during the rebuild and I just hope I can be a part of the team when we can win a cup before I retire. And speaking of retirement...I have two seasons left on my contract and an additional season after as a free agent so my time is ticking. The VHL experience has been a solid 7/10 Claim week ending 7/25
  16. I would like to apply. I’ve filled in for the Vancouver AGM while they were away for a few weeks and I’ve also been an WC GM.
  17. 1. Good ol' flogging 2. ofc it is like 3. Buff up the Defense 4. Stay consistent, be active, have fun 5. Trends are overrated and deserve to die 6. Yes, beacuse STHS is lord
  18. Use this to join the Discord and @ me when you join! https://discord.gg/vaH4ABQ6 @Renomitsu @Jtv123 @Jubo @okochastar @BladeMaiden @fonziGG @16z @Acydburn @Spence King @Ledge and Dairy @Tape-to-Tape @aksuko
  19. Blame @fonziGGfor any errors that occurred
  20. S78 WC Team Nordic Roster! Welcome to the team everyone! F F Aloe Dear Luke Thornton F F Valtteri Vaakanainen Julian Nousiainen F F Venus Thightrap Onde Sandstrom D D Kasper Kankkunen Battre Sandstrom D D Spencer Elsby Linus Zetterstrom G G Zamboni Driver Aksu Maronen @Renomitsu @Jtv123 @Jubo @okochastar @BladeMaiden @fonziGG @16z @Acydburn @Spence King @Ledge and Dairy @Tape-to-Tape @aksuko
  21. First GM job I applied to become a world GM. I mostly did it because I wanted to get something on my resume so when I eventually found a GM spot I would want to prove I have some experience. WHen I applied I honestly wasn't sure if I would get the job since I have literally 0 experience other than filling in for an AGM for a few weeks while they were searching for a new one. I guess that short AGM experience really made me want to keep in that style of role because it kept me engaged in the league and I found it less of a chore to update each week. I had more fun during those few weeks than I've had since I first got called up. So when I was selected to be the Nordic GM for the worlds I can tell you I was hyped. I was so excited for it that once I got the notification I instantly started putting a team together without even knowing the format or even when it started. At this point we’ve just received the roster or available players and I literally had everyone that I wanted on my other spreadsheet so I am already set...Well except for the fact that these corporate thieves think Greenland is not apart of the Nordic countries. I have one Greenland player that I want and if they take this away from me there will be a RIOT. I’m very excited for this job and can't wait for other GM or AGM opportunities in the future.
  22. 1. No 2. getting to start my first game in the vhl 3. Yes 4. Silly question. Wolves 5. the wolves are only the most sportsmanlike team since we let everyone else win 6. to me. Everyone is late because anyone who’s after me is later than me which makes them late
  23. Excelent job on this. The font choice for the number was perfect. The background streaks as well really add a lot to the design. The addition of the team logos was a nice touch as well 10/10
  24. absolute excellent job on this! The name placement and look is incredible and the white around the edges that fade to the black is beautiful 10/10
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