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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Doesn't look like much reserve help is coming for Western Europe
  2. That's better. All about that Zeptenbergs domination.
  3. Lol. Wingate with a slashing penalty that leads to a power play goal, that's the spirit.
  4. Was always more of a Beric Dondarrion, Brotherhood without Banners man myself. So no.
  5. Gifford Shock scores on Wingate, Toronto wins anyway. In similarly surprising news, water is wet.
  6. Just giving Greg a favor from our years in Seattle. nbd.
  7. I would like to publicly campaign for the Vasteras position. As a show of my dedication, my next post-Wingate player will be named Lucas Tannahill.
  8. Expecting to see CGY LW1 jerseys in the stands for the next game
  9. Big win here, think Shock has my number though
  10. Hah, I know I give some up to them next game, but at this point I hadn't allowed any goals in three games against Riga and that's great.
  11. Reminding myself never to go to a New York/Helsinki game.
  12. I'm a fan of games where we don't go on the penalty kill even once
  13. Lol. Maybe I should have joined BOG just for the purpose of being the snarky asshole that tells people when they're being stupid.
  14. Lol. That math is easy when you ignore training camps, giveaways, both season and weekly predictions, practice facility, the fact that most careers are nine seasons including pre draft years, Jala's fantasy league, trivia...
  15. As somebody who thinks Welfare is fine as is, it's still funny to see all the older members get so salty over that one comment/opinion. /Thunderdome'd
  16. Just a note because I get what you're saying but does come off a bit condescending - Evans has been in football leagues for as long as I have. He's well aware what sim leagues are.
  17. Also, you a one "T" guy? I understand them as much as people who spell my name without an "H" or "K" - fuck you, Zac Efron.
  18. Believe njherdfan was also a football sim leaguer IIRC Anyway, I've got The Q over Aenir in the finals and you can't convince me differently.
  19. Can we just end it now so Eagles loses for his dedication to 69?
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