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Everything posted by jacobcarson877

  1. Every day I wake up and feel sad about how little statistical output we get
  2. i have no idea what to take away from this
  3. Hey @ariane! I am the GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament! We are about to start the tournament on Friday, so if you'd like to join our roster and learn what it takes to dominate in the VHL, quote this message and reply with #WeAreBrigade and I will add you to the roster! Regardless, you should join the JST Discord! https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ
  4. I have matched my career TPE record! This time in my rookie season, as opposed to an entire career. Time to live life past 687TPE!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eagle_3450


      thought you should know I'm at 540 while you're at almost 700 lol

    3. dlamb


      Awesome to see how far you've come!



    4. diacope


      Amazing job buddy, keep up the great work

  5. Hey @ballsack! I am the GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament! We are about to start the tournament on Friday, so if you'd like to join our roster and learn what it takes to dominate in the VHL, quote this message and reply with #WeAreBrigade and I will add you to the roster! Regardless, you should join the JST Discord! https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ
  6. If you are going to create a new player I implore you to make a D. If not please dear god do not make a goaltender! Love you goodnight!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gustav


      Import saves - export wins


      The Van Man lives as he pleases

    3. BOOM


      Plenty of room for a DEF create. I'm switching to FWD to make room.

    4. Shindigs


      Aww, and we were getting so close to being able to have 30 starting goalies in the VHL for 16 spots. Guess that dream is dead.😔

  7. Hey @julian! I am the GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament! We are about to start the tournament on Friday, so if you'd like to join our roster and learn what it takes to dominate in the VHL, quote this message and reply with #WeAreBrigade and I will add you to the roster! Regardless, you should join the JST Discord! https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ
  8. now lets go win you that cup!
  9. Welcome! The Junior Showcase Tournament draft is currently ongoing, which means we can't pitch for you to join our teams just yet until that's over. In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions!
  10. What a run. Was a pleasure to share some of that ride with you. Wish you all the best!
  11. Can confirm the draft for the Junior Showcase Tournament is starting in about 20 minutes, if you're not in the Discord for it yet, here is a link! https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ
  12. What a great team and what a great player! Excited to see how the next player goes for you!
  13. JST Draft starts tomorrow, so you'll be hearing from a GM then I'm sure!
  14. The amount of agony the VHLM draft put me through has ALMOST been worth it watching how well my JST prodigies from last season have done this season!
  15. SAN DIEGO MARLINS (ft. the JST) PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 8/7/2022 or 8/14/2022 Answer 3 questions for 1 capped TPE, all 6 for 2. 1. The VHLM season has ended, so now it's the final stretch until the VHLM draft. How do you plan to stand out above your peers come draft time? 2. The Junior Showcase Tournament begins this week! What is the coolest team name? (Clue, Brigade, Steel, Warriors, Royals) 3. There seems to be a bit of a goaltending crisis, with more eligible goaltenders than positions for the VHLM this coming season. What is one idea to help remedy that? 4. What was the best thing that happened to you this week? 5. Who is someone in your life that you appreciate? How come? 6. It is blazing hot, at least where I am. What is an underrated indoor activity? @Minion @BabeBaptista @CreamTeam @Novanod @vincentlg2007 @Bedirhan @Zylen @Mint @John Cimarno @sadie @TxtBammer @CODENAMEJIMMY @kirbithan
  16. The offseason tournament for new players called the Junior Showcase Tournament starts drafting early next week! Feel free to join the Discord for that here ( https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ ) and we can get you started there!
  17. The offseason tournament for new players called the Junior Showcase Tournament starts drafting early next week! Feel free to join the Discord for that here ( https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ ) and we can get you started there!
  18. The offseason tournament for new players called the Junior Showcase Tournament starts drafting early next week! Feel free to join the Discord for that here ( https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ ) and we can get you started there!
  19. The offseason tournament for new players called the Junior Showcase Tournament starts drafting early next week! Feel free to join the Discord for that here ( https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ ) and we can get you started there!
  20. The offseason tournament for new players called the Junior Showcase Tournament starts drafting early next week! Feel free to join the Discord for that here ( https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ ) and we can get you started there!
  21. The offseason tournament for new players called the Junior Showcase Tournament starts drafting early next week! Feel free to join the Discord for that here ( https://discord.gg/8GGAu6hJ ) and we can get you started there!
  22. Hello VHL Community, I come to you today with an opportunity. This isn’t your standard VHLM AGM job posting, nor is it your standard JST AGM job posting. Allow me to lay it out to you below: What I am looking for is someone to be my AGM for the Junior Showcase Tournament. From there, ideally, I am hoping to have said person graduate into my AGM with San Diego starting next season. Here are the characteristics I would look for in a person to fill this position: - Someone with no/outdated/limited management experience. - Someone who earns capped TPE well, and more importantly, consistently. - Someone with a strong interest in eventually becoming a GM at any level. - Someone with a passion for development, recruitment, new member satisfaction and retention. - Someone who wants to see change, and has ideas on how to achieve it You may note I haven’t included a set of responsibilities here, because that isn’t the intention of this posting. I am looking for someone to grow into a GM, not someone to help me complete all of the tasks necessary to GM. You don’t need to come in ready to be the perfect AGM on day 1. I encourage any and all to apply, and I am excited to talk to all of you and judge your fit with this job and its circumstances. Please reply in the thread with your interest, or for those eager to make a strong first impression, I encourage you to message me directly here on the forum, or on Discord (JakoSaskar11#8090). I am hoping to make a decision before the upcoming JST Draft next week!
  23. Glad to see some JST standouts returning in a management role @TopTiddee2, @Trunkxolotl! @aimkin you've been an absolute standout on the site for a while now, hoping this is just the starting point for a long and illustrious career! @Jason kranz you've really turned up the heat this season and taken that all important first step, and I'm super excited to see where your momentum takes you! Pleasure to serve the JST alongside you all this offseason! Thanks again for the opportunity @Alex and @Shindigs!
  24. -Especially when recruitment is dry, I swear 80% of new members are gone by the time anyone even sees they joined. -I can't imagine the nightmare it would be to program a "tutorial" but you're so right that would be amazing. -I know there's been talk of a SHL-esque video walkthrough series, but with valid concerns of "who the heck is going to keep it up to date" and tbh I wouldn't want to but someone should. -We also need a "You have to understand the slightest bit about the sim engine and the attributes" before you're allowed to apply TPE. -god i'm a waiver addict -I love that you still giggle about Poopy Peepants -The player creation and welcome messages are... fine ..., but give you no real reason to read them, although the people who do get off to a WAY better start - sexy anime tfong waifu? (sorry) - One decent thing would be an applying TPE lock until you accept a contract? idk probably a nightmare to implement
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