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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 22 Halifax 21st 23 Ottawa Lynx 24 Yukon Rush 25 Saskatoon Wild
  2. 41 Wranglers 42 Meute 43 Reign 44 Titans
  3. mfw when this is being bumped when Freddy isn't on HoF yet
  4. he def knows the current Reign GM was a part of that Toronto squad. but it's Toronto Legion though
  5. I put my money @BarzalGoat is the next GM quote me when that happens
  6. just like every other rookie check this
  7. who the hell puts Morozov to scratch can't even put him to pro roster now
  8. @jRuutu's dream lineup. no wonders why he was drafted to Quebec
  9. there's gotta be a part 2
  10. 1. Has someone from VHLM GM reached up to you before the draft happened? 2. Are you happy you ended up in Yukon? 3. You ended up as the third round pick. Do you thin you should've been higher? 4. How's VHL discord? 5. Your fav member so far?
  11. Today I wrote an article for the first time since...idk when. I was talking about S62 and if you read that article before this you know I predicted a three-team race and the other five teams fighting for either better picks or having more fun by making the playoffs. But why only three teams. Wasn't it supposed to be at least a four team race? Well, this is what's going to happen. But why? I think there is one big reason why this will happen. Mediocre drafts. Let's look what happened after the S54 draft (S55-60, to be more accurate). Take the S57 draft away and all we see is either mediocrity or drafts with some good players, but still not being exceptional. S55 - Savard ends up as the best draftee, but we can't forget about Bogdanovic and Quill. Anyways, no real superstar player here. S56 - looks better. McAllister is obviously a real star here as well as Ron too. Komarov is having a good career too. But this draft wasn't deep enough. S58 - another draft without a star player. And before @Bushito argues with me about Canmore - I didn't include GM players in this article since they weren't drafted. A couple of decent second liners/second pair guys like Morozov, Warlock, Axelsson and a good player in McKnight. Still, it was another an okay draft at best. S59 - Bassolino looks nice. Lawson and Lebrunette are also doing their jobs. Other than that, nothing really interesting. S60 - a bit better than two last drafts. Dragomir is about to become an offensive powerhouse, Iseault could become Quebec's franchise goalie and Arroyo is also doing his job well. Then we have Vihljamson who's still having a potential, but seems like Haz went inactive on VHL. These 5 drafts produced some guys with a HoF potential (escpecially S56), but no one was deep and a big part of these drafts already went inactive and one of them was even banned. So this is defnitely a reason why the S62 will be a three team race.
  12. *did you miss me?* First of all, I'd like to say that this is my first VHL article in many moons. I believe the last time I wrote an article here was in S60. Then I was stepping down a bit since Riga went into the rebuilding mode and I was paying more attention to SBA. Of course, I woke up when the season was about to finish. The S62 draft was another huge one and this was a ''can't miss'' event for me as the rebuilding team GM. So now I'm here with a full article. Now let's talk about this season. I can't say the teams are done with trades, but majority of deals are done 100%. The draft was the most exciting part of the off-season because other parts of it weren't that fun. Right now NY was the only seller and not much buyers either. The FA class was also underwhelming as hell - literally no superstar player in it, just second liners or second pair material. So I assume we can already figure it out who is going to compete and who will rebuild. And here I need to tell you that this season could be very odd. I see only three contender teams. It's basically TOP 3 and everyone else. 2-3 seasons ago we had at least four competing teams and S59 even had five. Now only three teams are ready for fighting for the championship. NY also could do some damage early, but they will trade Jones and Kiaskov to Davos in mid-season. So let's look at these three teams now. CALGARY WRANGLERS @Bushito was so much upset after finals he even voiced an odd idea about selling his players. It obviously was impossible since there were too few buyers (with one of them being a team that beat Calgary in finals, Davos). So of course Barbash didn't sell anyone. As of S62, Calgary is pretty much the same team that was playing last season. The only change was Quill who will replace Kinkaid. So except this team being one of powerhouses this season. DAVOS DYNAMO Current champs. They managed to end a 23-season cup drought which was the longest at that time. @Tyler really likes to break curses (see: Vasteras, S26). But they also had problems to solve. Aleksei, Volkov, Roux - all of them were gone due retirements. Tyler managed to find replacements, but the cap situation was not his side so I assume he will play with a lot of rookies this season before he's going to make a trade with NY that will bring Casey Jones and David Kiaskov. We will see how big change this will be for the Dynamo but either way, this team will be scary. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE Finally @Beaviss made it: his Quebec is one of real contenders this season. It wasn't an easy road, but for now we may see the Meute as the S62 champs. We may argue that Rayne is only for one season, but they didn't draft Gate without a reason. There is no doubt that this team is going to be one of TOP teams for multiple seasons. So, what about other teams? NEW YORK AMERICANS SEATTLE BEARS HELSINKI TITANS RIGA REIGN TORONTO LEGION This is the list of teams that won't compete for the championship, but two of them will play in the wildcard round. And of them will even play in the semi's...to just being destroyed by the #1 seed. But still, who has the best chance of making so far? New York is. I believe they still will have Jones and Kiaskov before they would be traded to Davos. And with McKnight plus Kingfisher in the net this team should do some damage and taking majority of points from other four listed teams. Then it's a crapshot. Helsinki has Ron and Shephard; Riga has full two offensive lines; Seattle has a balanced roster and a legit goalie and Toronto has Ironside and Malenko. Seattle could even try to snatch some players from Davos if their GM sells some, but I don't think it would happen - Bana won't throw picks away without a reason. Anyways, nobody from these teams are a real threat for the TOP 3 this season, facts. That's it and I'm out.
  13. offers: S62: 2,5M Riga wants offense! @solas
  14. Getting back to this. S62: 4 M S63: 1,5 M @Devise hope I did right this time.
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