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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. I actually disagree with this one, because otherwise when people update across multiple scales (i.e. 78 + 10 = 82) it's nicer for me to see it spelled out and make sure it's all done right. Nice piece though!
  2. I just wanted to make it exciting in the first. Loving the clutch Zeptenbergs though
  3. If I was ever going to make a joke player, wanted to name him Franklin Roosevelt and dump everything into Leadership and Defense
  4. It's only fitting Stropko gets 2nd Star in beating Seattle, really
  5. Damn, that shootout. Clegane and Weinstein both want supremecy
  6. Starting to regret not picking Molholt for MVP like I was thinking about
  7. 1. 2. Actually playing good goalie again and stopping 6 power plays makes me happy 3. That's the YEAH I know and love
  8. Here are three goalies, with stats from last year. Let me know which one you would predict would win a Top Goalie award the following season. Goalie A - 564 TPE Regular Season: 39-21-4, .923 SV%, 2.10 GAA, 12 SO Playoffs: 9-5-1, .924 SV%, 2.10 GAA, 1 SO Goalie B - 595 TPE Regular Season: 52-8-4, .924 SV%, 1.68 GAA, 14 SO Playoffs: 8-4-0, .917 SV%, 2.17 GAA, 1 SO Goalie C - 515 TPE Regular Season: 46-21-4, .922 SV%, 1.78 GAA, 13 SO Playoffs: 2-3-1, .904 SV%, 2.83 GAA, 0 SO What's the difference between these three goalies? Here's your answer. Goalie A was on the trade block for part of the offseason; his name is Ariel Weinstein. Goalie B is currently a free agent and can't find a steady gig; his name is Blake Campbell. And Goalie C... well, of the current 23 Best Goalie predictions in which person picked outside of his own team, 14 went to Goalie C, Greg Clegane. Meanwhile, just two went to Weinstein, and none went to the still-unsigned Campbell. (Seven went to Hans Wingate.) I get if people don't pick Wingate, because my player sucked last season. I am slightly confused, however, concerning the Greg Clegane bandwagon that seems to be emerging out of nowhere in relation to Weinstein and Campbell. Helsinki has won a lot with Clegane in net, sure, but that does not necessarily a best goalie make (see: my own two Shaw wins recently). Heck, considering Davos is going for it all, I'm surprised that Callum Sinclair (second in goalie TPE with 702, 72 banked for depreciation, has had dominant stretches) has not picked up a single vote either. What's up, voters?
  9. Because I'm gone for work tomorrow through Friday, updating VHLM North America now. Someone might need to go through and snag the ones that update in the next day or two after this run.
  10. I think it's now safe to assume that we all drank a magical potion and aren't getting depreciated this year, so WEEE KEEPING ALL MY BANKED POINTS 4EVA
  11. Problem with this one is like what happened in S45. Cologne and Toronto, for example, both changed GMs before S45 draft. Toronto's original pick was #2, Cologne's original pick was #9 (ignore for now that both were traded ahead of time). Serious question: Is that fair? And it wouldn't be Toronto's fault - Jala left them high and dry on that one. TBH, I see what Coach is saying here, but I don't think it's easy to come down with a rule that is applicable to all situations at all. Often just comes down to a judgment call, and I feel reasonable people can disagree about what that judgment should be.
  12. Not that he'd do this, but take this year's Calgary team. What's to stop Eagles from, say, trading himself with TebowGow to New York for the rest of his career for no compensation? Sure it might screw Calgary, but his player gets the best chance at a Cup possible since NY didn't have to give anything up, so he's happy. Or the flip side, say TebowGow gets drafted by Quebec. What's stopping him from not updating once that happens - or worse, dumping all of his points into Fighting so Quebec's cap raises, then paying for a reallocation from the Player's Store once he can sign to his own team? Not locking GMs into their teams opens up a bunch of potentially dirty tactics. And although I feel like the majority of GMs wouldn't take advantage of them, I wouldn't guarantee that.
  13. And have GMs eligible to go to other teams? I feel like that sets up a whole different can of worms and conflicts of interest.
  14. Off the top, the two things that would seem to throw a monkey wrench into your calculation would be teams that have a high number of welfare players (meaning less TPE per update, though high number of update posts), and teams with a high number of older depreciated players that aren't necessarily better than the 3rd or 4th year guys. Also, teams are nowhere near updated - such as Light and Campbell's update threads currently in the NY forum, and Wingate's currently in Stockholm and not Toronto.
  15. I'm actually one of those. I realize it's entirely personal opinion and don't care about imposing it on everyone else, but all the switches do make it less fun for me. It's a hassle to try and keep up with on a weekly basis, looking at league-wide stats and schedules and such for everybody, especially given the rewards. But if I don't make those switches and everyone else can, it's also less fun because there's little way to compete with people who do that massive amount of research, so what's the point if I have such little chance of winning? It's a catch-22. It's also kind of the same reason I like fantasy baseball where the team locks at the beginning of the week as opposed to one where you can switch every day.
  16. So does this mean Wingate's officially been on Stockholm? Can check another off the list I think?
  17. I accept. Before anything, would like to thank Boubabi for going for it all and trading the pick to get at me early. It was a ballsy move, and honestly, Stockholm would be second on my list no matter what. I like the franchise, and I really want to be there when it breaks the streak. Just wasn't meant to be this time. But I couldn't be more excited to go to Toronto. This is the place I feel I need to be - and quite honestly, there's a solid chance I would have signed there already last offseason if Eagles didn't trade me to Riga. I've been trying to get on a team with Molholt since we made the Olsen brothers back before the S33 draft, and even though it took 15 seasons, happy that we finally got it done. And from the guys already with the team, to the guys brought in recently via trades, to guys who were drafted there earlier tonight, there are numerous other people I'm excited to have the chance to be on a team with. I'm ready for an active LR again after the last two seasons have been slow past the initial start of the season push. Ultimately, I think this team has what it takes to compete each season for the rest of my career. That's what I wanted the most - a team that can help me compete for championships and Shaws each year, because my ultimate goal for Wingate is still to one day enter the Hall of Fame. I think I'm on the right track. But now, it's time to finish this career with a bang. Go Legion!
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