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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Dat feeling when I have three S61 firsts
  2. We have 175+25 banked TPE limit. Keep this limit, if player passes this mark he's up next season.
  3. Welcome to the VHL! Now VHL minor team GM's will send you an offer(s) (1-2M) You did everything right.
  4. woah, YEAH is creating a player dayum

    1. Tagger


      Spoilers man cmon!

    2. hedgehog337


      nobody even saw this 100%

    3. Beketov


      S61 draft is gonna be ? load up your picks now.

  5. Then he's a VHLM forever player. or just put a 3-5 season limit to this.
  6. stop fighting and implement this instead @Will @Beketov @sterling
  7. they still think he's a new member
  8. he's @stevo, just forgot the pw
  9. I feel like this thread will be closed way before the April 15, 2018 at 06:00 PM
  10. I just want to remind @Jericho and @boubabi are teammates.
  11. Well, he still pops in at times. I guess Tyler needs to tag him gazillion times to finally re-sign him.
  12. I actually forgot about @KitRas and @ADV too. what a shame
  13. @JardyB10 @MD9 @BluObieZ all of them to Riga @Will @Beketov
  14. In before you wouldn't have enough money to re-sign him.
  15. The FA opens on Saturday. We had very mediocre free agent class in last 5-6 seasons and probably this would be boring as well. But some things are kinda surprising. 1. Why Keller still didn't re-sign with NY? - like there is any other team for Chase. He may be FA, but will be back in NY 100%. 2. Why Johnson declined his player option? - this is weird. Why he gotta leave a team he won a championship with? Is he going to NY? New team for Keaton Louth? 3. Why Toronto still didn't sell players? - Leblanc, Pablo and both Dollar players are still on Toronto. This is weird cause I thought they would be traded to other teams already. Maybe the Legion is competing again? 4. Why Boubs didn't re-sign himself and Higgins already? - once again they're ''going to FA'' to just sign with the Titans anyway. Lazy asses. 5. Why Jeff Gow still didn't re-sign with Davos? - is Flyersfan aware his GM offered him an extension like a month ago? 6. Why Riga is still a contending team? - Riga sold five players...and got five players back. There are still a lot of players but other teams aren't interested in them which makes the Reign a #5 team. S54 all over again. This was a short preview of FA and other league things. That's it and I'm out. 2 TPE goes to Krīgars.
  16. Declining a player option? Why? Is Seattle still a #1 destination? But if not? NY? What do you think about the FA class? Can Seattle repeat?
  17. you gotta wait to Friday to see his answer.
  18. and by the way, Luigi De Rossi isn't FA.
  19. Keller is FA? Johnson declined his player option? Why Toronto still didn't sell players? Why Boubs didn't re-sign himself and Higgins already? Why Jeff Gow still didn't re-sign with Davos? Why Riga is still a contending team?
  20. banned for 48 hours waiting for April 14th like
  21. Won't argue with that. Although DeGrath had even more outstanding seasons than this.
  22. Let's face it, Boubs was mad just because Krīgars got one vote. He didn't want to admit it in public so he chose DeGrath to start this. amirite
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