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Everything posted by Red

  1. Review: some interesting things in here ngl. having the fonts on each corner of the graphic is pretty unique. i also like the shifty thing in the middle of the grahic. i think maybe if u could have made it smaller with more of them it would've looked better. also no logo swap wtf?! 9/10
  2. 1.idk didn't watch. i saw ferk koined the discord tho so i guess we had some good picks 2. i have no idea what will happen, im just hoping my reroll works 3.not sure, maybe damoose since he'll maybe get more ice time. 4.yes, literally bought a reroll just fro that purpose 5.astronomia 6. The ducks are complete fucking trash so id agree with u there. i think new york has some potential tho honestly.
  3. Red


  4. Red


  5. ayo
  6. pog
  7. doubles week 5 uncapped 1mil Transaction ID: 9V261955A4209624T
  8. the logo swap here is done so seamlessly i love it. you could not have placed it any better. you've blended everything so well. I also love the colours you used here. a very unique blend indeed. everything u did here is very original and im sure it took hours to perfect this outstanding graphic. 10/10
  9. i love how yellow this is, really brings out the orange in the jersey. I think the jersey u used is a bit too small tho. I think using an XXL instead of a S would be a better fit. I think there also needs to be more advertisments. maybe like a mcdonalds logo or sum shit just to spice up the jersey. 10/10
  10. 1. pick beav, we need him so bad 2. i have no idea i haven't been following that at all 3. 100 points has been my goal fr a while so it would be nice if i could reach that 4. us why tf not. i mean we are losing a bunch of players and dnt really have a goalie but sths is weird. 5. id did. lfg westerm europe we better not fuck this up 6.i dont play fantasy football, sadge
  11. Red


  12. @teknonyma fellow active Irishman....................... its been so long
  13. this is very green. still looks cool i guess. the old computerish matrix vibe is not a bad idea. you did the logo swap pretty nicely it fits well. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i like how it says error in the middle, thats pretty neat. things i dont like about this. i guess its a lil too dark. could've used a colour other than green. idk good job i guess. 6.9/10
  14. 1. I couldn't care less im not even paying attention at this point 2. depretciation and stuff, try not to suck again 3. idk resse puffs i guess 4. prbly better than most with 4 of 6 summers without playoffs 5. Cloudera beacuse hes broke 6. Kramerev is russian so i guess him
  15. 1.no wtf do better, how yall not win it was ez team smh 2. Riga best team we all wanna join riga, riga so good 3. played like ass pur usual 4. Not halifax because they suck and allways will 5. the real ones skip the E 6. how am i supposed to answer that, no wonder ur no longer agm lmao
  16. in
  17. 1. bruh its mcdavid not even close 2. no prbly not 3. abduct your entire family and sell them on the black market as slaves 4. this league is gonna die real soon. its gonna be funny when it happens 5. one 6. also one
  18. Red


  19. wot?
  20. old
  21. this looks old. idk if u intended to make it look old for like an 80s vibe or whatever but it looks old. the font, old. literally i look at it and all that comes to my mind is old. the overlay or whatever, old. the original image, literally the defintion of old. it looks like its in like 144p. the fade on the background dude, old. overall this is old. 10/10
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