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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. Looks like it's one on one, Wingate v. Karnage for ASG. Let's go.

  2. Could always just do a quasi MLB thing - have the captains be one non-GM player from each of the European and North American conference champions the previous season, selected by either public or team vote. (So would probably be, like, Ruutu and Smarch this year or something.)
  3. @Draper I'm cool with a re-sim if you are
  4. Nah that was me who posted that. Ruutu actually voted for Humbert apparently
  5. ... the second-highest save percentage of among players that aren't splitting time? Like, I want to Sinclair because I like the dude, but he got dicked by splitting time here.
  6. 1. Lol I'm glad that's catching on 2. Playing devil's advocate because it's fun, shortly after I made my long post, Ruutu was up on Clegane about 7-5, while Munk was nowhere close. Then, about an hour later, Munk suddenly had about 10 votes. I'm assuming that he got all those votes in a short time span because of somebody (possibly you) directly asking people you trusted/are friends with to vote for him in chat or via PM, because we know Calgary doesn't have that many actives, and that many people don't have the same idea that quickly. Isn't that the exact same thing as Draper's campaigning? Isn't turnabout fair play?
  7. Lol. Taking that #protestvote seriously, I can respect that.
  8. Because I'm a dick, part of me kinda wishes Ruutu would get one more vote. So then Hyvarinen can win because two (presumably) Americans decided to vote Humbert instead of stacking on Ruutu.
  9. Working geopolitical storylines into PTs? You're hitting my sweet spot already, love it. Fun note in case you want to work it in the future: Stockholm Vikings were once the Madrid Thunder.
  10. *Walks up to shady guy in corner* Yeah, see that guy? Molholt? I want whatever he's on.
  11. Been a pleasure being Calgary teammates with you. But just Calgary. At no other time were TebowGow and Wingate on the same team.
  12. Although a hypothetical multi that would have helped you win titles in Davos so *shrugs*
  13. Really hoping this is the start of a media series. 100% about that, as well as any member that does a corresponding audio book that correctly pronounces the Welsh names.
  14. For all the good luck I've had with Wingate, feel like you've had just as equal bad luck with Sinclair. I kept waiting for Sinclair's one breakout .930+ save percentage year, and thought it started out that way last season, but just couldn't sustain. But it was fun competing with you over the course of your career, and best of luck with the next guy
  15. Dear friends, compatriots, and loyal citizens of the VHL, Let's break down some simple math. As it stands, there are 1,449 members of the VHL. Meanwhile, between the Blue Team and the BOG, there are 13 members. That leadership is, quite literally, the 1%. And over recent days, the 1% is becoming more hardened, less flexible to the needs of the average VHL citizen. I have not only heard stories, but I have seen great injustices incurred upon our persons. I have witnessed as calls for "rigging" have been banned, freedom of speech snuffed out in favor of the improper grammar of fern tree's. I have witnessed as one loyal soldier stood up against the outdated and immoral welfare system, which only serves to fatten the pockets of the 1%. And, just this weekend, a prominent member of the opposition was snuffed out, banned temporarily in an abuse of power from that very Blue Team just for making his voice heard in an unconventional way. Now, that same 1% is asking for your vote, under the guise of a CleganeBowl. To use a comparison our younger members can relate to, this is like the popular kids in school asking for your Prom Court vote. But while they may say you can sit at their table and experience their fun now, this only serves to put forth the idea that these are somewhat greater, worthy of the ASG captainship just because they had this entirely original idea of brothers before you did. And they have been propped up by those also in the 1% to be tied in one vote, and near victory in the either. I reject the CleganeBowl. I stand with the RiggerCallers, with Ruutu, with Eagles. This is a Protest Vote. For this year's All-Star captaincy, I call on the VHL 99% to place their votes elsewhere, to reward some members that might not have gotten the recognition recently. I want those who have worked hard behind the scenes, that have put forth great effort for the VHL, yet do not have the pretty colors or the innate power to wield it over others. I have put who I am voting for below, but I urge you to look within yourself and examine what you're really voting for when you cast your ASG captaincy ballot. In North America, my vote will go to Jorma Ruutu, New York Americans. I don't care whether you agree with his views on the welfare system or not; frankly, his reforms are too radical for me, while I prefer a more moderate approach. It doesn't matter. To have the guts to stand against the 1% of the BOG, and not back down from his views no matter the attacks, is worthwhile. He should be rewarded for attempting to Make the VHL Great Again, and is utterly worthy of your vote. In Europe, my vote will go to Lord Karnage, Stockholm Vikings. Some may say this is a cop-out, considering that he is already winning. Yet, I would argue that he is winning because of his strong commitment to work hard for your vote. The promise of making All-Star Game signatures and the mere fact he has amassed so much TPE shows me that work ethic ultimately trumps unfair play, and given his work recruiting many of those members to the VHL in the first place, I have no qualms about giving him a captaincy. But CIA, I already voted for someone that I feel bad about now? Click that. Now you haven't. I do not expect that all will agree with me. Indeed, I expect my voice may be silenced for following Eagles' lead and speaking out in the VHL Radio forum. But this is not one area where we should be silenced, my friends. This is a democracy; the power lies within us. The power, to make a change, lies within you. - CowboyinAmerica
  16. Lol, not only am I not the only person to put Bushito to troll, but he's actually winning. That's great.
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