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Everything posted by CowboyinAmerica

  1. 1. How do we improve our first line's production? It might be time for a shake up, honestly. I know the second line is playing well, but it's not translating into wins. 2. Any suggestions to the upper management? Don't be afraid to shake things up. The end goal is wins, and everything should be in favor of that. 3. Who is the hardest working player on the roster? It has to be Graves, like it has been for a while. His work ethic impressed me before I even got to the Dragons. 4. Who do you think we'll get our scoring title? Dood's probably the favorite, but it could be any of that current second line. They have something that clicks. 5. Who is your favourite NHL team? Is it bad to say I don't really have one? As someone who grew up near Philly (but not in it), lived in Chicago during the Blackhawks run, and is now in Minnesota, I like to see all those teams do well. 6. How are you doing through this pandemic? So for something different from every other week, I'll say horrible and like I'm running constantly through fire. Just to see what happens.
  2. Washington, D.C. -- Defenseman-turned-forward Lance Flowers wasn't expecting to be an MVP candidate here in his final season. What he was hoping for, though, was team success above all else. The D.C. Dragons came into Season 75 with high expectations, stemming from an older roster and not many holes overall to be found. Halfway through the season, however, they sit with just 36 points, tied for the final playoff spot in the North America Conference. "Yeah, I'll admit, I thought we'd be up among the conference leaders right now. It's a bit frustrating," Flowers said. "There's always time to turn things around, but if we're going to do that, it has to happen now. Like now, now." Part of Flowers' frustration may very well stem from the play of the Dragons' first line. The team made the decision early on to pair Flowers and center Benny Graves with the sixth-highest TPE forward on the team, winger Jared Willis. The result has been a second line that has far exceeded expectations, with Dood, Lesieur and leFlamant among the league's leaders in points. However, that success may have come at the expense of the first line. "20 points in 36 games? It's not great. I know I'm not a natural forward, but I should be playing better than this," Flowers said. "All I can do now is hope it turns around." The Dragons will for sure hope the same thing. With only 36 games in his regular season career, Flowers is running out of time to turn things around.
  3. 1. We've had a wonky schedule, where we just haven't been playing a lot of games. What do you think we did to piss off the schedule maker? Probably some guy who couldn't beat Spyro as a kid and now has an irrational hatred of Dragons. 2. Has this lack of playing time affected you at all? I certainly got antsy, that's for sure. If I'm moving to forward, I want to show off! 3. The Dragons have been so hot. What's our key to success? It obviously is the first line making opponents so tired that the second line can easily score. Has to be. 4. Who is our early-season MVP? Good luck picking just one. So I'm not gonna pick just one - it's the entire second forward line. I'm calling them the Gretzky Voltron for now. 5. Which offseason move has made the biggest impact on our game? Pairing that second line up was a good call, especially since their talent level is so much higher than other second lines. 6. How's life this week? Still full on turkey, staying safe and healthy - I'm doing fine overall, can't complain.
  4. I mean, all of this tagging can be avoided if we just brought back chat. *Empties gasoline on fire*
  5. Lesieur officially averaging a hat trick a game
  6. 1. What are you doing in your offseason? Hanging out, mentally preparing for the season. Some physical training for sure, but at this point in my career, it's more about getting myself amped. 2. What are you expecting for your point totals this year? With the switch to forward, I really don't have a baseline. Maybe a point per game? But I hope it's more. 3. Do you have any other goals for this upcoming season? It's all about the title, to be honest. It'd be cool to be in the Two-Way Forward race or something, but ultimately I want to win. 4. How do you think we did at the draft? I think we did great, to be honest. Any time you can pick up a future first and still pick up a starter for this year? That's a plus. 5. Who is your sleeper pick for this coming season? Is it bad to say us, the Dragons? I don't think many people see this team as a championship contender, but I certainly do. 6. How are you doing through this pandemic? I'm getting by. It's not easy, particularly with a partner who works in healthcare. But as long as people wear masks and listen to the scientists who know what they're talking about, we'll pull through.
  7. Washington D.C. -- Dragons forward Lance Flowers is entering the final season of his career. For some, that fact would engender a lot of reflection, nostalgia, and more than a little bit of time spent setting after life after the ice. Surprisingly though, Flowers hasn't seemed too cuddly recently. Instead, he's perhaps more focused on his play on the ice than he has been in a while. "I feel like a lot of people would be checking out at this portion of their career. But I feel really rejuvenated, honestly," Flowers said during the Dragons' recent training camp. "My career ain't over till it's over, and I'm not ready for it to be over." Some may attribute that newfound focus to Flowers' recent switch to forward, which saw him having to focus more on offensive skills than any previous time in his career. But the eighth year player thinks it would have happened anyway, mostly because he doesn't yet have a title. This, of course, means this season is his last chance. "You know, I was a defensive defenseman. We're not particularly big stats guys," Flowers added. "For me, it's all about getting those wins, and even though I've been a part of some fun teams in New York and here, I haven't been able to lift that trophy. There will be time to reflect and all that touchy feely stuff later. For now, I have a job to do."
  8. - Dragons Report - Washington, D.C. -- And in his final act, defenseman Lance Flowers is, well, no longer a defenseman. In a surprise move yesterday, the D.C. Dragons announced that Lance Flowers, who signed with the team last year on a two-year contract to finish out his career, is making a switch to play left wing this upcoming season. The move came as a surprise to many, especially considering Flowers' past career as an enforcer. Flowers previously won two Wylde Trophies as the best Defensive Defenseman, and came up a few votes short on winning a third. The Dragons were understandably looking at forward options given they only had four on the roster entering the offseason, and rookie defenseman Ove Dyrdahl wouldn't have had a major role in the rotation without a switch. But still, out of all the people to move, why Flowers? To the aging player, though, it was a chance to try something new. Flowers had previously let interested teams in free agency know that he wasn't completely closed off to the idea, and when Dragons management approached him this offseason, he eagerly heard them out. "I've said all along and I want to reiterate again: I'm here to win. And if I think this gives the Dragons the best shot of winning, of winning my first title in my very last season, you better believe I'm going to take it," Flowers told the press. "Sure, it's going to be an adjustment, and I'm going to have to work on my offensive skills. But that's something I'm excited to do, and you never stop growing." The switch will likely pair Flowers on the team's top line with fellow veterans Benny Graves and Guy Lesieur. Time will tell whether the move, which does leave the defensive core in D.C. weaker than expected, will pan out for the team.
  9. I mean, one award after my rookie year, zero titles. I think Flowers is Hall of Very Good, but I have no HOF aspirations. Much rather have a better shot at a title.
  10. 1. What is your favorite sports besides hockey? Always been a basketball guy. It's what I played through high school, and NBA's one of the few sports I generally watch other than my team. 2. What is your favorite place to vacation? I love the beach. The Caribbean is spectacular, but even the Jersey/Delaware shore makes me happy. 3. What is your favorite TV Show? I like reality shows, but competition reality. So stuff like Survivor, Big Brother is right up my alley. 4. What is your favorite movie? Always enjoy comedy, particularly when it gets a bit dark. Cohen brothers movies like Fargo in particular. 5. What teammate or player in the league will you see in the offseason the most? Especially after a year away, I'll probably visit some of my old NY teammates. Say hi to Nolan, see what Red Guy's doing in retirement. 6. What part of next season are you looking forward to the most? Well, winning a title, of course! I can feel it's coming.
  11. Already purchased in the portal for @Josh
  12. D.C. Bows Out, But Flowers Already Looking to Next Season Washington, D.C. -- Lance Flowers' first season on the D.C. Dragons didn't go the way he wanted to, but it didn't necessarily go poorly either. The D.C. Dragons got a few playoff wins under their belt, getting through the Wild Card round before falling to the first seeded (and eventual North American champion) Vancouver Wolves. For Flowers, who got personal playoff-best five goals in those nine playoff games, it showed the beginning of the team's potential. "I thought we had the juice to go even further, just couldn't quite get it done this time," he told reporters at a post-season media session. "But I'm already looking forward to next season." That next season, though, will be his last because of the VHL's forced retirement rule. That, combined with a Dragons roster that has a number of players in regression, puts the pressure on to get just about everything right from the first puck drop. Flowers is fine with that pressure though. In fact, to listen to him talk, he even welcomes it. "What's hockey without a little challenge? My goals from when I signed here haven't changed - this is a franchise that has never been to the finals, and I want to take them there. I'm oh-for-one so far. But a 50 percent success rate wouldn't be bad, wouldn't you say?"
  13. Anything can happen when it's reset to best of three...
  14. Missed this one while I was gone over the weekend. Fun look back @Matt_O! Ditto on the S44 Wranglers team, probably my favorite VHL season.
  15. 1. Who's the hardest working player on the team? Have you ever tried lifting a bunch of stone? I want no part, yet we have an entire Stone Wolski. 2. Who's your favourite teammate? There's a guy literally named Groovy Dood on the team. Are we literally allowed to pick anything else? 3. Any things you'd like to improve on your game? I have to admit, it'd be fun to score a few more goals. But I'll hang out back here continuing to be the enforcer. 4. What is your favourite drink? A good ole Jack and Coke will do me just fine, thank you. A bit of caffeine and a whole helping of booze. 5. Do you like pumpkin pie (apparently I'm the only one in my family so I need some assurances here)? Sorry to disappoint you, but I actually really don't. I'm more of a sweet fruit type of pie guy. 6. How are you, physically and mentally, coping with the pandemic? Been better. Would like to go out and do things, but that's just kind of the way of the world right now.
  16. 1. What is your favourite fastfood? I've always been a fast food breakfast guy, honestly. McDonald's, Dunkin, Tim Horton's for our northern friends, all good by me. 2. How do you think we will do this season? Top 3 in the conference is a reasonable goal. We're in third right now, and I'd like to see us get to second by the playoffs. 3. How do we change our fortunes and consistently win our games? We were doing alright for a stretch there. I think it's just a matter of getting comfortable with one another, and more of those streaks will come. 4. Do you watch E-Sports? Never been a huge fan, but I'll watch some professional Smash on occasion. FPSs in particular have never been my jam. 5. What do you think this team is lacking? From a personnel standpoint, I don't think it's much. It's more consistency than anything I think we need to trade for. 6. How are you, physically and mentally, coping with the pandemic? It's not easy, but I'm getting by. As long as people actually wear masks and do what they can to help one another rather than be idiots, we'll pull through.
  17. Kind of funny to see the LW/RW disparity - the whole reason I created McAllister at LW was because all of the prominent wingers at the time were on the right. Also funny that if you included active players, Adrienne @OrbitingDeath would literally be first line defenseman already with a season and half left.
  18. Just posting for the record I'm claiming this SBA Playoff PT article for the Bonus, but will do something else for Capped since it's already claimed.
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